Greetings given to family members in Guyu season Guyu Greetings and Blessings (91 selected sentences)
A good horse will not turn back
2023-02-02 11:51:09
Blessing words

1. Grain rain is sowing time, please plant your dreams, irrigate with hard work, apply fertilizer persistently, and grow with hope; If you get a lot of gold and jade soon, remember to share it with me. Wish you happy every day.

2. The drizzle is flying all over the sky, and the twinkling rain turns to be lingering. When the grain rain falls, it rains in succession. I miss you in my heart. When you go out, you are worried. It rains very hard during the grain rain season. May you be happy and enjoy yourself.

3. In the good season of grain rain, rain comes down to moisten everything; Clean the dust and clean the air; Resuscitate all things, with infinite vitality; Pour down melancholy, happy mood; Get rid of worry and enjoy yourself. Wish you Gu Yu happy and happy life!

4. In the good time of grain rain, the wheat field has returned to starchy, green mountains are everywhere, clear water melts into frost, and grass grows in spring. Everything is full of vitality, sowing is happy and busy, good luck flies with you, and rain falls from heaven, bless and send health, and I hope you enjoy happiness!

5. There is more and more rain in the season of grain rain. Don't be too wordy with clockwork messages. In the change of natural solar terms, don't relax your body. Outdoor flowers are blooming. Yang Xu and Liu Xu are everywhere. Allergic patients should pay more attention and stay away from pollen to avoid rhinitis and asthma.

6. Good season of grain rain, rain falls from the sky; Raindrops fall and fall, and all things smell sweet; The raindrops flash and flash, happy without worry; The rain drops jump and jump, the day is sweet and beautiful; May you be happy, and Guyu be happy!

7. The wind is gentle and the rain is moist, the moon is half curved, and the beautiful scenery is expected every year. The happy life follows every day. Winter goes away and spring comes like smoke. The fleeting years are gone forever. You need to enjoy your life when you are satisfied. Say that Shengzhen values peace, and Guyu is happy forever!

8. Valley rain season, bathed in the rain of happiness, happiness is reluctant to leave you; Moisturizing the auspicious rain, happy to abandon you; Enjoying the Ruyi Rain, Ankang is reluctant to leave you. It's all a joyous rain. All good things surround you. I wish you success and Gu Yu happiness.

9. When the rain comes, the willow will tell you how much you miss; Continuous drizzle, drops of missing; Gentle breeze, light mind; Spring water is far away, murmuring and dreaming; Love the world of mortals, and ponder at night; Bright flowers bloom. May you accept the blessing and live with happiness for a lifetime.

10. Make a cup of Guyu tea, smell a pleasant fragrance and taste a sweet and mellow taste. Send a message of Grain Rain, give a sincere blessing, and wish you a happy and safe life!

11. When spring comes, flowers are fragrant, and the sound of rain is loud in the season of grain rain. The rain increased and the crops grew. The temperature rose and the crops flourished. Although the planting of seedlings is busy, the heart of the bean is happy. In the mind of pest control, the granary is full of grain for another year. Gu Yu is happy!

12. Plant the grain of friendship and order the beans of happiness. Let the grain of friendship sprout and grow, called the bean of happiness blossom and bear fruit. Love is deep and rainy, and friendship is long and green. May you plant friendship and reap friendship!

13. In the rain, she looks like a jade, washes away the dust and smiles; There is a golden house in the rain, and you can pick it after the rain; There are golden millet in the rain, and the flowers reflect happiness. Gu Yu gives birth to hundreds of grains, and hundreds of grains give birth to hundreds of blessings. May you feel happy and free!

14. Before and after the grain rain, grow melons and beans. Bless you, plant your ideal, your career will be extremely prosperous in the future, plant your wisdom, and you will reap great glory in the future. Gu Yu is happy and happy.

15. The valley rain is shining all over the world. Blessings are passed on to thousands of families. Women look like flowers, and everyone has money to spend. The seed wakes up and sprouts. The willows have turned green, and the home is as beautiful as a picture. You can go for an outing and take it home healthy!

16. In the season of grain rain, it drizzles intermittently. Working and studying, I am tired and healthy, which is the most valuable. As a friend, give care: work and rest, go to bed early and get up early, laugh often, and be content often!

17. Everything recovers early, and the valley rain comes again. Don't laugh when you break the ground, and the buds will grow tall. Grass beside the river is green and the grain rain is full. Gu Yu's life will be better if he is not late. I wish you a bumper harvest of grain and success!

18. Sow the seeds of hope and reap the fruits of harvest; Planting hot dreams and blooming flowers; Send sincere wishes to welcome a happy life. In the valley rain season, I wish you all the best and happiness will follow you forever!

19. The scenery is beautiful in the valley rain season, and the mood of relaxation in the countryside is wonderful; Those who enjoy the scenery during the outing are carefree, and their worries never turn back; The fragrance of flowers is refreshing, and the faint fragrance is full of laughter; I wish you Gu Yu a happy mood and a happy day!

20. The rape is yellow in the grain rain season, and the farmer's eyes are full of joy. The harvest scene thought, smiling happily. The happy life is shared, and the family is harmonious with a wide source of money. I wish you all the best in the rainy season and happiness will always be with you!

21. In the rainy season, flowers bloom brightly. Don't delay in planting grains. Happiness blooms with sweat, and grain harvest depends on hard work. The beauty of life is painted by both hands, and a happy family depends on harmony. I wish my friend Gu Yuhuan good health and prestige!

22. A good rain produces hundreds of grains, and good friends often bless. May you embrace peace, health, happiness, happiness, sweetness, wealth, auspiciousness and enter the good season of Grain Rain. Grain rain and fresh wind make everything come true.

23. Gu Yu is good at health and sharing with you. Yacai can nourish yang qi, bean sprouts can be eaten well, and spicy bean sprouts can consume yin and fluid. If you want to control your appetite, take care of your kidney qi first. Black rice, black bean dates, Chinese wolfberry tea, and brain clearing and eye brightening prescription. With care, I wish you well!

24. People are busy during the grain rain season, and every family is busy sowing seeds. Plant hope and be happy, and work hard to irrigate sweat. This year is a bumper harvest year, and the granary will be full of grain. Happy life is waving, and happiness will last forever!

25. It's a good time to plant beans on sunny and rainy days. Work hard to sow grain, and rain will fill the seedlings. Sweat pours hope, and grain is abundant. The prospect of a better life is brighter and stronger every year. Wish you Gu Yu good health and a happy life!

26. The grain rain and the wind are blowing, and the rain is flowing. Spring rain is as precious as oil, silently moistening the earth. It brings happiness, accompanied by good luck. The dividends were splashed and the victory fell. I wish you good luck in your life! Gu Yu is happy!

27. Red and green branches, willows like silk in the valley rain; Good luck, happiness, and happiness in the rainy season; Smile more and sleep more. Greetings from Guyu season: life is wonderful and you are in a good mood. May your days be happy and carefree.

28. Before and after the Grain Rain, plant melons and beans, sow hope, harvest success, point dreams, and harvest glory. In the Grain Rain season, send out blessings. May the seeds of good luck sprout around you, and happy trees spread around you, making Grain Rain happy!

29. Plant the happy millet and irrigate it with the rain of good luck. The root of happiness is deeply rooted, the buds of happiness are sweet, the flowers of romance and happiness are blooming, the fruit of immortality is born, and after eating the healthy and healthy millet, I wish you happiness to accompany you everywhere!

30. Good rain knows the season, and grain rain brings blessings. I wish you: get rich all the year round, have plenty of grain, prosper six animals, bless seven stars, give directions from eight immortals, be happy nine to nine, be happy all the time, and achieve thousands of goals!

31. Drop two drops three or four drops, and the spring rain drops the truth. Blessings are sent in the season of grain rain, and the spring breeze is continuous. The cause is smooth and fruitful, and the access is safe and easy to operate. Take good fortune every day and keep a happy mood!

32. When the season of grain rain comes, happiness is indispensable. May you work hard and prosper in your career; The "valley" among friends is warm and friendly; Happy Valley Dance in life, happy and comfortable!

33. There are many blessings in the valley rain season. A small message shows my heart: to the east, to the west, to your face, to the south, to your harvest, and to the north, to your banknotes. Gu Yu is happy!

34. When the sun shines in the rainy season, relatives, friends and old friends are invited together to enjoy the flowers in spring and have an outing. Peace and happiness are indispensable. Work hard and use your brain more. Be healthy and happy.

35. Grain rain is as precious as oil. Every drop of it dispels sorrow. The spring wind blows the green willows, winding around your heart. The white clouds sway the tall buildings, smiling one after another. May my greetings send my blessings to you and plant happiness and peace in your heart.

36. In the valley rain season, the scenery is beautiful, and cuckoo birds sing to send joy. I wish you good luck and health in the rain and a good time to plant melons and beans. Look up at the beautiful picture scroll of the mountains, and see the flowers blooming in the forest sea from afar. Wish you good luck and happiness. Gu Yu is happy!

37. In the grain rain season, flowers bloom and compete for beauty and fragrance. There is hope for a bumper crop and a happy life. Hard work has yielded fruitful results, and the picturesque scenery has been created by ourselves. I hope you Gu Yu will fight with high morale and work hard for your career!

38. It rains one after another during the grain rain season, and the spring scenery is pleasant. You work hard and sweat, sow a seed of hope, and harvest ten thousand tons of rice in autumn. All walks of life are like planting land, and try to water the flowers of happiness. I wish you a happy grain rain season.

39. In the season of grain rain, plant a melon and laugh happily; Grain rain season points a bean, happiness Ruyi keep you; In the season of grain rain, send blessings and good luck for a whole year; In the season of grain rain, plant good wishes and harvest unlimited wealth. Wish you a happy grain rain!

40. It rains heavily during the grain rain season, and life is dull and boring. The revolutionary work is a little tired, and my body is the most valuable. Grain rain season indicates the growth of all things, and also indicates that you will have a good start; I wish you success and happiness forever!

41. In the season of grain rain, the rain comes down, moistening everything and changing its appearance; Pour out troubles and feel good, and drive away melancholy and happy; Clean air and dust, refreshing and happy; Wish you Gu Yu a good mood, free and happy!

42. When the grain rain comes, everything grows. Sprinkle happy seeds for you, grow and bear pistachios. Sow the seeds of luck for you, and grow to produce the flowers of Ruyi. Plant auspicious seedlings for you and grow into a tree of happiness. I wish you a good harvest and fruitful life forever!

43. Grain rain is coming, and everything has recovered. The flowers in the garden are in full bloom, and the fragrance of the flowers is floating thousands of miles away. Peony should be the first, and peony should be pedicured. Rose flowers fall only to remove their pedicels, flowers compete for beauty, and colors greet the grain rain everywhere. Hehe, Gu Yu is happy!

44. Plant one grain of millet in spring, and harvest ten thousand seeds in autumn. Spring rain is as precious as oil, silently moistening the earth. Grain rain augurs good harvest, and blessing conveys true feelings. The flowers are fragrant, and auspiciousness follows. We are looking forward to the harvest day, which will bring us great benefits. Guyu arrives, I wish you a good mood!

45. Happy bamboo hat, lucky clothes, wind and rain do not have to return. You want to wet the apricot blossom rain with your clothes, and you will not feel cold when you face. The sun rises in the east and rains in the west. The road is sunny but not sunny. Valley rain season, send you a happy rain, happiness directly to your heart.

46. Quot; The sowing of grain rain is the beginning, the story of spring is the bud, the cool summer is the flower, the harvest in autumn is the fruit, and the leisure in winter is the pleasure. The blessing of luck is passing. I wish you a happy face and good luck! "