Candy House
The most handsome old man
2023-08-16 08:51:13
fourth grade

The mother tiger built a beautiful and delicious candy house in the forest for her children not to be hungry. If a tiger comes out, as long as a small animal goes in, it will not come out. One day, a cute rabbit saw the candy house. His mouth watering, he said: "This must be delicious! I'll eat half of it first and then tell others." The little white rabbit just went in and saw the mother tiger opening her mouth. Scared, she ran away, but was caught by the mother tiger. "My child, you have food caught because of greed again," said the mother tiger angrily.
"Mom, are there any greedy animals?" the little tiger asked curiously. The mother tiger sighed and went to cook the rabbit. Just as the mother tiger left, a rabbit came to the door. "My child must be very hungry now. Why is there a candy house here? My child is hungry..." Rabbit just wanted to take some candy home and thought: This may be the candy house built by other mothers for children. I can't take some without the consent of others. The rabbit went into the candy house and found the little tiger. The little tiger shouted, "Alas, I'm very hungry." The rabbit shared some of his radish with the little tiger. When the little tiger saw the rabbit, he was so hungry that he was as thin as a wood. Since he was willing to feed the fierce tiger. Moved to tears.
One day later, the little tiger suddenly said to her mother, "Mom, let's move away. I saw a really greedy animal, and I don't want to hurt them.
Since then, the little tiger and his mother have caught bad animals together, but none of the good animals have been caught.
Because of the candy house, let the little tiger know there are many kind animals. It also makes the little tiger more kind.