100 SMS messages of integrity during the Spring Festival
Farewell to the past
2023-08-03 13:01:17
SMS Collection

1、 Being an official, being honest, paying attention to people's livelihood and benefiting the people is the biggest hope project.

2、 As an honest and upright official, we should regard fame and wealth as water. As a diligent governor, we should regard career as mountain.

3、 The way to be an official: be able to stand loneliness, be able to stand poverty, be able to stand the test.

4、 Taking the people as the foundation and using power according to law; To solve problems for the people and use power impartially; Serve the people and use power honestly.

5、 The way to be a man is based on morality, the way to deal with the world is based on justice, and the way to be in politics is based on career.

6、 Reduce office expenses, tighten social intercourse, promote walking and simple affairs, refuse all kinds of things, and be strict with relatives, friends and children.

7、 Diligent and honest in politics, due diligence, not power light weight, clean and honest in every way, not thinking about gain and loss.

8、 Diligent people are not poor, honest people are not corrupt; Diligence, dedication and political harmony; Honesty is good for morality, and keeping clean.

9、 Diligence can make up for weakness, and frugality can support honesty. Diligence is a money spinner, and frugality is a cornucopia. Diligence is meritorious, but playing is useless.

10、 You, the pillar of your country and the backbone of your family, please serve your country as your home, be an innocent person, and be an official easily.

11、 He is a civil servant in front of his post, a waiter in front of paying taxes, and a goalkeeper in front of a clean government.

12、 Work, study, serve, and be honest, and devote all his life to the local tax cause.

13、 Imbalance of mentality is the cause of corruption; Fear of hardship and fatigue is the soil of corruption; Ignorance of justice for profit is the source of corruption.

14、 An uninhibited horse may ride, wild, or be slaughtered; The power without prison may be corrupt, lax, or imprisoned.

15、 Wise men warn themselves of others' painful lessons; Fools awaken others at their own heavy cost.

16、 Wise people warn themselves of others' painful lessons; Fools awaken others with their own heavy price.

17、 The moon is full of wind and rain, so we should know the details; The rat hole destroys the house and the ant cave breaks the dike.

18、 Have the right not to use, dereliction of duty, abuse, overstepping duty, discretion and civilized behavior.

19、 The value of pine and cypress lies in integrity, and the value of cadres lies in integrity. Honesty keeps a good reputation all his life, greed regrets all his life.

20、 Don't wait for the late rein in; This matter can be traced back, so why ship to the river to make up for it late.

21、 Indifferent to fame and wealth, we can live safely in the long river of years, and be fair and honest in the rapids and rapids to stabilize our life.

22、 Only willing to dive can we concentrate; Be willing to contribute, and then you can invest; Only being willing to be indifferent can one be honest.

23、 Tax officials should refrain from arrogance, complacency, extravagance, laziness and dissipation in their work, study and life.

24、 Control your own hands and do not steal other people's property; Keep your mouth shut and don't speak evil words to each other.

25、 The Asian Games in Yangcheng, with bright sky and bright moon, is full of virtue and art; Administer according to law, be enthusiastic, courteous and honest.

26、 Clever people, with dedication and dedication; Foolish people are complacent about corruption.

27、 Zhilan was born in a deep valley, and she doesn't want to leave nobody alone; A gentleman cultivates morality and does not change his moral integrity for embarrassment.

28、 Modesty makes people progress, while conceit makes people lag behind. I can't run without talking about my achievements, and I can't change my shortcomings.

29、 Honesty, morality, integrity can be assured; Talk about integrity, promote integrity, and be more self disciplined in minor matters.

30、 Greed for drinking leads to trouble, greed for money leads to trouble, lust leads to trouble, no greed leads to nothing, honesty leads to self-discipline, and everything goes well.

31、 Corruption harms others and itself; Dereliction of duty and infringement poison the country and people.

32、 A horse cannot stumble for thousands of miles, only because he is cautious in his steps; If there are few mistakes in life, the alarm bell should always ring.

33、 If you discipline yourself with integrity, you will be clear; If you treat people with integrity, you will believe. Wish you and your family a happy, happy and healthy New Year!

34、 To advocate integrity, we should start from the details and focus on the body; Anti corruption should work hard on the system, outside the law and inside.

35、 Before others, public before private, bitter before sweet; To worry before the common people worries; to enjoy only after the people can enjoy.

36、 Integrity is the foundation. As long as the body is upright, even in the mud, it can also carry tall buildings.

37、 Honesty is like a green pine. You can't bend your waist in case of rain or snow; Honesty is like a plum blossom. The cold wind cannot move its bones.

38、 Honesty, the soul of financial cadres; Corruption, the sword of Damocles hanging from the top of the skull.

39、 No desire leads to a positive mind and a positive body; To be an ordinary person and do ordinary things, everything comes from nature.

40、 No matter how cunning the fox is, it can't defeat the good hunter. Take advantage of the victory and go after the poor bandits. It will not stop until corruption is eradicated.

41、 A penny can block the eyes, and half of the gift money can hold the body down. Although it is small and dirty, the money eye is not big enough to kill people.

42、 Although one cigarette and one tea are small, they are careless and go astray; Three strictness and three facts are our duty. We are loyal, clean and brave.

43、 The tree of youth is evergreen; The flowers of life wither away as you indulge in food and lodging.

44、 Three foot platform show style, drops of sweat moisten the heart; Two sleeves of cool wind cast style, and a little hard work nurtures talents.

45、 Don't lose heart for power, don't be obsessed with money, don't forget yourself for sex, don't bend the law for relatives and friends.

46、 The Mid Autumn Festival is a time of love, and the discipline of honest government should not be forgotten; Be alert to red envelope banquets. Your relatives hope you can return safely.

47、 Don't be afraid to knock at the door in the middle of the night; The body is not afraid of the shadow, and the iron is forged by itself.

48、 In order to be honest, prudent and diligent, we should always remember good words and good advice. From political morality, talent and learning, people's hearts and aspirations should not be violated.

49、 To be an official, one must set up a public servant's ambition, and the most valuable thing in politics is to love the people; High achievements and unyielding loyalty strengthen the public servant's heart.

50、 Put wings on integrity, bring happiness to your home, let integrity take root and sprout, and let happiness accompany your family.

51. The source of righteousness and benefit is quite true. It is hard for gold to change the heart of a corrupt scholar. Mo Yan, who is ignorant at night, knows that there are gods in heaven and earth.

52. People's public servants, people's praises, honesty and self-discipline should be respected; Diligence in government does good for the people, and good deeds do good for the people.

53. Reach out and weigh greed and desire, act and consider right and wrong, corruption is just a bad idea, and flash thinking needs lifelong repair.

54. Advocate integrity, be upright, and conduct financial affairs in a dignified manner; Knowing the honor or disgrace, you should keep your hands clean and be a clean person.

55. To be an official, one must be clean and honest, and to serve the public and the people, one must be diligent and conscientious.

56. A man must follow the right path and never deal with the devil; Don't use tricks unless you have something to share. You are clean and happy.

57. To be a good civil servant, administrative law enforcement should be strict. Only by serving the people can we be honest and exemplary tax inspectors.

58. Devote yourself to work, leave fame and wealth aside, and stand on your own monument; With a single mind for personal gain, we can dig our own graves in our pockets.

59. Fame, wealth and salary are all floating clouds. Honesty and integrity is the truth. Set an example to do practical things and serve the people wholeheartedly.

60. Study hard, think carefully and introspect more, treat power with caution and be strict in self-discipline; A lesson from the past must be timely alerted to prevent corruption and establish integrity.

61. Fighting against corruption and upholding integrity, being strict in self-discipline has many advantages. Staying young for the people and making contributions are talents.

62. Anti corruption is not about the size of the matter. Advocacy of integrity is not about the height of the position. Integrity messages send warnings, and the alarm bell is always ringing with self-discipline.

63. Irregular products will lead to evil, irregular families will lead to obstinacy, irregular officials will lead to ink, and irregular power will lead to complaints from the people.

Sixty-four, those who stick to moral principles are only temporarily lonely; Those who are keen on pursuing fame and wealth will be lonely forever.

65. Always walk by the river, never wet your shoes, manage the project with awe, and handle money with integrity and self-discipline.

66. Incorruption is a kind of moral cultivation, a kind of social responsibility, and a prerequisite and guarantee for a happy life.

67. Integrity and corrosion prevention rely on self-discipline, and the awareness of prevention depends on self-study. The clean and honest work atmosphere is good, and the country is prosperous and stable.

68. Honesty and justice nourish my heart, clean wind and good spirit nourish my body, do not try to be rich and glorious, and the pure price of morality is higher.

69. Honesty suffers losses for a while, self-discipline and safety for a lifetime; Greed and luck for a while, prison regret for a lifetime.

70. Honest people are always contented, and have no desire or desire. Greedy people often worry when they are not satisfied. They want to go deep into prison.

71. CCB style, set up internal control, and put right and wrong gains and losses in front; Promote integrity and righteousness, promote righteousness, and remember eight honors and eight shames.

72. To be a cadre is to be a public servant: to seek happiness for the people; All Party members should abide by the Party Constitution: be a model and set an example.

Seventy three, endure the heat of the eye and heart, and win the reputation of Qing Dynasty; A sigh of regret, but leave regret in the world.

Seventy four. We should never relax our minds. The alarm bell should be kept in mind. We should be honest and act for the people, and enforce the law impartially.

Seventy five. Be cautious about being modest, starting carefully, being alone, and cultivating one's moral character every day; Self respect, introspection, self alarm, always indifferent to peace.

76. Uphold integrity, foster new trends, and be strict with yourself from beginning to end; Good cultivation, focus on small matters, and benefit the whole life.

Seventy seven, we should guard against corruption, and remember the eight regulations; Cultivate morality and self-discipline, set an example, and be reunited if you are honest and upright.

78. Press the switch of greed, fall into the black hole of life, open the box of greed, and pull the fuse of self destruction.

Seventy nine. If you want to correct your appearance, you should first correct your body. If you want to be honest, you must be honest, and if you want to be upright, you must adhere to the right path.

Eighty, desire is too strong to hurt oneself, greed is like ants eating into the roof; Take precautions to keep the appearance unchanged.

81. Integrity is a person's image, integrity is a person's backbone, vitality is a person's hope, and courage is a person's strength.

82. Integrity is written by life, kindness is commented by the people, sincerity is reflected by career, and trustworthiness is described by character.

83. Honest and incorruptible politics, advancing with the times, and vigorously promoting the style of incorruptible politics; Gao Fengliangjie carries forward the past and creates a harmonious society.

Eighty four. The west bank of the tidal flat sea is wide, holding hands with Shaxi River. Sunlight Pure Land eulogizes Sanming, and clean wind and harmony spread to Yong'an.

85. Keep in mind your ideals and beliefs, work hard for the people and never be greedy. Be a model in combating corruption and upholding integrity, and create a new chapter of brilliance.

86. Duty crimes bring disaster to the country and the people, and are detested by the people; The harmonious society is prosperous and the people are happy!

87. Honest and upright in the workplace, fresh and elegant in life, selfless and open-minded, respected and happy life!

88. Don't open your mouth in front of honor, don't stretch your hand in front of treatment, don't say hardship in front of work, and don't shrink back in front of difficulties.

89. Lotus is loved by people because of its purity, and people are upright because of integrity; Doing things as clear as water, as clear as a mirror, and behaving like a lotus, without being stained.

Ninety, we should be honest, upright, and selfless; Extinguish greed, do not stretch out your hand, and you will worry every day when you eat your cards.

91. Abide by rules and discipline, and never forget it as a cadre; Strict self-discipline, prudent use of power, honest practice and promise.

Ninety two. I am not paid for my ambition to seek jobs and start businesses. I will keep honesty in mind; A man should strictly abide by the precepts, and never teach greed to spoil his life.

Ninety three. A bit of greed is an abyss; Keep some white, keep some clean, clean in the world.

Ninety four. Greedy looking at Ho Shen, who has fallen into disrepute; Learn from Hai Rui with a clean sleeve and a lamp that will last forever!

95. Corruption is thousands of meters deep, and it is hard to extricate oneself from it. Honesty and integrity are extremely high, and integrity has been passed on for a hundred years.

Ninety six. We all know the harm of corruption. There are many people who have lost their reputations. Honest, honest and dutiful, open and peaceful life is good.

97. Don't be greedy when you are greedy. It is easy to pay back when you receive. Corrupt and perverted the law, the ship may capsize at any time.

98. Mirror can shine on people without dust, and people can build power without pollution; Keep in mind when you are honest and diligent, and you will live a long and peaceful life.

99. Joy and auspiciousness for the whole family, diligence as an example for the people, honesty and self-discipline in mind, and prosperity in work.

100. Persist in combating the "four styles" and the "eight regulations" to improve the style of work, and "three strictures and three practices" to foster new trends.