Words and sentences about mood
Noon sun
2023-03-03 07:43:58

1. Explanation: Feel happy and comforted.

2. Origin: Song Yu of the Warring States Period "Ode to Goddess": "Let's not separate them with Ran Nuo, sigh and sigh." "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty · Biography of Yuan Shao": "When I heard that there were people who lamented and frosted, and cried and collapsed the city." Lao She's "Camel Xiangzi" 12: "Only hungry birds and people who have no way out know what is called lamentation."

3. Source: In the volume of Pinghua in the Book of the Former Han Dynasty: "[Madam Qi] thought: My son is happy with King Zhao, how can I know I suffer! When I was hating the empress dowager, I suddenly heard the voice of wild geese crying sadly." Liang Bin's "Red Flag Manual" 1: "[Yan Laoxiang] listened to the children crying sadly and walked into the hut step by step."

4. Origin: Brother A was upset when he heard it—— New Ode to Yutai · Ancient Poems for Jiao Zhongqing's Wife

5. Origin: The Long Song of the Three Kingdoms Emperor Wei Ming: "It is in vain to sigh about harmony, and it is tragic to hurt people's feelings." Yan Zhitui of the Northern Qi Dynasty "Yan Family Motto - Ethics": "Rite" says, 'I am not happy on the death day', because I feel extremely disappointed, pathetic and boring, so I do not accept foreign guests and ignore public affairs. I must be able to be miserable and self righteous, and what is limited to deep hiding. "

6. Source: Lu Xun's "Graves Written Behind the Graves": "Of course, the electric lights are brilliant, but somehow a light sorrow suddenly attacked my heart." Duanmu Hongliang's "Horqin Banner Grassland" 1: "[She] mixed a kind of sympathetic pity with the sorrow of her own life experience."

7. Example: True benevolence is not kindness to good beings, but compassion to evil beings

8. Explanation: Mourning or wailing.

9. Example: Overwhelmed with grief. Jia Yi's On Accumulation: "The accumulation of public and private goods can still be lamented."

10. Explanation: Negative views on the world. Relatively optimistic. Today also refers to disappointment

11. We should have the simplest life and the most distant dream, even if tomorrow is cold and the road is long.

12. I'm glad that he trusted me and made me the first person to know his secret. He is a boy who likes boys. In those years, when I was lonely and sad to miss him, he was the same, even more difficult, and missed another person who could not be reached.

13. Novelty, foreign style, elegance, dressing notes, watch, play, coach, survey, enthusiasm, euphemism, modesty, sarcasm, praise, comfort, cunning, wit, satisfaction, depression, anger, loss, depression, sadness and compassion

14. Explanation: I am in a happy mood.

15. Origin: It is also called "Xishuo". "Wu Zi Tu Guo": "The people of Xia were happy when Tang attacked Jie; Zhou Wu attacked Zhou, but the people of Yin were not."

16. I have seen your most affectionate face and the softest smile. In the hot and cold world, the lamp gives me the ability to linger and love while walking

17. Origin: Han Dynasty · Xunyue's Han Dynasty · Emperor Xuandi's Four Disciplines: "A thousand years later, you will be happy."

18. You won't forget me. You don't need to forget me. I am so light for you. You can eat me like cotton candy on Sunday afternoon from time to time to adjust the taste of life. When you are alone, you will miss me, miss my obsession with you, think: I met a warm woman.

19. I want to trust a person, very much.

20. Explanation: pleasure; Pleasant: talk happily, feel happy, and live happily.

21. Explanation: It means very happy.