87 sentences in bad mood
Go home often
2023-07-29 17:26:55
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. I need a hug. I'm in a bad mood today.

2. You are my snowman, and I can never warm your heart.

3. Your world is full of spring, my world is full of flowers.

4. That is, what will be the past today and what will be the future.

5. What you can't get is not terrible, and what you can't keep is a joke.

6. I gave my heart to you, so don't give it back to me.

7. I still can't control my heart, blame me for not winning.

8. Sometimes, the best comfort is wordless company.

9. If you are not dispensable, how can he be hot and cold.

10. Footprints left on the beach prove that we once snuggled up.

11. It's better to love yourself more than wait for others to love you.

12. Why does time pass so fast, but you are still in my mind.

13. Garbage is a treasure in the wrong place. It is best to know how to use it.

14. Many things can be refuted, but they choose to bear them silently.

15. Happiness is so similar to happiness, but is happiness happiness?

16. The advantage of being ill is that you can act coquettishly to others.

17. Seeing the person you like being close to others makes my heart ache inexplicably.

18. When a person smiles, maybe he is crying in his heart.

19. Forget, it is so easy to write, but so difficult to do.

20. One day you will find that not everyone can replace me.

21. I slowly learned that caring too much about others often hurts me.

22. Time, starting from zero. The story cannot end at the end.

23. Life will change every day. Expectation is a worthwhile thing.

24. Dear past, please stop patting me on the shoulder. I don't want to look back.

25. If I really love someone, I am willing to wait, whether it is worth it or not.

26. There are too many shadows in my heart, and I am upset and confused by life.

27. I will not talk without heart and liver. I am afraid of tiredness because of sincere love.

28. Never mention the past pain or happiness again.

29. What hurts you is not the other party's heartless feelings, but your illusory persistence.

30. In fact, narcissists are very smart, because falling in love with themselves will never hurt.

31. Try to become the person you like, and everything will be in time.

32. If breaking up is just a way to get rid of, the soul after breaking up can wander.

33. I will not be kind to everyone. People change their hearts, which is the truth that everyone understands.

34. Take others too seriously, and you are nothing in others' eyes.

35. It's better not to meet each other. You will always be what I remember.

36. Memory is the best outcome. All fools are the same. They can't escape sadness.

37. I am not fragile, not to mention what kind of injury it is. Anyway, love is all like this.

38. The so-called promise is a promise when it is realized. It is a lie if it cannot be realized!

39. How many idiots know that there is no result, but they still love stubbornly.

40. It doesn't matter how slow your steps are. As long as you are walking, you will always see progress.

41. I seldom reply to messages sent to me by others. Unlike you, you don't send me messages.

42. I gradually stopped. It's a pity that you are no longer here, and the sadness is coming.

43. There are some things that I pretend not to know. Knowing them will only make me more distressed.

44. No matter how strong a person is, there is always a soft place in his heart that cannot be touched.

45. I used to cry when I was sad and smile when I was happy, but now I always smile and cry.

46. Happiness is a moment. If you catch it, you will be forever. If you can't catch it, you will be forever.

47. What you miss is not the old time. It is the love that lives in the old days without mentioning.

48. We always meet people we shouldn't meet at the most beautiful time, and love them deeply.

49. I learned to swallow a long sentence and all emotions. Just express all my thoughts.

50. Please take off the first button of the shirt and give it to me, because it is the most redundant, like me.

51. The direction against the wind is more suitable for flying. I am not afraid of ten thousand people to stop me, but I am afraid of surrender.

52. I don't know where your honey like love comes from. My love is always bitter and astringent.

53. When you come into my eyes, like a flower reflected in the water, you are not a flower. Color is empty, and everything is red.

54. If waiting is a kind of happiness, letting go is a kind of fulfillment, the fulfillment of both sides.

55. Is there such a person? You said you would give up countless times, but you still couldn't bear it after all.

56. It's sad to be ignored by the person who cares, and even more sad is to pretend not to care at all.

57. The world is so imperfect. You have to lose what you want.

58. People who have never stood there and waited will not understand the feeling that they cannot bend their legs after standing for a long time.

59. I used to think that no one could do anything but you. Now anyone can, as long as it is not you.

60. Being single means that you are strong enough and patient enough to wait for the person who deserves you.

61. We finally made up our mind to burn our memories and celebrate the best first love and dead love.

62. Others can see the happiness on your face, but who can feel the pain you have hidden in your heart.

63. Please be confident! You are a landscape, there is no need to look up in other people's landscape.

64. He is destined to be the king of beasts in the jungle. How can he be a sheep who is willing to be your own.

65. If you love her, I will let go and see you again. If you love me, I will go with you.

66. Let me stand at the place where my heart is broken, and gently tie a knot, a kind of sewing, to prevent the pain from flowing out again.

67. Some people seem to have known each other for a long time and want to talk to him about everything.

68. There must be another me in the world, doing what I dare not to do and living the life I want to live.

69. Now I know why pants should be designed with pockets. That's because no one holds my hand and carries them away.

70. If life ends in the sun, why not die in the hell. All the places in the sun are similar, so we should only wander in a foreign land.

71. You say too little or too much. It will make people very frightened. I really gave up. Only then did I know that I never regretted it.

72. I said I would like to have long hair, but I still can't survive in summer, just like I said I would like it all the time, but I can't beat time.

73. I understand that he doesn't really care about you. If he does, he will not let you bear the loneliness.

74. Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury. Cruel people choose to hurt others; Good people choose to hurt themselves.

75. Fate is a chance in life and a certainty in the dark, just like passing by by chance is bound to miss.

76. A person's loneliness is caused by missing a person, and the torture of a heart is caused by not forgetting a person.

77. If you stay together for a long time, you will be bored; if you leave for a long time, you will miss. So, cherish your time together.

78. You will never see me when I am loneliest, because I am loneliest only when you are not with me.

79. People who really shed tears never have tears on their faces. They believe that they are flying in the desolate darkness together limpidly and willfully.

80. Hand in hand represents commitment, but why does commitment always die halfway? Is it your fault, my fault, or God's fault?

81. Memory is like water poured into the palm of your hand. No matter you spread it out or hold it tightly, it will flow clean from your fingers.

82. I gave up myself when I gave up you, and my heart would die without you. It's not that I have no choice, but I don't want to make mistakes again and again.

83. He is not her hundred million stars, but the unique brilliant thousand suns in her world. Even if the sea is decaying, there is no regret or regret in this life.

84. Not every effort will yield, but every effort must yield. This is an unfair and irreversible proposition.

85. Time is the best peacemaker, and those things that once thought they could never pass away, unexpectedly passed away quietly and simply.

86. The wine like yearning will make you drunk once you drink it. When you get drunk, you will read the sad moonlight with all your enthusiasm. So when you get drunk, the moon gets drunk, the night gets drunk, and I get drunk.

87. Infatuation is a swamp, and the deeper it sinks, the more passionate it is, the more bitter it is. It is heartless and the most hurtful. The devil's soul, with its heart broken, has lost its dream and has seen through the world of mortals.