Reading the Adventures of the Bacterial World
Also elegant
2023-06-08 12:09:44

Although bacteria are invisible in our daily life, they are ubiquitous. After I read the book "Adventures of Bacteria", he gave me a very intuitive understanding of the bacterial world. His author is Gao Shiqi, a famous popular science writer in China. He tells us his adventures in the bacterial world in the first person, which is very vivid and interesting.

At the beginning, he introduced his name as Juner, which was the smallest and lightest among the Juns. People could not see him with their naked eyes, so people didn't know his existence at first. At that time, he lived a carefree life and was never disturbed by others. Later, a dreamer found him, and his secret gradually leaked out, From then on, he was gradually understood.

Mushrooms are universal. No matter where on the earth there are some water vapor and organic matter, they can survive. He once lived in the intestines of human beings. He thought that it was his heaven, where there was no panic of drying, burning, freezing, and starving. There was only food to eat. But because he was restless, he destroyed the walls of other people's intestines wantonly after warming up, causing pain in the stomach of that person. Then he was excreted by drugs, and he lived a wandering life again.

In the 17th century, he was discovered once, but people did not seriously investigate his character, so it was not settled. Later, in the 19th century, a strange scholar came out of France, and he did not hesitate to doubt that I was the culprit of the disease, so we should thoroughly investigate his crime account.

It is said that fire and water are merciless, but fire can kill them, but it cannot bring them the danger of extinction. Water is their gentle habitat. Of course, they also dislike water, that is, swamp water. Like people, they also worry about their own livelihood. In order to find food, Juner left the water country and came to the shore to enter the fish belly, human kitchen, table, and belly

This book is not only lively and interesting to read, but also lets us know the magic of bacteria. If you want to know more about bacteria, please read this book together!