Romantic expression sentence
For your return
2023-07-27 00:12:49
Complete sentences

1. Even if you don't love me, I will protect you with my life.

2. It's so beautiful that I can't say I love you frankly.

3. I have no regrets to enter China in this life, and I will be a florist in the next life!

4. The world is full of life, and you are the only one who likes it.

5. Liu Junchi! I wait for you, maybe for a long time.

6. We don't know much about each other. It's not suitable for us to get together so soon.

7. I love you. I love you more than anything else in the world.

8. You are my lover, so I always try to install you.

9. When distance is no longer an obstacle to life, can you stay with me for life?

10. I love you so much that I am crazy. I love nothing except you.

11. But also must be forever lonely, secret love is a pantomime, said out, it became a comedy.

12. It is my heart and my body that embrace you closely. Silent dialogue flows between my heart and yours.

13. I just want to hold your hand and look at your eyes... walking barefoot on the beach... only because of you.

14. In the future, let me be your sun, warm you, shine on you, and brighten your world.

15. In my eyes, you are just a picture that I can't see enough. So let me see it for a lifetime, OK?

16. Give me your hand, and I will hold your hand, so that you will never be afraid. I am your most reliable support in this life.

17. We will still be good friends. Here are 75 articles provided by the editor. Welcome to read them. I hope they can help you.

18. I hate to delete your information. I can't forget your smiling face. I already know your true feelings. I don't want you to hear the sound of my heartbeat!

19. Acacia is mysterious, like a shadow. Silently haunted in the bottom of my heart, swallowed me in the lonely night. I can't resist, I miss you so much!

20. The feeling is true and meaningful. When will a piece of Acacia stop? People lean against the building in the moonlight. Love is leisurely, thinking is leisurely, when will love stop, unless the water flows backwards. 520 This life is for you.

21. Touch your heart with sincerity, knock on your heart with true love, harvest your gentleness with sincerity, repay your love with true love... swear to love, swear to love you all your life.

22. There is a legend in Ireland that if a pair of lovers leave each other, a star in the sky will go out. I hope that the star that belongs to us will never go out and shine forever.

23. The wind is like water, and the eyes are like the moon. Loneliness corrupts wind error, which is still sweet in memory. When I look back, I can see how the moon shadows and water make me feel. Talk about groups, a little calm, dock cover broken heart.

24. Dear! Will you come to my pillow with the breeze and my missing for you, and will you see the tears on my face when I dream that you are gone.

25. Words to express to girls - ice and snow can't cool my love for you, typhoon can't blow away my missing for you, noise can't drown my heart to you, and darkness can't cover my deep feelings for you.

26. The day without love is survival, not life; The season without love is always cold and rainy; The heart without love beats gently to say to you: 912 Love Day, want your love, snuggle up for warmth, say goodbye to loneliness.

27. The warmth of love is sunny in the cold; The sweetness of love, the sadness is also a kind of beauty; The integrity of love, apart from the horizon is also the soul of each other; The eternal love, long meet is also the end of time.

28. When you meet your pure eyes, your heart will become pure. The innocent smile on that day clearly told me the secret of happiness is love. You accompany me when the wind blows and when the snow dances. How can I not love you!

29. Write a love elixir: one piece of sincerity, two cents of gentleness, three cents of respect, four tastes of compassion, and five liang of understanding. Take Ankang as the guiding drug, and take it with tenderness like water. The dosage is unlimited, and more is better. Take it temporarily to grow old together.

30. But every time the string of characters "Now you can shut down safely" jumps into my long term, I fall into the heartless ideal again. There is no your world, no your character, no your concern, I am so miserable, so miss you!

31. As long as you have me by your side, the flowers will become beautiful and brilliant; As long as you have a dream in your heart, happiness is around you and me; There are too many important things in life. I need you to make decisions on every important thing.

32. Everyone is drunk and I wake up alone. Don't laugh at me for being too unkind. We are destined to meet each other in this life. We will wait for you all our lives and give you a love license. It will show that your life has no scenery. The reply message turns sunny and you are willing to use it for life.

33. Love is painful. I only feel the pain of parting. Love is sweet, sweet to only the joy of holding hands. But no matter pain or sweet, I would like to be like a moth to the fire. If you are my lotus, let me keep my love for you for life.

34. One day, I was very concerned about your difficult action. I care how you treat me. I care about your intimate conversation with others. From then on, I found that my friendship to you was more than simple. Because I began to like you before I knew it. I love you!

35. You are in every paragraph of my text, if you understand. There are thousands of peach blossoms on the street, but I only love one cherry blossom. For the long promised flowering period, I am very persistent. Maybe one day, we will become each other's passers-by. When my hair turns gray, I will still remember those warm days in my words. Those etched minds will still be lush between fingers.

36. I love you. A joy hidden in my heart makes you happy every day; A greeting lets you not worry; Don't return a true love; A true love makes you all right; A love makes you happy! Meeting you is my destiny in this life, falling in love with you is my happiness in this life, and protecting you is my choice in this life. I have no regrets for you in this life, and love you will never change in my life! Love someone.