Talk about the circle of friends that baby writes (talk about the circle of friends that write and hair in kindergarten)
Childhood Naked Running, Middle Age Naked Marriage
2023-06-15 16:40:28
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Sincerely appreciate the beauty of preschool education, and water every hope seedling with love.

2. The clumsy bird flies first, diligence can make up for clumsiness, and love will always cast and pay unlimited.

3. You are a sensible child and will help parents solve problems. But you are always lazy, playful and careless in your study. My mother believes that you will get rid of your shortcomings and become an excellent child in all aspects.

4. The shade of children's growth; Angel of children's health; The gardener of the flowers of the motherland.

5. Kindergarten, let every family have a lively child

6. Let the child complete the basic part of the work he is engaged in, even if there will be no positive results.

7. The beautiful flowers grow up against the rising sun, and the young face shows infinite hope.

8. In real life, every great undertaking starts with confidence and takes the first step from confidence.

9. Devote yourself to your work and give your love to every child.

10. Love every child and grow up with them in the country of love.

11. New starting point, we grow in the sunshine.

12. You can rest assured that the baby is comfortable. We will give your child a perfect pre-school journey with love.

13. You grow up gradually and become more and more sensible. You should work harder in your study and life in the future! At the same time, remember Mr. Shen's message: learning needs to be unremitting and take every step firmly.

14. When you complain that students are too stupid, you should also ask yourself: What is tireless teaching.

15. May you grow up healthily, happily, and let your kindergarten life become the best beginning of your life memory.

16. The happiness of a person's life comes from his optimism for life, his diligence in work and his dedication to his career.

17. Respect and care for the self-esteem of students, and be careful as if you were dealing with the trembling dew on a rose.

18. Devote yourself to love and win the satisfaction of society, parents and children.

19. For children's teaching, the observation of true feelings is preferable to the simple description.

20. Small people have great ambitions. The competition is excellent. You and I will fight to defeat him

21. Love, smile, and be children's friends forever with the most sincere heart.

22. Education starts from the heart. We will take good care of your baby.

23. It is your expectation to give children a wonderful childhood

24. Be polite and sensible outside. I hope teachers can be strict with children. Teachers have worked hard. Thank you very much for your education and care for children.

25. The mediocrity of a well digger brings a cool spring, and the mediocrity of a teacher brings a world of peaches and plums.

26. Be a teacher and scholar in teaching; In writing, we should be scholars and teachers.

27. One day's love may bring others a lifetime of gratitude.

28. Discover the science around us, explore the mysteries of science, and make science our friend

29. Watering delicate flowers with love and holding up the sun of tomorrow with both hands.

30. Happy birthday, baby! May the joy that your birthday brings to you contain everything beautiful!

31. Kindergarten, let the seeds of joy be sown in every child's heart

32. The shade of children's growth, the angel of children's health, and the gardener of the motherland's flowers.

33. Respect children and do not rush to judge them for good or bad.

34. New hope, sunshine of love, we grow up together with children

35. Glittering, small light shines on me.

36. When you see children, you also see yourself. To educate children is to educate ourselves.

37. I am a gardener and my children are seedlings. I would like to use my hard sweat to water the seedlings of hope.

38. Always look at students with appreciation and always face students with tolerance.

39. All for children, all for children, all for children

40. The road of life does not need to be demanding. As long as you take steps, the road will extend under your feet; As long as you set sail, the wind will blow from all directions. When we set out, human life really begins; When we set out, human wisdom can be brought into play.

41. Be down-to-earth and honest, and be a preschool teacher with both ability and integrity.

42. It is your expectation and our responsibility to give children a wonderful childhood

43. Exchange love for children's happiness and sincerity for parents' trust.

44. Kindergarten, a happy home for children, is an ideal starting point.

45. Everything begins with action. Action can enrich life, action can find mistakes, and action can lead to success.