Perception of life pursuit
Wind Farewell Crane Leaf
2023-07-15 11:39:40
A complete set of maxims

1. A man's death place is as heavy as a hill—— Qu Dajun

2. If you can choose, don't end a love with hate.

3. The most essential human value is human independence—— Buchmann

4. The deeper sorrow is portrayed on you, the more joy you will contain.

5. With the value of life, gold is not expensive—— Ni Zhibing

6. One's own death may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather—— Sima Qian

7. Chapter 13: Pursue perfection or live in the present—— Mistaken Ideas in Studying the Course of Miracles

8. Faith is an oasis in the heart, and the camel team of thought will never reach it—— Gibran

9. Our life has much value according to how much effort we spend—— Mauriac

10. Remember what should be remembered and forget what should be forgotten. Change what can be changed and accept what cannot be changed.

11. The real value is not in the stage of life, but in the role we play—— Schiller

12. Those who seek a vulgar and boring life for themselves are really pitiful and insignificant—— Jordan

13. Although the road of life is tortuous, it is beautiful. As long as you watch carefully, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.

14. If a woman wants to marry happily, the following types of men must be avoided in marriage:

15. As long as you breathe hard, you can see the miracle. A person's happiness is not because he has more, but because he cares less

16. A person's activities, if not inspired by noble thoughts, are useless and insignificant—— Chernychevsky

17. The world talks too much about how to be happy, and too little about how to coexist with sadness. But happiness is not right, and sorrow does not need to quit.

18. If you attack and belittle people who hold opposite views with wisdom and reason, it only shows your stupidity and self.

19. For me, the meaning of life lies in putting oneself in the other's shoes, worrying about others' worries and enjoying others' happiness—— Einstein

20. When you are used to living one day, then you will only live one day in your life; If your life is always new, you will have a wonderful life every day.

21. If your childhood is not fun, your youth is not eager to learn, your youth is not determined, and your middle age is not entrepreneurial, then your life will die with age.

22. In the journey of life, there are many detours, paths, dangerous roads and dark roads. Only those who are determined and never stop can hope to reach the distance of victory.

23. Life is like a mountain. What matters is not its height, but its beauty; Life is like a rain. What matters is not its size, but its timeliness.

24. The future is like this: when you stick to the rules, it will always be the same as your yesterday; When you are active and enterprising, it will turn into a brilliant spring.

25. We should live for happiness, move forward for confidence, climb for glory, strive for our ideals, do our best for our cause, and devote ourselves to our motherland. This is a worthwhile life.

26. The most glorious day in life is not the day of success, but the day of challenge to life and courage to move towards the will from grief and despair—— Flaubert

27. Success is the red rose you have always dreamed of, and frustration is just the acupuncture all around. Happiness is the fruit of your hard work, while sadness is the blight before maturity.

28. Jesus was crucified on Friday, which was the most desperate day in the world. But three days later is Easter - so, one should learn to wait at least three more days when in trouble!

29. In fact, happiness is just a promise that we and the world can only see in a beautiful way and can't demand its fulfillment. No one can say whether we can own it, but we are willing to believe that its existence is a kind of happiness.

30. You must be in a good mood. What you want is not necessarily what you need most. Work conscientiously and sleep steadily. Even if you are sad, you should hide it. It's not late autumn yet. Your harvest hasn't come yet

31. A person can stay away from pain only by keeping happy and satisfied; Only when one maintains youth and vitality, can one advance bravely in the torrent; Only by persevering in learning can one keep pace with the times; A person can only be young forever if he keeps forging ahead.

32. Everyone has life, but not everyone can understand life; Everyone has a brain, but not everyone can make good use of it. Only those who love life and are good at using their brains can truly have life.

33. History teaches people to learn from history, but human beings always make mistakes repeatedly. That may not be because of the inherent character of human beings, but because we can't go back and experience the feeling of mistakes. Most of the time, we stop at the threshold of growth and die before crossing it.

34. There is a feeling that it is "Acacia" only when insomnia occurs; There is a kind of fate that is always believed to be "eternal" after waking up; There is a kind of vision that always sees "attachment" when breaking up; There is a feeling of "loss" only after leaving.

35. Happiness is always around you. If you take the job from your mother and feel warm, that is happiness; If you read letters from friends and taste friendship under the lamp, that is happiness; If you sit alone in a corner, listen to music quietly, and concentrate on reverie, that is happiness.

36. Friends are a group of people who are not easy to forget. They are the first people you think of when you are in pain. They are the people who help you without saying thank you. They are the people who don't feel guilty after being disturbed. They are the people who don't look at you differently when you go to Maicheng. They are the people who never change your name when you step up.

37. If you are willing to give up, you will not suffer; if you are moderately satisfied, you will not regret; Remember that gratitude will not complain, and treasure will not be ashamed. In life, we seek satisfaction in a light heart, peace of mind in due diligence, happiness in dedication, and happiness in loyalty. No matter how you want to express your anger, don't do anything irretrievable.

38. Life is like a suitcase. You can pick it up when you need it, put it down when you don't need it, and don't put it down when you should. It's like dragging heavy luggage. The years of life are limited. Only by acknowledging mistakes, respecting and tolerating can people accept them, and only by putting them down can they feel comfortable. What we pursue now will become unimportant one day.

39. Life doesn't have to be perfect. Just live a wonderful life. Human teeth are hard, and tongue is soft. At the end of life, all the teeth fall out, but the tongue will not fall out. So if you want to be soft, life will last long, but hard will suffer. The softness of heart is the greatest progress of cultivation. A persistent person usually says that your heart is hard, like steel.

40. In this life, life does not bring death. We were born in the laughter of our loved ones and left in their grief. We don't know all this. We can't control our life and death, but we should be glad we have this life. To die in the sun, to die in the most gorgeous surroundings, and to be in full bloom is to be in full bloom.