Talk about phrases in a bad mood Shake your voice Talk about phrases in a hot mood (22 selected sentences)
Fish going upstream
2023-02-08 05:40:43
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. If one day the person I love goes with others, then my only wish is to ask God to give me a better rival to let me lose willingly

2. At the beginning, we knew that there would always be an end.

3. Death can only show that I have existed.

4. Too many words stuck in my throat, and I was afraid to open my mouth and roar.

5. Go down, go down. I hate you. I don't care about you.

6. Is it mature too late or hurt too early

7. Listen to the opinions of others, good or bad.

8. I am not cold-blooded, not slow but afraid that I will be sad when I leave with too much investment

9. Life is like a healing process. We get hurt, heal, hurt again, heal again. Every recovery seems to be in preparation for the next injury. Then we learned to grow through constant injury and healing.

10. Dear, cry out when you are sad, we will always be by your side.

11. There are many things in life that can knock you down, but what can really knock you down is your mentality.

12. I look at the sunset, the crowd, you, the people with you.

13. If one day I disappear, who will suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and think of me crying.

14. Only through the most painful persistence can we be worthy of the most permanent happiness.

15. The moment you turn around, you lengthen the distance between us.

16. Every TV play has a happy ending, and every spoony has bitter and painful memories.

17. If one day you are tired but can't rely on it, please fall back. I have been behind you - to friends

18. Do you know that you know the pain and loneliness of watching the stars alone in the night sky

19. I'm not lost, I'm not hurt, I'm not sad, I'm not angry, I just hate to pay too much and then pay too little back

20. Even if the pain lasts for a long time without hatred, I will make a smart farewell to you and say goodbye to you! Hope, in the next reincarnation, don't meet you.

21. I really want to find you, then hold you tight and say I miss you so much.

22. I just feel sad and close the door and lie on the table. Life makes me feel depressed, but I choose silence