74 verses on Teacher's Day
Sorrow under pillow
2023-07-07 17:16:34
Complete Poems

1. One day as a teacher, one day as a father.

2. If the world is not good at teaching, the old way will be better.

3. Raise your head and drill hard.

4. It takes ten years for trees to grow and a hundred years for people to grow.

5. Learning is worth a teacher, and learning is worth a friend.

6. Peach ceremony does not say anything.

7. Classics are easy to meet, but people and teachers are hard to meet.

8. As a world model, a teacher.

9. A good teacher is better than ten thousand books.

10. If you hope for the latecomers, report your success to your master.

11. Education is like the spring breeze, and teacher kindness is like the sea.

12. The jade pot keeps the ice heart, and the ink pen writes the spirit of the teacher.

13. Be earnest as your father's words, and earnest as friends and relatives.

14. A few lines of words are light and thick, which can make people feel better.

15. Hard gardener, the embodiment of maternal love.

16. Sneak into the night with the wind, moistening things silently.

17. There was no king in ancient times who did not respect his teacher.

18. A scholar must seek a teacher, and one must be cautious when following a teacher.

19. Virtuous and erudite, we hope to value heroes.

20. Teacher, so preach, teach and dispel doubts.

21. The sun and moon are stored on the three foot platform, and spring and autumn are written with a piece of chalk.

22. Half an acre of pond is full of running water, and new seedlings are nurtured with painstaking efforts.

23. The friendship is always in the dream of the soul, and the deep gratitude is always in my heart.

24. Ancient scholars must be strict with their teachers, and their teachers should be strict and then respected.

25. Peach and Li Yan from all over the world and all over the world, enjoy living in a humble house and forget about worries.

26. The ends of the earth have their limits, and only Shien has infinite time.

27. The world will last forever, and the teacher's kindness will last forever.

28. Forget the past like smoke, and the selfless world is wide.

29. The teacher took the water from the Tianchi Lake and sprinkled it on the earth to cultivate new seedlings.

30. Next year, there will be another new person, 100000 dragons and suns circling the phoenix pool.

31. The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will be dried when it turns into ash and tears.

32. Be willing to cultivate talents for children, and make every effort to be careful.

33. Falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers.

34. Those who drink from others will cherish their source and learn from them when they are successful.

35. The white hair reflects the sun and the moon, and the heart is warm and fresh.

36. Black hair accumulates frost and weaves the sun and the moon, while chalk is silent and writes about spring and autumn.

37. Teachers are like candles, burning themselves and illuminating others.

38. Three foot platform, three inch tongue, three inch pen, three thousand peaches and plums.

39. Ten years of trees, ten years of wind, ten years of rain, one hundred thousand pillars.

40. There is no value, no lowliness, no strength, no lack. The Tao exists as well as the teacher.

41. Bai Shuzi, Donggong, and Yuanchan Master, Nansi. Where can we meet far away.

42. Education is like the spring breeze, teacher's kindness is like the sea, peaches and plums are all over the world, and spring sunshine is everywhere.

43. There is no place in the void, as if it were colored glaze. Who comes to the poetic realm? Zen mind goes back to poetry.

44. Despite hard work and cold inkstone, peach is ripe and elixir is flowing, and plum is ripe and branch is incomplete. It is easy to plant flowers and make people difficult.

45. The sun shines and the gardener feels warm in spring; The rain and dew are moist, and the peach and plum buds are red.

46. Those who are good should be motivated by it, followed by facilitation, followed by instruction, followed by orderliness, and the lowest should contend with it.

47. Spring is full of rivers, mountains and green gardens. Peaches and plums compete for spring dew and smiles. Spring is always around, and only the teacher is attentive.

48. Three foot Apricot Altar is better for spring and autumn. Frosted temples are dyed early without being noticed, and peach and plum are cultivated only with their heads buried.

49. In the dead of night, a bright light accompanies the book boat. He worked hard at the table at night, and his teacher's morality was exemplary.

50. Deliberate the words carefully and chew the summary. Half an acre of pond is full of running water, and new seedlings are cultivated with painstaking efforts.

51. New bamboos are higher than old bamboos, which are supported by old cadres. Next year, there will be another new person, 100000 dragons and suns circling the phoenix pool.

52. Stand at the podium at seven feet after sunrise, and work under the lamp at night. He devotes himself to watering, and leaves green flowers and hearts are fragrant.

53. After spring and autumn, peach and plum blossom blossom, and after summer and winter, gardeners are busy. Laugh at the wonderful flowers blooming, and like to create brilliance through hard work.

54. The Lvye Hall opens and occupies Wuhua, and passers-by point out the Taoist officials. Let the public peach and plum blossom all over the world, why plant flowers in front of the hall.

55. The moon prints are sprinkled all over the building, and people stare at the lights. The tea is full of fragrance, and the sleeves are full of fragrance.

56. In the past, a school was set up. The method of education was to ask teachers and students to be right. They were indignant and sentimental in their development. They had a lot of twists and turns with each other.

57. Three foot platform, three inch tongue, three inch pen, three thousand peaches and plums, ten years of trees, ten years of wind, ten years of rain, one hundred thousand pillars.

58. On our way from childishness to maturity and from ignorance to civilization, you use the torch of life to open the way for us.

59. Every year, I send you the first ray of spring and the New Year card; My dear teacher, may spring always be with you!

60. Your work today is building the future of the motherland; Your teaching is in the classroom, but your achievements are in all directions of the motherland.

61. Teachers are the kindling, which ignites the fire of students' hearts; The teacher is a stone step, bearing the students step by step to climb up.

62. Your position will never be changed, but your footprints are everywhere; Your temples will be grey one day, but your youth will last for a hundred years.

63. The value of fireflies is that they use the lamp hanging at the rear to shine on others; Your respect lies in always providing convenience for others.

64. In your teaching career, you have countless proud and happy memories, but you treasure them in your heart, instead of looking at the garden to be developed.

65. I am not your best student, but you are my most respected teacher. On your holiday, I would like to pay a high tribute to you.

66. You are like a candle. Although it is thin, it has a certain heat and light, illuminating others and exhausting yourself. This selfless dedication is unforgettable.

67. Regardless of hard work and cold ink, peach is ripe and elixir is flowing, and Li is skilled and incompetent. It is easy to plant flowers but difficult to cultivate people. The valley is full of poems and paintings, and the talented people are smiling.

68. If I were a poet, I would write a poem full of enthusiasm to praise the vastness and profoundness of the sea. And I dedicate it to you my teacher with broad mind and profound knowledge.

69. Today, I kneel down to lead the secret of my master's poem. I am glad to know that we have broken the false image of ten thousand predestined reasons, washed away the six desires of true kindness, married men and women, and let go of the rest day. When I forget the custom, I will respectfully follow my master's cloud water, and decide to go to heaven in the future.

70. I am lazy to watch the Confucian classics, lazy to burn incense, lazy to soar, like drunken, crazy, sun and moon, but I know what is going on and what is going on. When long guests come to sit down and ask questions, it is not the reason why I am tired from eating to my lips, so I can indulge myself in poverty and cure diseases.

71. Immortals are ethereal, too vain, private and secular. When the door is open for enlightenment, don't refuse to do evil things all day long when it comes to festivals. For the time being, the heart of blessing and healing is only temporarily more ungrateful. How can you repay kindness all your life.

72. You are a gardener, adding beauty to the motherland's mountains and rivers; You are like spring rain, nourishing peaches and plums, and the land of China is full of beauty. In this festive festival, let me present a flower of my heart to express my heartfelt wishes to you.

73. Spring silkworm has never said anything boastful in its life, and the silver it spit out is a ruler to measure the value of life. Dear teacher, you have never shown off in front of others, but the blooming peaches and plums are the highest evaluation of you.

74. Who scattered rain and dew all over the earth? Who fed the seedlings? You, teacher, you are a great gardener! Look at the flowers blooming everywhere, which one does not have your hard work, which one does not have your smile!