Walk all the way to heaven
2023-05-23 18:20:55
Complete sentences

1. I deeply mourn the sad news.

2. Grandma died suddenly and inevitably. It took only a few days from illness to old age, and just because of a small cold, it easily took away Grandma's unfinished life. My heart has always been unwilling to do so.

3. In the setting sun, the winter wind is bleak, and the sad news brings tears to my ears. The green mountain is picturesque and beautiful, and it is painful to lose the image of your dream in this life.

4. To me, you are not only an excellent lecturer, but also a kind grandma! May heaven be full of joy and joy, without pain and disease! May your family be safe and healthy!

5. I have worked together for twenty years. Teaching together, sharing financial accounts. Serve for students and run for school. After work, chat and chat, life is short, the world is busy, died young, eternal regret! Good friend, farewell to life and death! If the soul has thought, it can learn from my heart. Since then, there is one less bosom friend in the world. Wuhu, Duke Liu, rest in peace!

6. When I missed you, I was ambitious. I cried for your early death and felt sad. The three foot pulpit is a waste of painstaking efforts. The peach and plum trees are everywhere, and the tears are dry. When the armour is just full, the disease will swallow up. Hate Yama and act favorably. The sky is dark, and everyone is pathetic. Relatives weep for grief, while friends weep for grief.

7. The dead rest in peace and go all the way! My family will be relieved! You will always live in people's hearts!

8. Time flies and life is impermanent. Old classmates have a good journey. I hope there is no accident in heaven.

9. Bless the elderly, reach the Blissful World early, and good people will be rewarded! Bow!

10. Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural phenomena, so we should be patient and change our sorrows! take care.

11. Huangquan is peaceful, and all the way is safe. There is no need to turn back. The old will be punished.

12. The teacher has gone, and he has not left either! Your voice is clear and your teaching is in your heart; The teacher has gone, and he has not left either! Your thoughts are still there, which can guide us forward, because the spirit is eternal!

13. The bad news came that the sky was dark, and the drizzle turned sad. Schoolmates speak from the heart and sing songs on the stage. The old wine is mellow, benevolent and righteous, and the talents are frank and honest. A bottle also sprinkles the king's soul sacrifice, but hates the ephemera.

14. In fact, death is not terrible. What is terrible is that people around you leave one by one.

15. May the dead rest in peace, and the living relatives will continue to live.

16. Dear relatives, believe me, I will take responsibility to make you happy and make you feel the warmth of home.

17. Today, we mourn for them with deep sorrow and wish them a good journey.

18. Mourning the dead, paying tribute to the heroes. May the mountains and rivers be safe, the world be safe, and the heroes have a good journey.

19. Once on duty together, now it is always on both sides of Yin and Yang. You are so tender and shy. You only hate fate playing tricks on honest people. Good brother, go all the way!

20. For the first time in my life, I lost my favorite family members, which made me feel difficult. My favorite grandma, go well all the way. I hope there is no pain and suffering in heaven. Grandma, you will always live in the heart of your grandson. Thank you for your company in life.

21. God is fair to everyone. When you lose something, you also gain something valuable. Everyone should have a grateful heart.

22. Whistle in the distance, walk well, don't turn back, and the world will die.

23. Relatives can go by the Yellow Crane, while people can't leave the building empty. But smile to comfort your kindness. Never has this hatred been endless.

24. There is fame on the way to help others, and there is no everlasting strength in the world. I wish you a good journey and a good rest in the Blissful World. You are too sleepy!

25. The dead rest in peace and the living are strong. I hope that all the relatives and friends around me can live in peace and health.

26. The mountain is still the mountain, the water is still the water, and the village is still the village. I returned to my long separated hometown, the land where I was born and raised, and my dearest, kindest and most loving grandma. Grandma, we are back. Your best grandson is back. Where are you?

27. Grandma, I miss you so much. Everyone misses you so much. How are you doing over there? Although my grandson is facing some difficulties, you can rest assured that I will cheer on, because I am the grandson you raised yourself. We will always be together.

28. Gentle, gentle, dignified and virtuous, is your forever synonym. The hall is solemn, and the smile of youth on the big screen is still like a flower. You lie quietly in the coffin, living and dying away from us.

29. In the season of yearning, the weather is clear and the moon is bright, and a sad thought is sent to the departed relatives.

30. The great love of the world, let's bless and pray to Ya'an: wish the living healthy and safe, and the dead rest in peace! Go all the way!

31. The retiring heart is not old, and the original heart will not change. Volunteer is responsible for public welfare. To be a teacher, to be virtuous is the soul of the teacher. May you go safely and return to heaven without pain.

32. Throughout the summer vacation, I have been immersed in the grief of losing my grandmother. I feel deeply guilty and regretful for not seeing my grandmother for the last time, for not being able to fulfill the filial piety of my grandson in front of her hospital bed, and for not being able to see her off for the last time at her funeral!

33. I deeply mourn the loss of your loved ones.

34. They have fulfilled their vows and are the loveliest and greatest people in the new era. May they be immortal forever.

35. If our dreams had not come true, you would have left. How could you have the heart to leave us friends and go to the cold world alone? Friends hope you can live better there and find your own shelter!

36. Life, old age, sickness and death are all natural phenomena; Who has never died since ancient times? Just live in my heart.

37. Dear brother, your departure has made us all sad, but please believe that we will carry your dream, never forget your original intention, remember the mission, and complete your old wish! If there is an afterlife, we will fight together.

38. I think that there is still a long way to go, and we can talk about the future together. I think that friendship is eternal, and we can conclude the same feelings. I think that the years are safe, and we can continue to write beautiful feelings. Unexpectedly, you go first.

39. When I heard the news, my husband drove a crane. Laugh and cry. He is a good teacher and friend who has forgotten the years and is the leader of the poetry society. In the past, the body preached and the soul was moralized.

40. I saw the last side of my grandmother, the last side, which made me remember how my grandmother struggled to survive in the end.

41. Heaven and man complain, thunder, rain and electricity all night! How can the old man feel when the jade tree is bent in the wind? The Triassic Yangguan is broken, and the road of Huangquan is pitied! From then on, I don't know where you are, just waiting for your dream to return!

42. Every day when I get up, I can eat a bowl of hot white sugar porridge prepared for me by my grandmother. Although it is just a simple breakfast, it still makes me have a lot of memories.