"Milky Way cram school" 500 words
Quiet water ripples
2023-11-05 23:12:28

"For father, for child". With the disappearance of the subtitles on the screen, the whole movie ended, and the lights in the theater lit up, I could not help but be stunned there, the tears on my face had not been wiped off, and I could not calm down after recalling the scenes just now.

The main story of the film is that in the vast space, the astronaut Ma Fei accidentally lost contact. In the greatest desperate situation of his life, he can't help recalling his father Ma Haowen, and the story starts from here.

Ma Haowen, the father in the film, is the torch bearer of the Olympic Games and the designer of Dongpei Bridge. It was supposed to be a glorious moment, but Dongpei Bridge collapsed under the spotlight. Ma Haowen took the blame for the whole design institute and was jailed.

After seven years in prison, Ma Haowen missed the most important growth of his son. Although Ma Fei, his son, is in the best school in the city, he has become an out and out bad boy and is facing the huge problem of being dismissed. But Ma Haowen made a bet with the school director that if Ma Fei could enter the top ten in the final exam, the school would not dismiss him. Since then, Ma Fei has followed his father, Ma Haowen, to start a "tutorial life".

But Ma Haowen, who was just released from prison at that time, had no job, no savings, and even had to sneak home. In such a difficult situation, Ma Haowen sold blood, watches and toiled at the construction site. No matter how hard he worked, he finally bought the computer his son dreamed of. But when his son asked him how he did it, he just smiled, didn't say a word, and didn't mention his hardships.

Ma Fei, who grew up, said, "I didn't know at that time that my father was worried about money every day."

He suffered, suffered, even was bullied. The burden of life weighed heavily on him. We should not only earn money to make a living, but also try our best to make our son achieve excellent results in the upcoming final exam. No one understands him and helps him share. But in front of his son, he always tries his best to be a good father, to be a father who does not put hardships and difficulties on his face, but always looks relaxed.

No matter how hard and tired Ma Haowen suffered for his children, he didn't complain at all.

Uncle Meng, as a stepfather, is a businessman with little knowledge. But when Ma Fei was about to be expelled from the school, he ignored his status and begged others with low opinions. Treat Ma Fei as his own flesh and blood.

"Don't worry, son. Dad has nothing else but face!"

"Don't believe what others say.". This is what Ma Haowen once said to his son. In the eyes of adults and teachers, Ma Fei is a child who "lacks the root of his mind". However, Ma Haowen, his father, always affirmed and encouraged Ma Fei. "Everyone says that you are a waste, a fool, a fool, but Dad believes you are not, and never will be!" It is Ma Haowen's encouragement again and again that paved the way for Ma Fei to dream.

It is precisely because of his father's encouragement that Ma Fei, who is in trouble, saves himself and gets out of danger again and again. And when trapped in space and unable to return to the earth in great despair, Mafei bravely stepped out of the cabin door, repaired the spacecraft in four minutes of running with the god of death, and was able to return to the earth.

"Maybe it will be a long time before we can really feel the greatness of our father. The silent, deep and thick love." Yes, like Ma Fei, a young man in the movie, we also grow up slowly, learn to understand slowly, and slowly understand the deepest and strongest father love in the world!