84 class slogans
Like flowers but not flowers
2023-03-09 21:14:27
A complete set of slogans

1. Work together to achieve good results.

2. Never give up until you reach the end.

3. Keep making progress and strive for the best.

4. People value contentment, but learning is not.

5. Every minute, build brilliance.

6. Respecting meritorious but ambitious, working extensively and industriously.

7. Strive hard to win the first place.

8. Diligence, gladness to learn, unity and hard work.

9. Study hard, think hard and make progress.

10. Knowledgeable and thoughtful, discerning and practical.

11. Work together to create brilliance.

12. Work together in the same boat to break the waves.

13. Harmonious competition, striving to surpass.

14. Unite and march forward bravely.

15. Unite as one, raise our reputation.

16. Unite and strive for success.

17. Unity and progress, pursuit of excellence.

18. Unity and progress, always strive for the first.

19. Heaven rewards diligence, and peace leads to farsightedness.

20. Strive bravely and strive for the first place forever.

21. Show yourself and strive for new heights.

22. Tigers in the mountains and dragons in the water.

23. A strong class and a strong school make the school proud.

24. Aim high and concern the world.

25. Strong ambition, wisdom and achievement.

26. Think carefully and act diligently.

27. Develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and you will become a talent.

28. Challenge yourself and break the limit.

29. Fly your dreams and create brilliance.

30. Think deeply, enjoy learning, unite and forge ahead.

31. Intensive study and erudition, and practice benevolence.

32. Work hard and study hard and be a down-to-earth person.

33. Cultivate today and reap tomorrow.

34. Heroic, powerful, and brave.

35. Work hard and be honest.

36. Exercise your will and keep fit.

37. Youth is like fire, surpassing oneself.

38. Youth is fearless and dreams are pursued.

39. Strive hard and win the first place.

40. Think of the source when drinking water, and honor the school with patriotism.

41. Today's efforts, tomorrow's strength.

42. We should know that learning is difficult, and we should be diligent.

43. After the Rainbow Storm, success is in details.

44. Insist on hard work and change the spring to autumn.

45. As long as you are not discouraged, miracles will happen.

46. Rigidity replaces looseness, and action replaces desire.

47. Strive to build strength, and attitude determines height.

48. Small things make great things, and details make perfect.

49. The mentality determines the fate, and self-confidence leads to success.

50. Attitude decides everything, and habit makes the future.

51. I am self disciplined and confident, and I can succeed without giving up.

52. Literature comes from diligence, and high marks come from hard work.

53. Draw the most brilliant life with lines and colors.

54. Don't hesitate to give an inch of yin to today, but leave regret to tomorrow.

55. How can you get a high score in the exam without going through a cold spell.

56. A lonely companion after ten years of hard work will bring you happiness once you become famous.

57. Nobody has heard of it for ten years, and it will be known all over the world once it becomes famous.

58. Although it is hard to get ten thousand pieces of wine, the seal can only be reached after blowing all the yellow sand.

59. Success is not far away as long as you fight and fight.

60. Good methods get twice the result with half the effort, and good habits benefit for life.

61. Baojianfeng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold.

62. Young people work hard all their lives. Don't make an inch of contribution to time.

63. I work hard, I progress, I am confident, and I succeed.

64. Defeat yourself and show your skills in the college entrance examination.

65. No hope, no struggle, no success.

66. Be determined to reflect on your true character, and study hard.

67. Be determined rather than sharp, and success is not quick for a long time.

68. Be confident that if you live 200 years, you will hit three thousand miles with water.

69. There is no rehearsal in life, and every day is live broadcast.

70. Since ancient times, sages have made great achievements.

71. Learning is wisdom, not learning is folly; Learning is governance, not learning is chaos.

72. Stand at a new starting point, meet new challenges and create new achievements.

73. Conscience, confidence, fearlessness, perseverance and youth without regret.

74. Fire makes a true hero. No rainbow without wind and rain.

75. There are pacesetters in front, and there are pursuers behind. Throw the pursuers far away and surpass the pacesetters bravely.

76. My ambition is to forge ahead; The more frustrated, the more brave, and make persistent efforts.

77. There are mountains outside the mountains and buildings outside the buildings. There is no best but better.

78. Challenge yourself, surpass your dreams, unite and help each other, and create good achievements together.

79. Wave, challenge yourself, break through limits and surpass yourself.

80. Work hard all the time to create a new glory for the senior high school entrance examination.

81. Love Class 4, everyone works hard, love Class 4, everyone is enterprising.

82. Anything is possible as long as you work hard; Believe in yourself and you will create miracles.

83. More effort, more achievements, more hope and more joy.

84. Work hard every minute to create talent; Accumulate the strength of Artemisia, and the strength will create brilliance.