Active life copy (positive and hard working copy)
No ending
2023-04-15 10:08:03
Complete sentences

1. Why am I alone? Because I listened to my "will"

2. One day, I will also let go of my persistence and reluctance and live a new life without you with a little regret.

3. Anything that confuses you enough will destroy you. Softness of heart is a disease, love is fatal; People are really inexplicable fate. You can't sleep at night because you are tossing and turning for one person, and that person is fascinated by others.

4. Happiness is that you stick to what you should stick to, give up what you should give up, cherish what you have now, and do not regret what you have decided. As long as you live, you should live in the best way.

5. Where there is a comprehensive plan in life, and where there is a great achievement in one move, we should start from little by little. If we try, we have a 50% chance of success. If we don't try, we have to sit on our laurels. Therefore, putting aside affectation and taking action is the absolute principle.

6. In real life, many people are very tired and unhappy. In fact, as long as people live in this world, they will have many troubles.

7. If you leave a place, the scenery does not belong to you; If you miss someone, that person will have nothing to do with you.

8. Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, and people always have a period of time to learn to grow up on their own. Life is so ironic that a person can really become the person he used to hate.

9. A country should have the morale, an army should have the morale, and a person should have the backbone. '

10. In the days with you, I love you more and more, and I love myself more and more.

11. One cannot make the same mistake twice. The second time, it is no longer a mistake, it is your choice.

12. You are so angry and aggrieved after hearing this. You have cried for a long time without talking to your mother.

13. Once, I wanted to share all my secrets with you, but now, you have become my secret.

14. Maybe I really want to say goodbye to the past. I book a ticket to Beijing by accident, and I met him by accident.

15. Don't waste time on bad people and bad things. Time is so urgent. You should pay more attention to yourself.

16. Life is about living beautifully! No matter who you are, you'd rather be a loser than an ordinary person who is content with the status quo! The purpose of shipbuilding is not to stay in the harbor, and the purpose of life is not to stay at home! Life is like a stage, until the curtain call, you will never know how wonderful you are.

17. A woman's face is not seen closely, and a man's heart is not seen carefully. Some people, close to the body, the heart is far away.

18. Later, I thought that we could never meet again. In order to forget her, I began to fall in love at random and buried her in my heart.

19. Don't ask why you are in love. Willingness is the best answer; Fate is the best test when wind and rain come.

20. Most of the time, I dug a hole myself and jumped into it without hesitation. I dug the hole myself, jumped into it myself, and finally I could not climb out.

21. No matter what age you are, I think we should learn to be gentle with the people around us, at least not to block others by saying things, because you may not know that language really has a magical power, which will make the people you love love you, and also let the people who love you decide to leave you.

22. I put down my dignity, personality and stubbornness, all because I can't put you down.

23. Destiny is always not what people want, but it is often in countless pains, contradictions and hardships that people mature.

24. When you meet someone who can talk, you think you are a bosom friend; When you see a smiling face, you think it is a good person; When I hear your praise, I think it is true; After being hurt, I understand that things are not as simple as you think. The so-called bosom friend is actually malicious, and the so-called good person is just playing tricks on the spot.