Show your love in the circle of friends, talk about 2023
Lingding Shengfeng
2023-06-04 06:49:39
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. One day, we will live a life where I can kiss you when I turn over.

2. I love your appearance when you were young, but I also love your appearance after years.

3. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I know that today, I still love you!

4. It's amazing that even though he broke your heart, you still love him with a broken heart.

5. Choosing to fall in love with you is an adventure in itself. What else can't? Why not?

6. Don't be afraid of pain when you are lovelorn, just as when you are in love, don't be afraid of being too enthusiastic, everything will return to calm.

7. As long as you have me in your heart, and I have you in my heart, even across the ends of the earth, it is not a distance.

8. It was discovered many years later that there were three things: whether you liked it or not, whether you were suitable or not, and whether you were together or not.

9. The most extravagant thing in my life is to meet you on the way, and then share the fragrance of flowers.

10. I just hope that you will be by my side and accompany me to take a walk when wrinkles cover my face.

11. Don't mourn for lost love. It is his loss not to love you. Without you, it is his failure.

12. Many people say that marriage is the tomb of love, but love that can be buried in peace is better than the street.

13. Love is a kind of illusion that needs to be proved constantly, just like fireworks need to be lit to see the glory.

14. Maybe loving you means coming home at midnight after your entertainment, drunk and smelly, and I'm willing to hug you.

15. Happy love is a phrase. Real love should be treasured: no one is born with whom.

16. What I am used to, I cannot bear to lose her. But. She will gradually leave you. Until I forgot her.

17. People in love are like two hedgehogs. They love freely and snuggle closely, but in the end, they are very easy to hurt each other.

18. Life is plain, you do your thing, I do mine. Then one day, we can do our things together.

19. Finally, I know how it feels to fall in love with someone. Knowing that he is wrong, I still find an excuse for him at the first time.

20. People always miss others. You are eager for them to appear in your dreams and hug you! I hope you can dream of this person.

21. Say less, love more, give completely, and don't judge anyone. Try to do these things, and you can get better.

22. It is said that the most beautiful meeting in the world is shoulder wiping, the most beautiful oath is a lie, the most beautiful love was yesterday, and the most beautiful missing is never meeting.

23. In this state of not being sad or happy, smile, but have no clue. Injury is no longer sad. Self smile is the calming agent of the soul, quiet in the self.

24. The most ideal love state is to be with people who have the same topic and can tolerate each other. There are always interesting topics and interesting things.

25. I'm used to your indifference, but I can't ignore you. Because I am afraid of losing your world, even if I feel lonely, I will not say I am sad.

26. The most important thing to love a person may not be vows and sweet words. Some trivial things in life can better reflect his feelings for you. That is the code of love.

27. Your eyes are full of you in your head, and the air is full of cement. When you close your eyes, you smile. When you open your eyes, you see you. I hope I can forget myself and let life be full of you!

28. Love is the gentleness that you wake me up in the morning and say good night to each other at night. Love is that only I refuse all ambiguity in your eyes. Love is that we will realize our mutual future. Love is that you have a lifelong commitment to me.