The latest collection of aphorisms about encouraging people to study hard (45 selected sentences)
Snow rose
2023-08-01 15:41:50
A complete list of famous sayings

1. There is a long time between today and tomorrow; Learn to act quickly while you are still in spirit—— Goethe

2. We don't need to read and memorize, we need to use basic knowledge to develop and enhance the thinking power of each learner—— Lenin

3. Teaching must begin with the learner's existing experience—— Dewey

4. To build, we must have knowledge and grasp science. To have knowledge, we must learn and study tenaciously and patiently. Learn from all people, from enemies or friends, especially from enemies—— Stalin

5. Anyone who devotes himself to dressing and hairstyle will have no energy to study; Those who only pay attention to the beauty of the appearance can not get the inner beauty—— Yang Zuntian

6. Frequent success in learning may lead to greater interest in learning and improve students' self-concept as learning—— Bloom

7. I have studied all my life. Now I am still studying. In the future, as long as I have energy, I will continue to study—— Belinsky

8. Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking and rethinking—— Einstein

9. The more we study, the more we feel poor—— Shelley

10. Steel is tempered in fierce fire and rapid cooling, so it can be hard and fearless. Our generation has also been tempered in such struggles and terrible tests, and learned not to yield to life—— Nikolai Ostrovsky

11. To live is to learn, not to live—— Bacon

12. In order to live a successful life, young people must learn to stand on their own feet, remove the obstacles lying in ambush everywhere, and educate them at home so that they can have an independent personality recognized by others—— Dale Carnegie

13. The enemy of learning is your own satisfaction. If you want to learn something seriously, you must start from never being complacent. We should adopt this attitude to ourselves, to others, and to others—— Mao Zedong

14. We should brace ourselves and study hard. To do hard work, three words, one is to do hard work, one is to do hard work, one is to do hard work—— Mao Zedong

15. Learning and research is like climbing a ladder. If you want to climb up step by step, and try to step up four or five steps, you must be able to fall—— Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician

16. Knowledge is not something perfect, pure, rigid and unchangeable. It is always innovating and advancing—— Plianischnikov

17. You have to learn to think and then write—— Boileau

18. In the long river of seeking truth, only by learning, continuous learning, diligent learning, and creative learning can we cross mountains and mountains—— Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician

19. We should praise the firmness of the rock. We should learn from the firmness of rocks. We should have a strong belief in revolution—— Pottery casting

20. Politeness is a language. Its rules and implementation should mainly be learned from observation and the manners of those educated people—— Locke

21. Study hard and work hard to make youth more glorious—— Wang Guangmei

22. If a person with high talent is lazy, that is, does not work hard to develop his talent, his achievements will not be great, and sometimes he will be inferior to the person with lower scores that day—— contradiction

23. Many young people learn to love when they learn music—— Ledger

24. When everyone here stops talking, they can humbly ask questions and learn from others when they have a chance—— John Locke

25. The biggest obstacle to our learning is the known, not the unknown—— Bernard

26. The task of ordinary youth, especially the task of the Communist Youth League and all other organizations, can be expressed in one sentence: to learn—— Lenin

27. It is no better to study idly than to study idly—— John Bayles

28. We must propose such tasks to ourselves: first, study, second, and third, study—— Lenin

29. Learning and doing are originally linked. After learning, you must think about it. After thinking about it, you must do it. Only through doing can you see whether you have really learned something. Otherwise, although there are many books, they will only become a dead library—— Xie Juezai

30. The important thing is not the quantity of knowledge, but the quality of knowledge. Some people know a lot, but do not know the most useful things—— Tolstoy

31. As long as your heart is beating, you should study hard—— Zhang Haidi

32. People who learn to learn are very happy—— menander

33. Learning is labor and full of thoughts—— Ushinsky

34. If the result of a student's study in school is that he cannot create anything, his life will always be imitation and plagiarism—— Leo Tolstoy

35. Virtue can be divided into two types: one is the virtue of wisdom, and the other is the virtue of behavior. The former is derived from learning, and the latter is derived from practice—— Aristotle

36. It is not difficult to learn a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is just like making friends. The more friends you make, the more familiar you become. When you meet each other every day, you will become close to each other—— Gao Shiqi

37. If you are diligent in learning, you can become a learned person—— a leading authority on Ming history

38. It is not difficult to master all the knowledge and knowledge in the world. As long as we study persistently, try to master the rules, and reach a familiar position, we can learn from each other and use them freely—— Gao Shiqi

39. Reading and learning is to build up your own thoughts and knowledge with the help of other people's thoughts and knowledge—— Pushkin

40. Reading history makes people wise, poetry makes people smart, mathematics makes people thoughtful, natural philosophy makes people profound, ethics makes people solemn, and logic makes people good at debating—— Bacon

41. Pay attention to details in learning, not carelessness. In this way, you can gradually learn to explore and find objective laws—— Xu Teli

42. As long as you are willing to learn, you can certainly learn—— Lenin

43. It doesn't matter whether you are taught or not. The most important thing is whether you have awareness and perseverance—— Fabur

44. The academic performance of Chinese students is often much better than that of American students who study together. However, ten years later, the scientific research achievements are much less than that of others. The reason is that American students have active thinking, strong practical ability and creative spirit—— Yang Zhenning

45. We learn to think in the process of our labor. As a result of our labor, we know the mysteries of the world, so we can really change our lives—— Golgi