Reflections on Zhu Guangqian's Talking about Beauty
Middle aged Ou Basan who sold his love
2023-06-13 07:13:28

In the opening speech, he wrote, "I firmly believe that emotion is more important than reason. To wash the heart is not something that can be done by a few moralists' words. We must start from 'enjoying our feelings and cultivating our nature'. We must have a noble and pure desire in addition to food, warm clothes, high officials and high salaries. We need to purify the heart and beautify life first.". This was not only necessary in the "year of crisis" at that time, but also urgent and beneficial in the modern times when the economy was growing rapidly and the mind was confused.

Only "doing nothing" can make a real achievement. Great undertakings are all based on a broad vision and open-minded mind. It is with this feeling that Zhu Guangqian has achieved such a thin, yet thick, thought-provoking, beautiful article.

"On Beauty" first tells us that there are three attitudes towards the same thing: practical, scientific and aesthetic. The aesthetic attitude is the goal of forgetting both things and me, not utility, and it needs to keep a certain distance. Among them, the aesthetic feeling often has the role of empathy. "The so-called aesthetic experience is actually just the return of my interest and the interest of things in the process of concentration". Then, the article explains the connection and difference between beauty and pleasure, association, textual research, criticism and appreciation, and nature; It explains the difference and consistency between realism and idealism in beauty; It explains the significance of art and game, creation and emotion, rhythm and imitation for art; It explains the role of genius and inspiration, sweat and effort in art.

Finally, Zhu Guangqian stressed that although he was in the period of rationalizing, he distinguished three attitudes towards things at the beginning, in fact, "the perfect life is seen in the average development of the three activities (practical, scientific, aesthetic)", "everyone's life history is his own work", "the person who knows life is an artist, and his life is an art work". Let us know that the artistic life can also be very close and friendly, which is closely related to you and me.

He warned us that "there are two kinds of people in the world who live the least artistically, the laity and the hypocrite. The 'laity' is fundamentally lacking in nature, and the 'hypocrite' is trying to cover up the nature. - They are both 'the mechanization of life'".

"The taste is more abundant and the life is more perfect. The so-called art of life is the taste of life.", Zhu Guangqian reminded us that we who "won the workplace but lost the life" should not become "a boring prisoner in this rich and gorgeous world". In my opinion, beauty is first of all an attitude, a mood, a choice, and then a principle and method.