Happy Mid Autumn Festival Sentences Short Mid Autumn Festival Sentences (Selected 21 Sentences)
Beaming with Joy
2023-07-12 12:49:04
Blessing words

1. Your mobile phone has been equipped with the function of buying moon cakes since today. Please dial the delivery dial for reservation. If you have any questions, please contact our center. Website: Sanda will not slip away! Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival in advance!

2. It is another year with yellow leaves and cool autumn rain. It's hard to work all day long. Don't forget to dress in the cool weather. Take care of your health, eat more meals and cherish your friendship. Happy Mid Autumn Festival, family reunion!

3. The moon is round on the 15th day of the Mid Autumn Festival. Family reunion, happy to meet, the whole family is happy like the New Year. The moon cake is beautiful, fragrant and sweet, with good wishes inside. Although you don't want to send Chanjuan for thousands of miles, the best wishes will still appear. Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

4. The moon is round, the flowers are more fragrant, take care of your health; Fish are swimming and birds are chirping. May you laugh every day; Book in hand, wine in the cup, good luck every day! More joy, less sorrow. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

5. The moon is full, the family is full, the people are full, the things are full, the country and the family are harmonious, the people and the things are harmonious and beautiful. I wish the whole family happiness and happiness!

6. A bright moon brings infinite yearning; a piece of moon cake brings family reunion; a voice of care brings our hearts together; a voice of love brings our hearts together; a hug brings us gratitude; along the way, you are around; together, we will work hard for a better tomorrow! May the Mid Autumn Festival be happy!

7. I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival and a full moon. Everything goes well with one's heart. I wish the whole family happiness and happiness!

8. Here comes the decree! The emperor made an imperial edict; As the Mid Autumn Festival is approaching, we will give you a red envelope with happiness, happiness, youth and smile. I hope you can enjoy the happiness and smile. Here!

9. As the Mid Autumn Festival is approaching, send a moon cake with five grams of happy dates, a handful of care rice, three dollars of friendship water, tied up with humor and conveyed by mobile phone; Shelf life: before August 15 of the lunar calendar; Saving method: press the Save key.

10. Mid Autumn Festival, full moon, make a wish round and round; Yen, full moon, round and round; Official sources, financial resources, both sides; Popularity, source of happiness, continuous flow; Sincerely wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

11. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the National Day holiday is coming. Send to you: always happy, always lucky stars, year after year safe charm, every year healthy!

12. When the moon was full last year, the lanterns were as bright as day; On the top of the willow, about dusk. When the moon is full this year, the moon and the light are still there; No last year, tears wet spring sleeves.

13. The moon is especially bright on the Mid Autumn Festival. I send my love with the bright moon. You are the bright moon shining on my heart. I will always be the star of blind date. I wish my body and mind health. Happy every day.

14. The moon is full, but no one is here! I only wish that the end of the world will fall together, and I will never grow old when I meet you! Heaven and earth have the right to be the object of love. Someone in Guanghan Palace has invited you!

15. Worry follows the wind, blowing into the sky, happiness becomes the wind, blowing head-on. Tao Shun, people Shun, everything Shun, hello, hello, everyone. Happy Mid Autumn Festival.

16. The breeze brings my blessing, the moon brings my greetings, sends you a little wind, and presents you a wisp of moon. The wind and moon are boundless, the world is affectionate, and the Mid Autumn Festival is happy!

17. Far away from home, I haven't gathered yet, but I invite the bright moon to convey my love. The full moon wine is a blessing to both the United States and the whole sky.

18. Laughter is good for life; Those who love crying are worried. Destiny cannot dominate, but you and I can pick up the color of life. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

19. In this day of reunion, may happiness come to you, good luck close to you, happiness accompany you, career accompany you, love chase you, success wait for you, money looks for you, and I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival.

20. On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, I invited guests to the Moon Palace to prepare a sumptuous dinner: steamed and romantic, braised in soy sauce, boiled and reunited, fried Happy Cake, sincere and sweet soup, very happy, warm and happy wine. Please come.

21. I will make two mooncakes with my heart. One is for you to wish you a happy holiday and everything goes well. The other is for myself to wish that I know you.