Good sentences with happy and excited mood
Old friends don't return to the city
2023-05-30 11:21:37
Complete sentences

1. It's very comfortable to talk to yourself. It's a long time no one can shut himself up. At least, we should learn to talk to ourselves.

2. Choice is more important than effort, attitude is more important than ability, and position is more important than strength!

3. Those who follow me will prosper, while those who oppose me will perish. They will not talk much and will control themselves.

4. What about "I love you"? The three initials add up to a word of "play".

5. Never forget, there must be an echo. Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.

6. In my heart, I feel as light as a heavy load. His face was covered with clouds of joy, and his two round bright eyes were like two small lanterns.

7. Missing becomes more and more crowded, leaving only the beauty of loneliness.

8. Good words warm in three winters, bad words hurt in June. Born as a person, please speak well and be kind.

9. Better live beautifully than be beautiful!

10. Everything that appears in life cannot be owned, but can only be experienced.

11. If you don't forgive all beings, you will suffer yourself.

12. There is always a person who has lived in the bottom of his heart, but disappeared in life. So I always feel that life is like a cup of coffee, which is originally bitter. If you want to live a sweet life, you must add some sugar by yourself.

13. We smiled and said that we stayed in the same place of time, in fact, we had already been swept away silently by the torrent.

14. You cry, someone comforts you, this is happiness.

15. How can we get happiness? Abandon hatred, stay away from troubles, live a simple life, indifferent to fame and wealth, always be considerate of others, laugh often, and have love in mind.

16. Life is like fireworks, short but gorgeous, dazzling but fleeting.

17. Life should be able to stand loneliness. There is always too much prosperity in the world, which stirs up our already uneven mood.

18. If happiness can be bought with money, most people will be unhappy because the price is exorbitant.

19. I am a single cell, I have no femininity, I am thick, I have a bad figure, I like to make trouble without reason.

20. A spell of intoxicating happiness filled my heart! My heart is happy, like a bird singing there!

21. You work hard to grow up silently, and finally you succeed in making all those who question you shut up.

22. It doesn't matter if you have been tired for a day. You can recover after drying your body and mind for a while.

23. Personal love is too crowded, so how about I quit?

24. The dog forced you to play with me, and you were the last one to get hurt.

25. One day I will proudly say to you: Go away, I don't need you.

26. Laughter brings us more satisfaction. Keep optimistic about life. I love to laugh and love every bit of life.

27. Behind every girl's favorite lyrics, there is a story that has not been told.

28. After so many years, you have always been the protagonist in my life, and I have been your stranger.