Short sentences of friends circle in 2022 summer hot weather (99 selected sentences)
Sunset Saturday
2023-01-28 16:53:13
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1. In summer, poisonous heat and sunshine erode the wounds that have not been healed.

2. You have to eat cold dishes quickly, or they will become hot!

3. Take heatstroke prevention medicine with you, spend summer healthily and have fun!

4. From today on, I am no longer a single dog, but a hot dog!

5. My friend, summer is coming, although the weather is hot, I would like to send you a cool blessing. I hope you will always smile, happy every moment, happy every minute!

6. It's hot in summer, pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cherish your body!

7. You are gold and I am coal. You will shine and I will heat up. Don't make me angry, or I will melt you.

8. There was no cloud in the air, a hot sun overhead, no wind, and all the trees stood listlessly.

9. The weather was extremely hot, and there was no wind. The thick air seemed to freeze.

10. I saw a piece of money on the road today. I thought about it for a long time, but I still didn't pick it up. I was afraid of scalding myself!

11. The table is too hot. The mahjong is just a good size, but it's burnt.

12. I once threatened that I would rather die of heat than freeze into a dog at the low temperature of zero. Until today, when I was heated into a dog, I realized that the promise of beauty was too young.

13. Nu Wa said she regretted that she didn't cover the sun when mending the sky last time?

14. Friend, it's hot, pay attention to rest!

15. The weather is hot like a joke, and life is like nonsense.

16. Although I didn't do anything, I was still sweating.

17. In the hot summer solstice, I wish you take care of your health and everything goes well!

18. You said, don't dress so conservatively in such a hot day!

19. The weather is hot and unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention and avoid exposure to the sun.

20. I wish my friend you happy every day and everything goes well! The weather is hot, pay attention to heatstroke prevention!

21. I saw many acquaintances on the street when I went shopping, but I didn't know any of them.

22. The most affected by the high temperature is the touch porcelain industry, which has entered the full closure!

23. I met a stranger on the street just now and became an acquaintance in a twinkling of an eye!

24. It was so hot that I had a big pimple on my face. For the first time, this hard, red and painful thing withered.

25. I am alone in a shack, but mosquitoes are attentive in the hot weather; Small trees and birds perch in front of the window, with a gloomy mood.

26. You can see the words I typed on the screen, but you can't see the tears I shed on the keyboard.

27. The days have passed quickly, and summer has arrived. In hot weather, we are anxious to catch fire. We should eat more vegetables and fruits.

28. The mat feels like an electric blanket.

29. If you lose your integrity, it will evaporate.

30. The feeling of lying in the mat is like an iron plate of beef.

31. Lying on the bed is braised in soy sauce, adding a mat is teppanyaki, getting out of bed is steamed, going out is barbecue, going to the swimming pool to be boiled, being fried raw on the way back, and returning home will be cooked again!

32. The hot weather is annoying, and the sudden rainstorm is also annoying. Seeing yourself in the mirror is annoying.

33. In hot summer, be careful of heatstroke. It's unbearable to cool down and prevent heatstroke.