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2023-04-30 18:08:57
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. It's not terrible to get hurt in love, because you've been hurt countless times, which may be the preparation for the final happiness. When you are ready, there will be the most suitable person and life, waiting for the best of you.

2. You should spend more time to know yourself rather than spend so much time to know friends who are nothing to do; Don't judge me rashly. You only know my name, but you don't know my story.

3. No text messages, no phone calls, no messages, no good morning and good night, well, dear, you are really busy.

4. Don't entangle the love you can't catch, don't care about the passers-by you can't keep, don't be more honest about the memories you can't forget, and don't stay in the warm heart.

5. Don't keep what you can't keep. People who don't love you would rather dig it out from their hearts than ask for it; Some people can stay in the memory and accompany you to the end, while others can only pass by your memory.

6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

7. I was afraid that someone would tell me "I'll tell you something", and my heart would beat faster when I saw it. In contemporary society, the typing speed is already so fast. It is recommended that everyone should speak frankly. The most terrible thing is that it is pending.

8. If you live in the applause of others, you are most likely to lose yourself; In the care of others, you are most likely to weaken yourself.

9. The biggest difference between human beings and animals is that human beings have seven emotions and six desires, as well as emotions and sorrows. If we lose these instincts, it is better for an animal to live freely.

10. I would rather be displaced and helpless than force you to live unhappily by my side.

11. Time goes by, and decay only touches the skin; If you give up enthusiasm, decadence will lead to your soul.

12. One person's love cannot be hidden. When one person really likes another person, he wants to express his love all the time, driven by a desire to let the world know.

13. The so-called superfluous, just like the Pushan in winter, the cotton padded jacket in summer, and your hospitality after my heart is cold.

14. May your love not be settled; May those who love you be attracted to you, not those who have been counting on you for a long time. May your love be simple and sincere.

15. Keep the injured hair, keep the weight of about 100 kg, take care of the picky stomach, and call a friend who can talk nonsense all the way; Find a gentle dream for your tired life, and then say goodbye to the past sadness thoroughly. This is what you need to do next.

16. When you can't stand it, you can say "I'm tired" to yourself, but never admit in your heart that "I can't"; Don't ask others if something you like looks good. Like is better than all truth. The principle is not equal to Lao Tzu's willingness.

17. Love, you want to take care of her, afraid of her injury, afraid of her sadness, as long as she orders, no matter what can be solved, you want to stay with her.

18. We didn't know each other from the beginning to the end. In the story of death, you still owe me a treasure, but I won't say goodbye. I hope you live well and let me know nothing.

19. The way I have always been good at self-protection is that once I detect the cold attitude of the other party, I will consciously avoid it and never think about the relationship.

20. Don't become another person just because you are injured. Be yourself and keep smiling. Maybe your problem will be solved.

21. Listen to others and trust their behavior at the beginning; Now, we should not only listen to what he said, but also observe his behavior.

22. Keep your injured hair, maintain a double-digit weight, take care of your picky stomach, make a friend who can talk nonsense all the way, and find a gentle dream for your tired life.

23. There is one kind of singleness, that is to say, we prefer to be absent rather than excessive, and there is another kind of singleness just for waiting for someone. We used to chat every day, but now we don't seem to know each other at all.

24. If you can't bear it, release it. If you can't accept it, reject it. Learn to be silent and live with your heart.

25. I want more, want to grasp more firmly, but when I hurt my palm, everything slipped away carelessly.