Qq2022 girls' personal signature qq personal signature (80 selected sentences)
Past events follow the wind
2023-03-09 00:09:28
Complete set of signatures

1. I don't know how long he can stand beside me, at least now is enough.

2. If you love me or not, my love will not increase or decrease.

3. It's not me that can make you care, but I think it's me.

4. If there is only one person left in the world of two people, then you should make a commitment to freedom.

5. When your voice sounds in my ear again, I feel unhappy for a long time.

6. The interpretation of youth, white intertwined. Bad feelings have to interpret their own dreams.

7. You can make me sad, but don't let me die!

8. What is your highest level of trust in a person? "Go out with him without a penny.

9. I won't say good night to you. I will lie in bed with you.

10. The most touching words in the world are not that I can give up the whole world for you, but that I can give up World of Warcraft for you.

11. I have two memories, one is memory, the other is amnesia.

12. The red flag has fallen, and the colored flag is flying! There are still many times, it is to satisfy the curiosity of others.

13. You have been walking into my life, and I am preparing for you all my life.

14. Your best offer is to let me stay with you.

15. True love is not lost to looks, not to wealth, but to gossip.

16. It's also my dream to become the person you can't leave.

17. Love, do not wait for the test, do not let so many should be beautiful, all become helpless.

18. My birthday wish this year is to find a man who loves me.

19. It takes a lot of time to wash the few love.

20. Quietly put into a glass filled with tears, let it ferment in my heart for thousands of years, but inadvertently drunk night, drunk night.

21. Don't drink water a day ago, and don't eat bread a week ago. Those words were said by him long ago. Don't think again.

22. Don't blame others for letting you down. Blame yourself for expecting too much.

23. Love is not who sacrifices for whom, who does what for whom. Once love becomes like this, it is not love.

24. Like you is like an old love letter, deep and lasting.

25. The wind and rain can hardly wash the heart scars, and the vicissitudes of life can not destroy the feelings; Don't talk about immortality lightly. Only when you are separated can you see desolation.

26. Look at the battlefield, without worry. Hidden mountain dwelling is a myth. That relationship has been left!

27. If a person really loves you, he will want to see you happy, even if he is not with him.

28. If you are always rational, you will never understand love.

29. If you forget how to move forward, think about why you came here.

30. You like my simplicity, but you have lost it.

31. I haven't weighed for half a year, because I know.

32. Follow me, don't you like it? If you don't like it, I will follow you.

33. He has her in his heart, and I have him in my heart.

34. In fact, you don't have to be so indifferent. I never thought about entanglement. Perhaps the best view of love is to be affectionate without entanglement.

35. I thought that one day I would forget you, but when I saw similar figures in the crowd, why would my heart still ache.

36. If you agree with the above statement, please reply, so that more people can know the truth.

37. If love is not grasped, we will express our love every moment, and finally we will have no chance to say goodbye.

38. No matter how poor your conditions are, there will always be someone who loves you. No matter how good your conditions are, there is always someone who doesn't love you.

39. It's only because love comes too suddenly and is a little crazy in sweetness.

40. The happiness of course, in this world, there is not one person who is attracted to you.