After reading the bitter cultural journey
Luoshen flower
2023-09-08 03:20:55
reaction to a book or an article

In the evening, everything in the noise is calm again. In a quiet night, it's better to read books. A solitary lamp and a cup of tea are put on Yu Qiuyu's travel prose collection, Cultural Bitter Journey, to taste carefully.
After reading this book, I can feel that what beats behind the author's words is a simple, clean and honest heart, and what flows out of the pen is the experience and understanding of the long culture. The endless metaphysics of the long history can not only let me feel the truth and beauty of the culture, the passion and nature of prose, but also feel a strong sense of national responsibility. The magnificent momentum sweeping everything in the fine and dense words. I was shocked by the forceful brushwork and the heroic and slightly sad philosophical language. What makes the article written by the author able to deal with thousands of years and become proficient in ancient and modern times? It is a kind of experience, a kind of cultivation. From north to south, both inside and outside the Great Wall witnessed his vicissitudes and profound footprints. It is this kind of experience and cultivation that has created the unique artistic characteristics of Cultural Journey. I recited it attentively. Chant. Taste. chew. It seems that I have joined the travel team, and there is only one person in the whole journey, that is me. The sky is vast, and everything is so real. Yu Qiuyu is like a shadow of a tour guide. He can't touch it, but he is everywhere. He is guiding me, affecting my thoughts, and making me experience this bitter journey.
Cultural Journey led me to roam in the long river of history. In front of us, there appeared a magnificent live play that had been performed on the historical stage. One by one, great people appeared. They embodied the conscience and noble personality of Chinese culture, but most of them could not escape the tragic ending. My heart is broken! But this broken heart really understands Chinese culture. Into the pale caves. The smile of the Tang Dynasty, the clothes of the Song Dynasty, the graceful posture, and the gentle smile are no longer the same. Instead, it is the pale face with teeth and claws. This period of history is unbearable to look back on. The sense of gravity that permeates the vicissitudes of history weighs heavily on my mind. I seem to see a load of broken scriptures reluctantly but have to be carried to the car, sent to the ship, and drifted across the sea, never to return. The vast desert, want to cry without tears, want to call silent.
This is a stark contrast between East and West cultures at the beginning of the 20th century, a incisive revelation of the social reality of East and West, an unfair game of "bandits" and "cowards", and a painful mixture of "glory" and "shame"... China has so many wounds that every bloody Chinese heart bleeds for them.
Once upon a time, the great country was intoxicated with the ancient civilization of five thousand years, and many scholars were complacent; However, when the crystallization of people's painstaking efforts is handed over to others, why did some people become impassioned and stand by, and why did no one stand up and shout to stop it?
Yu Dafu once said: The nation without great figures is the most pitiful group of creatures in the world; A country with great people who do not know how to support, love and admire it is a hopeless slave country. Now, the nation without splendid culture is the most ignorant nation in the world; A country that has excellent culture but does not know how to cherish, protect and research it is a group of hopeless creatures!
Nearly a century has passed, and many things have been forgotten. However, in China, the descendants of the Chinese people cannot forget the humiliation they suffered, Dunhuang cannot forget the children who left their homes, and the motherland civilization cannot forget the brilliant cultural treasures. The initial sadness and hatred have been deeply branded in everyone's heart, which is a kind of memory, a kind of sharpening.
"Being sentimental about history will always increase the load of life, and the feeling of historical vicissitudes will lead to the feeling of life vicissitudes." This is the author's exclamation and also my inspiration. Human life is also a period of history. The road of life is winding; Looking back at the footprints left behind, it is hard to avoid feeling a little melancholy while being proud. Because no matter how brilliant you are, you will always leave one regret or another. The author trudges between mountains and rivers in order to seek the footprints of history and the soul of culture; We trudge through life to find the true meaning of life.
Put down the book, take a sip of tea, bitter, but in the water, as if a trickle flowed, a sweet fragrance rose from the stomach. Change my style and penetrate my stupidity. It turns into water and moistens the green jade in my heart.
How I wish to let time solidify and stagnate. utter not a single word. Write down the shock of the soul, the baptism of the spirit, and the sublimation of the soul in a moment. But I know my journey will not end here, because life is a bitter journey.