The most beautiful railway people's impressions
Plantain in the Rain
2023-06-05 15:10:20

Today, I watched the program "The Most Beautiful Railway People", and the release ceremony showed the advanced deeds of ten "The Most Beautiful Railway People". The advanced deeds of the ten models demonstrate the "most beautiful" spirit and will of the railway people from all aspects, such as hard study, enthusiastic service, adhering to the standard operation, and ensuring the people's warm and safe travel. The purpose of the release ceremony is to encourage railway cadres and workers to remember their original intention and mission, and strive to be the first in building a transportation power. The deeds of the role models are extraordinary and moving.

Although every railway worker is only a small force on China's railway, it is this force that has deeply rooted safety and efficiency into the foundation of China's railway. Countless of them lined up along the railway station and stood in place to watch the train speeding by. They used their own hard work to build the speed and safety of the railway. In their hearts, they not only did the work repeated day after day, but also insisted and dedicated like a solid track bed under their feet. We should take them as an example, always stick to our posts, work hard and love each other, and turn our love for the cause and the country into a spark in railway work. We must not forget our original intention and keep our mission in mind, strive to be a good leader in building a transportation power, carry forward the iron man spirit of not being afraid of hardship and fatigue, use our work to hone our perseverance, pour our enthusiasm into the current cause, and support the country's grand railway construction blueprint with our own modest efforts

As a member of the track maintenance section, I can see railway workers in cold winter, hot summer, wind and rain. The staff always sticks to their posts silently, carefully controls the quality of work and guard against potential safety hazards. Maybe the daily work is boring, and maybe the heavy work is followed by various patrols, but they always do every work with a serious attitude and rigorous way to ensure the good condition of railway equipment. Without normal holidays and working hours, they use their bodies to stay at the front line of railway safety and ensure the normal operation of railway equipment. As young workers just entering the road, we should seize the moment and work hard at the front line to learn on-site technology and accumulate experience. We should not be afraid of hardship and tiredness. We should start with the smallest things and the most complicated things. We should lay a solid foundation, be responsible for ourselves, be responsible for the railway construction cause, and create our own value in our jobs.