110 slogans for food enterprises
A small leather hammer
2023-03-28 03:16:36
Complete set of slogans

1. Food safety, health, thousands of families.

2. Food safety is a national action.

3. Food safety is a mountain of responsibility.

4. People oriented to ensure food safety.

5. People oriented, ensure food safety.

6. Ensure food safety and build a great wall of health.

7. Students should be healthy and food should be safe.

8. Open your mouth and enjoy yourself. Don't forget about safety.

9. If you want to eat the fresh food in the world, remember it safely.

10. Food is the most important thing for people, and safety is the first thing to eat.

11. To maintain food safety, we should start from you and me.

12. Self inspection and mutual inspection to ensure zero defect of products.

13. The products are strictly inspected, and the quality is naturally better.

14. Focus on management from the source to ensure food safety.

15. Focus on quality from the source to ensure food safety.

16. Promote the economy of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and create a green home.

17. Ensure food safety and jointly build a harmonious society.

18. Ensure food safety and build an economically strong province.

19. No mistakes can be accepted, and move forward to zero defects.

20. Pay attention to food safety and build a harmonious society.

21. Adhere to the people-oriented principle and ensure food safety.

22. Establish and improve the system to ensure food safety.

23. Pay attention to food safety and build a harmonious society.

24. Choose and buy safe food, and eat healthy.

25. Food is about life, and safety is more important than Mount Tai.

26. Food safety is gold, and people's health is happiness.

27. Health is the first priority for a well-off society, and safe medication is the best way to ensure health.

28. Food safety is indispensable if you want to stay healthy until old age.

29. Strictly control the food safety and enjoy building a healthy and happy bridge.

30. Administer according to law and improve the level of food safety supervision.

31. The quality inspection is carried out strictly, and the good quality is assured.

32. Study and implement the Food Safety Law.

33. Safe food connects thousands of families, and food safety depends on everyone.

34. There are thousands of safe food companies, and food safety depends on everyone.

35. Upholding morality and abiding by law, improving food safety governance capability.

36. Establish a food safety system to ensure the health of thousands of families.

37. If you want to have zero defects in the product, it is inevitable to do a good inspection.

38. Food safety is indispensable if you want to live a healthy life.

39. Ensure food safety and make everyone happy and healthy.

40. The incoming material inspection is in accordance with the standard, and the food safety is guaranteed.

41. Social governance, work together to safeguard food safety.

42. Beautiful Yuyao My home, food safety depends on everyone.

43. My home in beautiful Xining, food safety depends on everyone.

44. Implement the main responsibility of enterprises to ensure food safety.

45. There should be no shortage of vegetables, melons and fruits. Milk and eggs are nutritious.

46. Solve outstanding problems and improve food safety.

47. Food safety should be paid attention to and a harmonious society should be created.

48. Talk about food safety every day and enjoy a healthy life every year.

49. Food Safety Law, the Basic Law of Food Safety Supervision.

50. Food safety is the responsibility of thousands of families, and supervision and management depend on everyone.

51. Complete supervision of food safety and healthy life.

52. Safe travel of food and drugs, healthy life.

53. Food and drug supervision, healthy life together.

54. The major rectification of food safety does not go through the motions and leave no dead space.

55. Everyone cares about food safety and everyone enjoys a healthy life.

56. Produce and operate in good faith according to law and consciously maintain food safety.

57. Fully strengthen supervision and resolutely protect food safety.

58. Jointly build a happy and honest home and forge a food safety defense line.

59. Pay attention to food and drug safety and strengthen self-protection awareness.

60. Work together to ensure food safety and ensure people's health.

61. Enhance food safety awareness and improve the physical fitness of the whole people.

62. Enhance the awareness of food safety and improve the physical quality of teachers and students.

63. Eat more vegetables, fruits and melons to keep everyone healthy.

64. Learn common sense of food safety and develop scientific eating habits.

65. Implement the food safety project to promote the harmonious development of society.

66. Eat less junk food and enjoy a happy life for more than one year.

67. Improve food safety awareness and participate in food safety supervision.

68. Improve the food consumption environment and standardize food sales.

69. Popularize common sense of food safety and establish a scientific diet culture.

70. Be honest and refuse to be evil, buy a piece of food and ask for peace of mind.

71. Group prevention and control of food safety, and crack down on crimes.

72. Quality is the partner of success and the guarantee of inspector's quality.

73. Don't buy food cheaply. Pay attention to health and safety at all times.

74. To gain a share of knowledge, to seek peace of mind, and to accumulate a share of social morality and refuse to be evil hearted.

75. We create food safety together, and share harmony and health with everyone.

76. Joint supervision of food safety, health and harmony benefit everyone.

77. Joint supervision of food safety benefits everyone in terms of health and safety.

78. Everyone is responsible for food supervision and has long cherished the wish of consumer safety.

79. Food quality is related to life, and supervision and management are related to thousands of families.

80. Implement the Food Safety Law and promote the healthy development of the food industry.

81. Food producers and operators are the first responsible person for food safety.

82. Strict thinking, strict operation, strict inspection and serious verification.

83. There is no trivial matter in the interests of the people. Food and drug safety is a major issue.

84. Healthy life involves thousands of families, and food safety ensures the peace of the country and the people.

85. Strengthen monitoring, reduce risk, taste and safety.

86. Implement the food safety assurance project to promote the harmonious development of Zhejiang.

87. Hand in hand to build food safety, heart to heart to build harmony and peace.

88. Food, people's character, everyone's character, food, people and harmony.

89. Food safety is your right, and it is your obligation to comply with the law.

90. Food safety is the source of life; Strict supervision is the foundation of harmony.

91. Eaters are free, drinkers are free, supervision is legal, and safety is guaranteed.

92. It is strictly prohibited to abuse food additives and forge food labels.

93. A batch of typical demonstrations, a batch of crackdowns, and a batch of rectification and standardization.

94. Strengthen food safety supervision in rural areas and build a new socialist countryside.

95. Focus on food safety and create a harmonious society.

96. Everyone cares about food and drug safety, and every family enjoys a happy and healthy life.

97. Comprehensively implement the food safety project to promote harmonious economic and social development.

98. Safe food is for you, for me, and for him. Food safety depends on you and me.

99. Work together to create food safety and build a harmonious home with mutual help and love.

100. Work together to build food safety and share a healthy life.

101. Work together to strengthen food safety and build a beautiful home.

102. Focus on hygiene, people's health and prosperity, and pay attention to quality food safety and benefit the future.

103. Carry out major rectification of food safety and eliminate potential risks in the embryonic stage.

104. Take both the root cause and the root cause, and build a long-term mechanism for food safety supervision.

105. Use severe punishment to crack down on illegal and criminal acts in the food field.

106. Strictly crack down on illegal acts of private slaughtering, processing of water injected meat and diseased meat.

107. The Food Safety Law is the code of conduct for food production, operation and catering units.

108. Food Safety Law, basis for law enforcement, code of conduct, and health protection.

109. We will crack down on illegal food additives and strengthen the supervision of food additives.

110. We will severely crack down on the illegal act of using fake food as real food and processing non food raw materials to produce food.