Impressions of China Science and Technology Museum
A genial wind
2023-09-14 20:21:35
Junior 1
impressions of after reading

The newly completed China Science and Technology Museum, shaped like a giant magic cube, is located in the central area of Beijing's National Olympic Park. The museum is divided into five theme exhibition halls: "Science Paradise", "Light of China", "Exploration and Discovery", "Science and Technology and Life", and "Challenge and Future". There are public space exhibition areas and four special effect cinemas, including the giant screen theater, the dynamic theater, and the 4D theater.
The first floor of the new museum is the place with the most "large-scale" exhibits in the science and technology museum. Entering from the east gate, visitors will see the science popularization corridor, a complex mechanical device "mechanical melody" composed of various gears, connecting rods, cylinders, pistons, etc; Entering from the south gate, it is the world's largest indoor sculpture "Life Spiral" with a height of 47 meters... The first impression of the Huaxia Light Exhibition Hall on the first floor of the new pavilion is "pride". The exhibition hall of Huaxia Light is the only one in China that comprehensively introduces the achievements of ancient Chinese science and technology. The whole exhibition uses various advanced display means and information technology to transform ancient scientific and technological relics and literature records into movable models and interactive exhibits, so that people can understand the structure and principle of ancient inventions in their own experience and operation. Taosi Ancient Observatory, water spinning machine and other special exhibits can let us experience the creation of our ancestors, understand the structure and principle of ancient inventions.
The theme exhibition hall of exploration and discovery on the second floor of the new museum is divided into Hall A and Hall B. There are 166 exhibition items and 220 exhibits in total. It is divided into eight exhibition areas, namely, the wonder of the universe, the wonder of matter, the law of motion, and the rhyme of sound. Talk with "Mendeleev" to show the discovery process of the periodic law of elements;
"Small Ball Travel Record" of self-designed small ball movement route; Swinging on the swing can also help you learn the "resonance swing" of knowledge... Among the several exhibition items experienced, the exhibition item "looking for yourself" connected by comprehensive multidisciplinary high-tech biometric technology impressed visitors most. The exhibition, in the form of mechanical interaction, video demonstration, phantom imaging and other forms of expression, builds an exhibition framework around several important directions of scientific exploration, designs exhibition items according to the principle of "questions are more important than answers, process is more important than results, and methods are more important than knowledge", and uses a combination of various exhibition means to create a scientific practice scene of exploration and discovery.
The Technology and Life Exhibition Hall is located on the third floor of the new hall. It is divided into six theme exhibition areas, namely, the foundation of food and clothing, the road to health, the way to home, the bridge of information, the bridge of transportation, and the bridge of machinery, with about 300 exhibits. The exhibition hall takes the clothing, food, housing and transportation of people's life as the whole theme, with a diversified, situational and artistic exhibition form. It not only focuses on the huge improvement of social life brought by the development of science and technology, but also shows the exploration and efforts of human beings to meet common challenges, so that people can think and understand in the visit and experience, and feel the benefits of scientific and technological innovation for human beings
The Challenge and Future Exhibition Hall is located on the fourth floor of the new pavilion, and is divided into seven exhibition areas, including Earth Narration, Energy World, Ocean Development, and Space Exploration, with 138 exhibits in total. Based on the clue of "Challenge - Solution - Future", the exhibition hall draws people's attention to sustainable development with major challenges facing the world, and encourages the public to actively respond to challenges and create a harmonious future through the display of the overall architecture and consistency from challenge to future. For example, through a large three-dimensional sand table, visitors can intuitively see the changes brought about by climate change in China.
During this visit to the Science and Technology Museum, I learned a lot about the mysteries of the world. I really hope to go there again to learn more.