99 slogans of Food Safety Publicity Week
Wandering Alone
2023-05-03 13:16:27
Complete set of slogans

1. Abide by the law, be honest and serve the people.

2. Healthy life, safe diet.

3. Learn the law and know the law, cherish health.

4. Everyone is responsible for food safety.

5. Food safety and people's health.

6. Make conscience food and create an honest enterprise.

7. Students should be healthy and food should be safe.

8. Open your mouth and enjoy yourself. Don't forget about safety.

9. The initial model of food is vital to human life.

10. Food safety is more important than Mount Tai.

11. The diet should be hygienic and the food should be safe.

12. Grasp the common sense of medicine and grasp the wonderful life.

13. A better life starts with food hygiene.

14. Self inspection and mutual inspection to ensure zero defect of products.

15. Focus on quality from the source to ensure food safety.

16. Strengthen supervision according to law to ensure food safety.

17. Production and operation according to law to ensure food quality.

18. Ensure food safety and accept social supervision.

19. Ensure food safety and build a harmonious home together.

20. Advocate integrity management and establish integrity system.

21. Jointly build an honest home and create food safety.

22. Pay attention to food safety and share a healthy life.

23. Adhere to the people-oriented principle and ensure food safety.

24. Enhance the sense of integrity and provide safe food.

25. Establish an integrity system to ensure food safety.

26. Love food safety and build a harmonious campus.

27. Reject false advertisements of medicine and health food.

28. Promote healthy life and pay attention to food safety.

29. Food safety is difficult without environmental friendliness.

30. Scientific understanding of food, reasonable diet and health care.

31. To maintain food safety, we should start with you and me.

32. Don't covet cheap pork to ensure life safety.

33. Identify the sick and dead pork and prevent disease from entering by mouth.

34. Make it convenient for people to buy medicine and feel at ease when taking medicine.

35. Honest and law-abiding operation to ensure food safety.

36. Adopt advanced standards to improve food quality.

37. If one person neglects and another is busy, it will be more comfortable to do a good inspection.

38. Strictly control food safety and enjoy building a healthy and happy bridge.

39. Frequent inspection and strict control, food safety is more important than mountains.

40. The country is prosperous and the people are safe. Food safety is a major event.

41. Students' interests are not trivial, but food safety is a major issue.

42. Safe food connects thousands of families, and food safety depends on everyone.

43. One less food hazard and one more life safety.

44. Insist on inspection and detection and never let go of any problem.

45. My home in the beautiful port city, food safety depends on everyone.

46. There is no trivial matter in the interests of the masses. Food safety is a major event.

47. Implement the main responsibility of enterprises to ensure food safety.

48. Attention shall be paid to the mobilization production, and cleanliness and hygiene shall be maintained.

49. Food safety is strictly controlled, and the responsibility of caring for life is like a mountain.

50. Food safety should be paid attention to and a harmonious society should be created.

51. Food safety is no trivial matter, and public health is a major event.

52. Food safety is guaranteed and green consumption enjoys health.

53. Strengthen food supervision and inspection to ensure food quality.

54. Strict food market access and standardized food operation.

55. Everyone cares about food safety and everyone enjoys a healthy life.

56. Fully strengthen supervision and resolutely protect food safety.

57. Pay attention to food and drug safety and strengthen self-protection awareness.

58. Work together to ensure food safety and ensure people's health.

59. Eat more vegetables, fruits and melons to keep everyone healthy.

60. Implement the food safety project to promote the harmonious development of society.

61. Carry out food safety rectification to ensure people's food safety.

62. Give more safety to food and more security to life.

63. The quality of medicine and equipment is related to life, and supervision and management are related to thousands of families.

64. To gain a share of knowledge, to be reassured, and to accumulate a share of social morality and refuse to be evil hearted.

65. Everyone cares about food safety, and everyone can rest assured of safe food.

66. Everyone participates in food safety and benefits from a healthy life.

67. We create food safety together, and share harmony and health with everyone.

68. Joint supervision of food safety, health and harmony benefit everyone.

69. Joint supervision of food safety benefits everyone in terms of health and safety.

70. Everyone is responsible for food supervision and has long cherished the wish of consumer safety.

71. Ensure food and drug safety and build a new socialist countryside.

72. People's quality food should be consistent with people's quality. People's livelihood and life are linked.

73. Healthy life means thousands of families, and food safety guarantees the peace of the country and the people.

74. Implement the food safety project to promote coordinated economic and social development.

75. Hand in hand to ensure food safety, heart to heart to build a harmonious home.

76. Hand in hand to build food safety, heart to heart to build harmony and peace.

77. Eliminate the use of illegal additives and standardize the use of food additives.

78. Thoroughly implement the Food Safety Law and strive to build a new healthy home.

79. Legal supervision and safety guarantee; Eaters have no worries, drinkers have no worries.

80. The common aspiration of food safety and the harmonious and happy home of society.

81. Food safety concerns us, and safe food benefits thousands of families.

82. Strengthen food safety supervision in rural areas and build a new socialist countryside.

83. Everyone cares about food and drug safety, and every family enjoys a happy and healthy life.

84. Everyone attaches importance to the quality of food and drugs, and everyone cares about food and drug safety.

85. It is better to have good food safety, and it is the most expensive for gold, silver, and gold to have safe life.

86. Hand in hand to control the food quality, and heart to heart to guard the food safety door.

87. Everyone is responsible for maintaining food safety, and everyone participates in combating crimes.

88. Take food safety rectification as the carrier, and comprehensively implement the Food Safety Law.

89. Carry out major rectification of food safety and eliminate potential risks in the embryonic stage.

90. Use severe punishment to crack down on illegal and criminal acts in the food field.

91. Food is the most important thing for people, safety is the first thing to eat, safety is based on quality, and honesty is the root of quality.

92. Implement the Food Safety Law to safeguard public health and life safety.

93. Carry out food safety rectification and crack down on the illegal acts of manufacturing and selling fake and inferior food.

94. Deeply carry out major food safety inspection, major troubleshooting and major rectification activities.

95. We will severely crack down on the illegal act of using fake food as real food and processing non food raw materials to produce food.

96. Cracking down on the illegal operation of uninspected pork and earnestly safeguarding the basic rights of people's health.

97. Seven things to do when opening the door: firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. When purchasing food: quality and safety first.

98. Carry out special rectification of food safety, and crack down on illegal and criminal acts of manufacturing and selling fake and inferior food.

99. Build a "firewall" for food safety to support the "umbrella" for public health