After the May Day holiday, let's talk about it in the circle of friends (May Day is suitable for people to talk about it in the circle of friends)
To grieve alone when things and people change
2023-04-05 19:11:06
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Happy "May Day", relax, enter the nature, and enjoy the body and mind; Relaxed "May Day" sweet, family and friends gathering, warm body and mind; Happy May Day, warm and romantic, happy body and mind! Wish you a happy Labor Day!

2. When we get together on May Day, happiness comes first, we should have a good rest, take care of our body, work and relax, feel comfortable, enjoy the holiday, relax in the end, do not often contact, but in the bottom of our hearts, a message, the truth. May you have a happy May Day!

3. The hardest work makes me feel sick. Who knows the knot in his heart? Let's greet each other. May Day, put down your work, take a holiday for your mood, move your happiness home, and talk about confidants. May you have a good laugh!

4. Greeting the Eighteen Bend, May Day wishes you nine times in a row, good luck in the row, and live in the Gold and Silver Stronghold. I wish you happiness and jewel beach. Simple affection, sincere heart, wish you all the best. happy International Workers ' Day!

5. For that beautiful wish, I have trekked through the barren marshland for many years! Now it has finally come true! On May Day, I look forward to seeing you!

6. Fantasy, ideal, dream, dreams come true; Public affairs, private affairs, matters of mind, everything is satisfactory; The road to wealth, transportation and life is smooth; Sunny days, cloudy days, rainy days, good mood every day! I wish you a happy Labor Day!

7. Hear, think, do, smell, eat, hear, people, hands, say, do, get, the day is up, time is up, Labor Day is coming, I hope my blessing is the first to arrive, I wish you a happy Labor Day!

8. On Labor Day, come to work together, take the happiness shovel, get rid of the worry silk, swing the happiness hoe, cut off the sorrow grass, wave the wishful axe, cut down the sad branches, May Day wish you happiness, happiness, and May Day happiness!

9. Labor Day reminds you that labor is valuable and rest is more expensive. Carry forward the spirit of rest and adhere to the principle of combining labor and servitude. Happiness comes from health and peace, and happiness comes from love. Realize the dream of SMS and achieve the goal of blessing. happy International Workers ' Day!

10. The rain says the sky will cry, the rose says love will wither; Farewell says loneliness is tasteless, coffee says living is used to bitterness; I said only friends are the most precious. happy International Workers ' Day.

11. If you are industrious or not, what you say will not count, but what others say will count; Labor is not labor, today you have the final say, and others have the final say; Blessing or not, no one says it, only I say it. May Day wants you to be happy!

12. Birds chirp, flowers laugh, Labor Day has come; The breeze blows, the sun shines, and all work troubles are thrown away; The willow catkins are floating, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, and the dull life changes its appearance; Message to, bless around, wish you happy May Day holiday.

13. Labor and people, people and labor, these are the parents of all truths. Suhomlinski.

14. Looking forward to Labor Day, busy work will end in a break. The nerves need not be strained too tightly, and the body and mind will relax more harmoniously. Be happy after work, and dress up the new world with both hands. Have a good mood every day, and always thank life! happy International Workers ' Day!

15. The national legal holidays can be canceled. I don't know what the relationship between holidays and gelatin is. There is no holiday on May Day, and there is no rest on Saturday and Sunday. It is unreasonable.

16. The spring outside the window is bright and beautiful, and the wind makes the flowers intoxicated. May Day blessings should be passed: I wish you good health, II wish you happiness and no worries, III wish you high promotion, IV wish you get rich and become rich, and V wish you good luck. Blessings have been sent!

17. I would like to make a wish: if you are a meteor, I will catch up with you; if you are a satellite, I will wait for you; if you are a star, I will fall in love with you; unfortunately... if you are an orangutan, I can only see you in the zoo! Alas! What a pity!

18. When you come here, I will give you five ones: to gain a great achievement, to get a soaring promotion, to operate with a huge profit, to enjoy the ease once and for all, and to have the courage to make a final decision. happy International Workers ' Day!

19. Because of labor, wealth flows; Because of labor, culture is brilliant; Because of labor, human beings have evolved; Because of labor, society can progress; Because of labor, May Day rest, I wish happy May Day!

20. To become rich through labor, I hope you can make a lot of money; Glorious labor, I wish you great success; Labor is the most beautiful. May you be happy and intoxicated. May Day, I wish you happiness forever.

21. Labor is the soul of human beings. Both physical and mental labor are the most glorious! Shame on not working! Love of labor is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. I wish you every day with your hard work and every day with your harvest. happy International Workers ' Day!

22. Labor is the source of all happiness and good things in the world, and labor is the most reliable wealth. Because of labor, human society has been constantly developing.

23. Labor brings us everything! Celebrate Labor Day and welcome the Red May! Wish you a happy Labor Day! May all your wishes come true! Happy work! I will always support you!

24. Study hard, work hard and live hard. Enjoy the sunshine, rain and dew, and bathe in the intoxicating spring breeze. When May Day arrives, walk into the heart station, relax your body and mind, reward yourself, and accept a blessing from your heart!

25. The whole life is thought and labor. Although labor is unknown and ordinary, it cannot be interrupted. Gonzalov.

26. Let happiness turn into a cup of happiness; Let greetings become wine, every drop fragrant; Let happiness condense into a happy knot; Let love gather into flowers, and each flower is unique! Let the blessings come together into pieces, pieces represent my sincerity!

27. Red flowers, green grass, happy life, health, friendship, wine, tea, hard work will be developed, more happy, less sad, happiness to accompany forever, May Day happy.

28. When is the holiday? Message to Qingtian. I don't know how hard work will last. I want to be lazy occasionally, but I'm afraid I'll be fired. The weather is unpredictable, and people have labor holidays. I hope you can have fun during the May Day holiday! Happy holidays

29. Glorious labor! Shame on not working! Everyone go to work first, I will come later!

30. Busy work and study troubles should not be the trouble of holidays; Eat well and sleep well. It should be the leader of the May Day Movement! Wish you a relaxed and happy holiday! Happy May Day!

31. Stretched eyebrows, happy heart, leisurely big head, busy small head, healthy inside, smart outside, and rich hands are irresistible! happy International Workers ' Day

32. That's it. I have five gifts for you. I hope you can make a great success in your career, live a safe life, make a huge profit in business, and win the prize if you are careless. May the five blessings always be with you.

33. Dismiss the busy figure and let happiness enter the heart; Stop the hard sweat, and let the comfort cover the body and mind; Spread your leisurely mood and keep warm days with you. May Day, I wish you more happiness.

34. Don't stay on the achievements, but work bravely, and strive to hold the championship of labor in their own hands for a long time.

35. It's easy to celebrate May Day and have fun every day!