87 Sentimental Quotations of Celebrities
I didn't mean to fly a swallow into a dream
2023-07-09 15:14:44

1、 Sanmao: It takes a turn to leave and a lifetime to forget.

2、 Mo Yan: I can't stand the passage of time, and I can't escape this young man.

3、 He Jiong: Good men can stand it, and good women can stand loneliness.

4、 Mo Yan: I like myself now. I miss us in the past.

5、 Mo Yan: Because of you in my life, I haven't wasted my youth.

6、 Mo Yan: I am on the other side of the river. Watching once came back, but there is no hope for my return.

7、 Mo Yan: I'm still waiting for you, but you have forgotten to have been here.

8、 Yu Minhong: You should work harder every day, one hour more than others.

9、 He Jiong: On the way of life, we are always surrounded by setbacks and failures.

10、 He Jiong: There are no two people who can't be together, only two hearts that can't get together.

11、 Yu Minhong: Almost everything you do out of compassion and face will fail.

12、 He Jiong: There are too many happy programs. I don't know much about happiness, anger, sadness and joy. I feel happy every day!

13、 Mo Yan: You are at a loss that I could not guess, and I am irrelevant that you did not expect.

14、 He Jiong: Don't be afraid when it's dark in front of you. Because you are the illuminant!

15、 He Jiong: Let's become more brave and stronger as we defeat. As long as we don't fall, as long as we don't retreat.

16、 Yu Minhong: The snail shell was added by myself. Depend on the sky, the earth and ourselves.

17、 Xi Murong: The merry go round is the most cruel game, but there is an eternal distance to chase each other.

18、 Mo Yan: It's not wrong to like a person. The mistake is to like a person who doesn't like himself.

19、 Mo Yan: The most unforgettable thing is that you never remember, but never forget.

20、 Yu Minhong: The most important value of life is the happiness of the soul, not any external things.

21、 Mo Yan: Don't rely on others. You only said it when you still have people to rely on.

22、 Mo Yan: The day you left, I decided not to cry. I held my eyes against the wind without blinking.

23、 Sanmao: If you know it's going to rain, you should bring an umbrella. If you know it won't come to an end, please don't start!

24、 He Jiong: Failure and frustration are like stepping stones, which increase our height and enrich our life.

25、 He Jiong: contentment is a rare quality. Calm, what a profound realm. good job.

26、 Xue Xiaochan: True love is religion and belief. It is joy to celebrate, sickness to help, loneliness to accompany.

27、 He Jiong: With the embrace of the wind, the sail opens its chest; With the contrast of snow, Mei became more and more cool and elegant.

28、 Yu Minhong: There are many geniuses in the world. Geniuses are for appreciation, not for comparison.

29、 Mo Yan: Always born in an unexpected year. Look back to the other side. Even though it has been sixteen years since I found it.

30、 Mo Yan: I put down my dignity, personality and stubbornness, just because I can't put you down.

31、 Mo Yan: Some people, inadvertently, forget; There are some people you can never forget.

32、 Sanmao: In my world, you are still pure, only the world is dirty

33、 Sanmao: I still keep my eyes open when the night comes, because I see the traces of you left in the moonlight.

34、 He Jiong: When he clenches tightly, there is nothing in his fist. Let go, the whole world is in hand.

35、 Yu Minhong: There is no absolute fairness in the world. Fairness is only at one point. Peace in heart, peace in the world.

36、 He Jiong: Without the barrier of rocks, there is no surge of waves; No antelope is fast, no cheetah is heroic.

37、 He Jiong: Most proud women marry humble men, and most proud men marry humble women.

38、 Mo Yan: I really love you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed didn't deceive me.

39、 Sanmao: Love without love will never go bad. So, we flirt, we are ambiguous, but never love each other.

40、 Mo Yan: Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury. Cruel people choose to hurt others; Good people choose to hurt themselves.

41、 Sanmao: Sometimes feelings are just one person's affairs. It has nothing to do with anyone. Love, or do not love, can only end by itself.

42、 Sanmao: Some people never come back after leaving, so waiting and hesitation are the most ruthless killers in the world!

43、 Yu Minhong: Luck can never last forever. The only thing that can help you last forever is your personal ability.

44、 Mo Yan: The most regrettable thing in life is to give up what should not be given up easily and persist stubbornly.

45、 Xue Xiaochan: I know that I only want to be a little bit better in this world. I am the flower in the dust, the fragrance that can open.

46、 Sanmao: I really want to have a quiet and serious effort of Tang Jike's German style unrequited love

47、 Yu Minhong: The goal of life should not be too big. You will succeed if you identify one thing and stick to it with interest and enthusiasm.

48、 Sanmao: There is only so much warmth in my life. I gave it all to you, but when you left me, you asked me how to smile at others again.

49、 Sanmao: Those beautiful little fish also keep their eyes open when they sleep. Don't need love, never cry. They are my role models.

50、 Sanmao: You will think of me carelessly in the future. Please don't forget that I loved you so deeply

Fifty one, thirty cents: If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your sister. Even if we can't enter the marriage palace, I can also be your family member that you can never give up!

Fifty two, thirty cents: You know, the boy stands on the girl's left side because it can be closer to her heart

53. Xue Xiaochan: A man's hobby will always save him at the critical moment of life and death. Because long time can't be passed away, these hobbies can be the enemy of time.

54. Xue Xiaochan: In fact, every woman has a depraved nature. For example, I thought of my past life as one of the eight beauties of the Qinhuai River.

55. He Jiong: Every day is the end of the old life and the beginning of a new journey. We are very lucky to be healthy, aren't we?

56. Xi Murong: Some women. It makes people feel that no one in the world is willing to treat her badly. However, this woman. She just can't get the good she has been looking forward to.

57. Xi Murong: If the truth is harm, please choose lies. If the lie is a kind of injury, please choose silence. If silence is a kind of injury, please choose to leave.

Fifty eight, Sanmao: People can't bond with each other all their lives. They are lonely and only have to exchange money. So please wait for the person who has special meaning for your life.

59. He Jiong: We always love each other, but forget that each other's heart is strong enough. Compared with worried eyes with tears, the other party may want to see our firm and reassuring eyes.

60. Xue Xiaochan: Don't try to talk. All must be borne alone. No one will really share your pain. You must learn to smile and pretend that the pain is gone.

61. Xi Murong: When I was young, I was crazy about it. Take me away. Now, I will never let anyone take me away. I learned to walk by myself.

62. He Jiong: I want to stand higher and see farther... In this way, I can skip some hardships and troubles, and see the future of good people being rewarded.

Sixty three, thirty cents: In this city, I believe there must be someone who, thinking about the same thing, with similar frequency, arranged to meet me at a lonely exit.

Sixty four, Snow Xiaochan: Time has already added the most beautiful things to those who practice it. That wonderful thing is light, stable, leisurely, and also a most natural heart.

65. Xue Xiaochan: The time in the play is always lovely, because you never know what will happen next second. The time to weave thread in the light and shadow is always short, so short that you think you have just arrived, but you are about to leave.

Sixty-six. Xue Xiaochan: I prefer shallow love and deep love. If I choose, I choose to like it. Because love is longer, longer, more suitable for a person's secret nostalgia, not publicity, not confrontation, just in silence.

67. He Jiong: One journey after another, at the next corner, I don't know what I will encounter... I believe I have the best in this corner at this moment.

68. Xi Murong: His world does not have her. Her world only has him. This is the way the world is. There has never been fairness. This is a battle without time limit. The more people care, the worse they lose.

69. Xue Xiaochan: Fate is a fixed number. It comes but disappears. Fate came unstoppable, scattered falling flowers and flowing water. Cherish the predestined relationship, and never stay without it. Not demanding is the realm, compassion is the cultivation.

Seventy, thirty hair: Some people will always remember. Even if they forget his voice, his smile, and his face, the feeling when they think of him will never change.

71. Xi Murong: In your life, there should be at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership or even love, just to meet you in my most beautiful years.

Seventy two, Xi Murong: As you walk, your memories will fade away; Looking at it, I am tired and the stars are dark; Listen, wake up and start complaining; Looking back, I found that you were missing, and suddenly I was confused.

73. Xue Xiaochan: A man said, "Wherever I sleep, I sleep at night." This sentence reminds me of the bird's nest in the wind. Wherever they sleep, they sleep in the wind.

Seventy four, Xi Murong: When a person is intoxicated with a fantasy, he will turn the fantasy into a vague flavor and treat it as real wine. You drink to get drunk; I drink to sober up from other kinds of drunkenness.

Seventy five. Xi Murong: It's not necessarily the most difficult to face. Loneliness is not necessarily unhappy. Get, not necessarily long. Lose, not necessarily no longer have. Don't fall in love because of loneliness. Don't fall in love because of loneliness.

76. Xue Xiaochan: Our tears wet our clothes. We held hands and watched the sun and the old days fall. We knew that many things would never come back.

Seventy seven, Xue Xiaochan: I like people or things in this time. In the world of mortals, people talk about people, things talk about things, and things come and go. I already know that what belongs to me will be a good time, and I will treasure it even if there are joys and sorrows.

Seventy eight, Xue Xiaochan: When my heart is old, I often like some quiet things, such as calligraphy, painting, and opera. Because there is no longer the rhythm and rhythm of life, it gradually loses the sense of scrambling for something.

79. Xue Xiaochan: Life is doomed. It is personal cultivation and self-reliance. It is the solitude of fish that teaches silence - only silence can explain everything. Everything will fail to time.

80, Sanmao: What are you doing? I'm looking up at the sky. What is a 30 degree look? It's the angle from which I miss her. Why raise your head to 30 degrees? In order not to let my tears fall

Eighty one, Xue Xiaochan: A good time should be like this: every minute passes by in my heart, happy, warm, wasteful, sad, happy, melancholy, even like the small troubles in the world, like the necessary flaws in life.

82. Xi Murong: Will you suddenly appear? At the coffee shop on the corner, I will greet you with a smiling face. Instead of talking about the past, I will just say a word to you. I haven't seen you for a long time

83. He Jiong: If you know how good you are, you don't have to rush to explain to people who don't understand you. People who look down on you will not listen to you at all. To be better yourself is also to make yourself happy

Eighty four, Xue Xiaochan: Idiotism is disease. At least it is morbid. I impose my own imaginary things on myself, adding to my worries intermittently. It is my endless pursuit and fighting with myself. At the most crazy time, there is no way in front of me and no way in the sky.

Eighty five, Xue Xiaochan: In my mind, there have always been some women who always walk outside the crowd and are always out of step with the reality, such as the tree suddenly emerging from heaven and earth, which is either not straight or not useful, but grows proudly in the wilderness.

86. Xue Xiaochan: What is love? Love is the attraction of one soul to another. Sometimes, it has nothing to do with money and status; It has nothing to do with the most attractive appearance. Sometimes, to find love is to get closer to another soul, just because of that.

Eighty seven, thirty cents: In order to pursue the person I like, I am willing to give up everything I have. But when I give up all this, will she still accept my love? Foreword: It is said that there are more sad people than happy people in the world, but more often I think that sadness is addictive