Quotes of inspirational sentences for fighting against epidemic
Write about breaking rivers and mountains
2023-02-23 15:19:44
Complete sentences

1. Face is valuable, and life is more valuable. Wear a mask. Pneumonia can't come.

2. Pay attention to science, listen to official propaganda, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors!

3. We must adjust our mentality, face the epidemic actively, and the darkness will pass. We cannot lose.

4. Doubt is no pleasure, but conviction is also a waste. Tang.

5. People's health is above everything, and the fight against epidemic situation will be won.

6. In the face of the epidemic, I hope the cold winter is not cold, the warmth is still warm, the distance is near, and you and I are safe.

7. I hope tomorrow will be better and the epidemic will end earlier. I hope that the medical staff at the front line can reunite with their relatives as soon as possible. I hope all relatives are safe.

8. There is no imprisoned city, only inseparable love. No matter how hard it is, love will not leave!

9. There is a city called "City of Unity". Come on, China! Abide by social morality, fulfill civic obligations, unite as one, and there will be no obstacle!

10. I hope the epidemic will end at an early date, mountains and rivers will be safe, and the world will be safe. May we run in the sun and bathe in the autumn wind.

11. It is another great battle, and it is still a lovely people. May our Chinese nation live and work in peace and contentment

12. Come on in Shanghai, come on in China. May everything be well, may everything be safe, may the disease be overcome as soon as possible, and may the health be restored as soon as possible

13. Please take great care of and pay tribute to you in front! Thank you!

14. May the epidemic end as soon as possible, may the mountains and rivers be safe and the world safe, may the beauty come as promised, and may we all run in the sun and bathe in the autumn wind.

15. Epidemics are orders, prevention and control are responsibilities, and time is life.

16. The builders bravely shoulder the heavy burden, move forward in the opposite direction, and gather powerful forces to fight against the epidemic. The cold winter will always pass, and the hope of spring is spreading.

17. Confidence is a sharp weapon to defeat the disease.

18. After the end of the epidemic, no matter what comments are reported on the Internet, please continue to trust her.

19. The most important thing to do after the epidemic is over. All the unexpected encounters are the best arrangements to fight for what you like and cherish what you get.

20. Every day, I was brushed by the news on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, which blurred my eyes. At this moment, I just want to pay tribute to those lovely angels and hope everyone can protect themselves.

21. Unite and let love fill the world. Everyone treats everything with love. I believe Wuhan will be better! China will be better!

22. Firmly rely on the people to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control.

23. The safety distance can be kept, and the warmth of the world cannot be absent.

24. Come on, China. Please respect the achievements of hard working medical staff, and everyone should remain conscious and work together to overcome the epidemic as soon as possible.

25. I hope that this sudden epidemic will end soon, and that the world will be safe and the mountains and rivers will be safe. Everything will be on the right track and everything will be done.

26. Epidemics are orders, prevention and control are responsibilities, and life is more important than Mount Tai.

27. An epidemic reminds you that people have and only have this life, so they should try their best to do what they can. When they should be busy, they should be serious and not waste their youth.

28. Good curative effect of integrated traditional and western medicine! I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, we will be able to overcome the epidemic soon! Come on China.

29. Today is your big day. Although I hate it, I hope you can live a happy life and have a baby early, because I'm still waiting to be the godmother of my children.

30. There is no way to avoid the epidemic; To overcome the epidemic, responsibility cannot be absent.

31. May everything in the world be beautiful at the right time. I also hope the epidemic will end soon. Good morning, come on!

32. Green water and green mountains are in vain. Hua Tuo is helpless! Thousands of villagers died of Xue Li people, and thousands of households died of Xiao Shu ghost. Sitting on the ground and traveling 80000 miles a day, you can inspect the sky and see a thousand rivers from afar. The cowherd wants to ask about the plague god, but he is also sad and happy.

33. The haze in winter is getting farther and farther away, and the pace of spring is getting closer and closer. We will spend a good time together, "stay at home" to the end, and save enough energy to welcome the warm spring when the epidemic fades.

34. Revitalize the country through difficulties, be sincere, and work with one heart to show responsibility.

35. In the face of the epidemic, there are always some warm concerns that affect you and me, and there are always some simple touches that directly hit people's hearts.

36. No dawn will not arrive, no spring will not come! We must build confidence and win!