A very realistic paragraph to write the best state of women (85 selected sentences)
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2023-02-15 22:36:48
Complete sentences

1. There was a pig standing under the street lamp. A man rushed over and said, "I found a pig that is bright at night.".

2. You don't even give me the beginning, but let me declare the end.

3. There is no place to look after the broken iron shoes. The lady in front asks you to make way.

4. The night I stayed up, I had to get up on my knees.

5. The alarm clock is the cry of time. It breaks our dreams.

6. You have been blacklisted by me. Please don't break into my world.

7. Can a woman's paper like my sister's be beautiful without a little weight?

8. The blind worship in youth is the thoughtlessness that you and I are worthless.

9. I am not perfect, but at least I will be good to my good people.

10. Now I feel sad all the time, and I feel happy all the time.

11. Sister, you still have watermelon hair in your arms in autumn?

12. The dream was eaten by the dog, and then lived a dog like life.

13. Bad days are always boiled by oneself, just like smelly socks are always washed by oneself.

14. The more things you can't let go, the better your memory and the weaker your heart will be.

15. In the future, I will love while walking. Anyway, it is a sea of people.

16. Girl, please kill your cowardly self. You don't need her.

17. Heroes don't ask where they come from, but love comes to me quickly.

18. My heart is a little small, but not lacking; I have a good temper, but not without!

19. If you let go of my hand, don't say goodbye and go straight away.

20. I forgot the story, you, I really don't want it.

21. Drink the strongest wine and go to the best hospital for rescue.

22. We need to look ahead. How can we know what is good after some crooked melons and cracked dates.

23. I am often cried by myself, but I cannot beat myself.

24. Don't treat yourself unfairly or make others cheaper.

25. I heard that you are living well, so I wish you a lonely life.

26. Every time I argue with others, I always feel that I haven't played well and I want to argue again.

27. Others may be able to see your scar, but they can't feel your pain after all.

28. Happiness is a swaying flower on the other side.

29. I argue to lose weight every day, but it's just a scare.

30. By all means, the winner is the king.

31. What we can't earn now is money. What we can't throw away is meat.

32. My little wish is not to lose sleep at night, and there is no lack of money on the card.

33. In summer, the season of hidden meat is coming again.

34. Don't be too sure of your own opinions, so that you will have less regrets.

35. It's the first time to be a man. Why should I let you.

36. If you are always rational, you will never get love!

37. My style is too unique for you to understand.

38. If you want to be irreplaceable, you must be different.

39. No matter how hurt you are, you still love to laugh.

40. I can suffer a lot, but I can't stand half of the grievances.

41. Don't give me hope and push me to the abyss again.

42. Maybe you are great, but I don't have to look up to you.

43. The strong is not necessarily the winner, but the winner must be the strong.