Reflections on Reading Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering
Let go with a smile
2023-11-12 12:48:56
high school
reaction to a book or an article

In this unique collection of Lu Xun's essays, The Morning Flowers and the Evening Gather, I felt that Lu Xun was reviewing his long journey of life. From his happy and confused childhood, to his study and a series of events in his youth, he gradually grasped justice, and then to his more powerful life in middle age, all of which made me feel that Lu Xun's "magnificent" past.
Among the ten stories in Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering, the feelings of memory are different. Dog, Cat, Mouse records Lu Xun's likes and dislikes of cats and mice in his childhood; "A Chang and" The Classic of Mountains and Rivers "recalls the simple and kind-hearted nanny and mother in childhood; "Twenty four Filial Piety" strongly attacked the absurd and ignorant feudal filial piety in the chaotic society at that time; The Five Rampant Fairs recalls Lu Xun's experience of watching a temple fair when he was a child; "Impermanence" vividly describes the living "impermanence" in the countryside during the God Greeting Game. From Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore recalls Lu Xun's innocent and happy childhood and happy days in Sanwei Bookstore; "Father's Disease" expresses resentment against this social phenomenon of quackery and error in describing the treatment process of father's illness; "Trivia" describes the author's experience of studying in Nanjing when he was young; Mr. Fujino misses Mr. Fujino, Lu Xun's teacher when he was studying in Japan, and records the process of the author abandoning medicine and taking up literature; Fan Ainong recalled and mourned Fan Ainong, the best friend of his youth. Read carefully, each article has its unique flavor and unusual experience.