Daily Love Talk Flirts Girlfriend
No ending
2023-07-03 00:45:12
Complete sentences

1. If you leave, please give me a hundred years of worry free, and allow me to live a carefree life, OK?

2. What is your highest level of trust in a person? Go out with him without thinking!

3. You are a poet, whose heart is not tattooed on me. I'm a gambler. I'm jealous and greedy.

4. I still like you very much. It's like a blooming tea tree. It's windy and cold, and it's scattered into mud.

5. True love is eternal love. I miss you. I met you in the world of mortals, and I only love you for the rest of my life.

6. In a moment, I felt that it was permanent, but I thought that it was just an unreachable dream.

7. Give me a small part of your heart, just one day. Give you my whole heart, ten thousand years.

8. You should put up a warning sign in the place where you often appear, telling passers-by to beware of cute creatures.

9. You are water, I am sand, I mix with you into mud! You are Gou, I am Cha, and together we are friends!

10. I don't want to interfere with your past. It's your business. I hope to participate in your future. It's my honor.

11. After falling in love, after you said good night to me, I will say good night to you every day. The deadline is lifetime.

12. You are not your childhood sweetheart, you are not the beginning of love, but you are the only one who will continue to grow.

13. Whenever I remember that I am not alone, it will bring me joy. You have been carrying me, I can't love you less.

14. The most important feeling in the world for me is my feelings with you. I love you, and you love me. That's enough. Are you willing to marry me?

15. I really want to make an appointment with your heart for ten thousand years, and I will miss you forever. I really want to put my heart in your heart. It will never change forever!

16. Smiling face facing the sky in the air; Missing someone is a sweet feeling when you open your mobile phone to check his photos; At this moment, I'm missing you!

17. No matter how hard the road ahead is, I will stay with you forever. No matter how unhappy life is, I will face it together with you.

18. My feelings are as vast as the sea, and my love is as deep as the sea; The more I give you, the richer I am, because both are inexhaustible.

19. A person's life will meet 29.2 million people, but the probability of two people falling in love is only 0.000049. It is a small probability to like one person, so don't let go when you meet one.

20. In fact, love is very simple, only four steps can be achieved: you; I; Our hearts; in harness. Dear, let's simply love and be happy together.

21. Show your true feelings, send love, love you all the time, think of you, accompany you all the time, my wife, meeting you is my greatest happiness in this life, I hope you will be happy forever.

22. You always break into my dreams. There are joys and sorrows, sweetness and bitterness. I don't want to wake up about every dream of you, so I can't distinguish between dream and reality.

23. Love you for ten thousand years, exaggeration! Love you five thousand years, no hope! Love you for a thousand years, ridiculous! Love you for a hundred years, too long! I have loved you for 70 years. As long as I am healthy, I am strong!

24. It's not so easy to be melodious. Every melody has its own track. Even if there is no beat in the tune, I really paid my heart! Dear, I hope you can accept my out of tune love song!

25. Because of the wind, the willow can be lifted lightly; Because of the rain, the seedlings grow; Because there are flowers, nature shows fragrance; Because of you, life shows sunshine. Baby, you are my sun!

26. Seeing is a glimpse, and Nanke Yimeng is you. Waiting is a matter of weight and water, and you are the one who is excited. Meeting is dark and bright, waking up like a dream is you. Reunion is unexpected. It's you.

27. If you want to be more passionate than gold, if you want to be as old as the sea and stone, if you want to be as old as the earth, I have a very abundant supply of goods here, which is inexhaustible. You are my only customer, and you can try for a lifetime.

28. When your information lasts like a year, a broken heart cannot be repaired with time. Your feelings for you do not drift with the wind, but a firm belief. When your flower season comes, the happy moment of meeting you will come.

29. I promise you that I will never be mediocre again; Promise me that you will stop whispering. Every day and night, I will share with you. Keep your palm warm all the time. There is a kind of slow happiness, accompanied by a little hard work.

30. Dragonflies fly, butterflies fly, and bees buzz after you. The spring breeze blows, the spring scenery is beautiful, and the spring flowers are blooming. Thousands of paper cranes, thousands of hearts, endless yearning for people to return. Heart to heart, love to follow, love you for life without regret.

31. I have a word to tell you: I like you. If you accept, return a message to make me happy; If you don't accept it, don't send me a message to make me sad; I didn't receive your reply, so I thought you were shy and embarrassed to reply.

32. A lasting love needs the mutual maintenance of both sides and the true love from the heart. Love is not perfect for those who only care about their loved ones but ignore themselves, or are only responsible for being loved rather than loving others. May you find happiness!

33. With the sun and moon, the world is complete. With roses and green leaves, romance is complete. With you and me, happiness is complete. On the way of love, I would like to pair up with you, hold your hand and grow old together with you. I love you, baby!