Cool signature of domineering girl
Mountains and rivers are affectionate
2023-02-08 07:47:38
Complete set of signatures

1. At the end of the month, I asked people who were returning to Dongli about their right and wrong at dusk.

2. The west wind is cool and cold, and the empty street is cool for a night.

3. It's easy to break away without that worldly connection. Swallows are still walking on the curtain

4. I feel so unlucky to know you in such a big world.

5. If you can, please drown with me in the blooming fireworks

6. Small sample, I just need a moment to buckle my nose when dealing with you.

7. I'll make a long story short. It's a long story.

8. If reply can accumulate virtue, I would have become a saint.

9. Sometimes I am mute, especially when I do something wrong.

10. The wonderful vine stranded between the tongues wants to dance for you.

11. Please put away your hypocrisy and roll towards the sun.

12. You, you, you, force me again. I will feed you Sanlu milk powder.

13. Do you have to shit on her to leave your shit smell.

14. Sister, the estrus is over, so don't cry in front of me.

15. What time produces is not change, but more long-term concern and yearning.

16. Depressed, do you think I'm so kind? It's hard to play minesweeping.

17. The greatest advantage of my life: the courage to admit mistakes; Disadvantages: determined not to change.

18. Don't pretend to be a NPC representative in front of me. In fact, you are just a class representative.

19. I don't love those who love me. I will kick those who do not love me to death.

20. The new makeup is beautiful, and the lovesickness is long. The Xiaoxuan in the west building is dressing up, but Liu Shaoqing is green, but Spring will not return it

21. Without you, I suddenly feel that the application of QQ space is meaningless.

22. Sister said: Simple people are stupid. Think about it: No wonder I'm never simple.

23. According to my judgment and experience for many years, it is really a good choice to go through the back door.

24. Men's lies can deceive women overnight, while women's lies can deceive men all their lives.

25. The teacher said that I was the best in the class, and only two things I couldn't do. Neither this nor that.

26. Installation B will not be struck by lightning, otherwise, lightning and thunder would have split me in half.

27. In life, don't leave him any regrets. Youth, don't give him too many choices and go crazy once.

28. There are not hundreds of flowers in bloom, and the independent fence is very interesting. It is better to die with incense on the branches than to fall into the north wind.