86 slogans of factory morning meeting
Happy heart
2023-07-16 07:25:15
A complete set of slogans

1、 Build a business with excellence and win with quality.

2、 Business is booming, starting from me.

3、 Strive for perfection and never stop.

4、 Work together to create a high quality realm.

5、 Adhere to the rules and practice quality.

6、 No matter how busy the production is, never forget the quality.

7、 The quality is relaxed and the effort is futile.

8、 Quality first, start with me.

9、 Strict teacher makes excellent apprentice, and meticulous work makes fine work.

10、 Product is the body, and quality is the soul.

11、 Everyone works together to create good quality.

12、 Today's quality is tomorrow's market.

13、 If an enterprise wants to prosper, quality is the guarantee.

14、 Customers are involved due to incorrect operation.

15、 Focus on quality everywhere and implement the production line.

16、 Reform is the first step to reform.

17、 Efficiency is life, and quality is fundamental.

18、 Pay more attention and have fewer problems.

19、 Management starts with training and ends with training.

20、 High quality is essential for good efficiency.

21、 Good quality, fewer mistakes and omissions.

22、 Find out the root of the problem and eliminate the adverse factors.

23、 Strive for perfection, a model of casting quality.

24、 Everything should be carried out in a practical way, so as to be safe and prepared.

25、 Good product quality depends on work quality.

26、 Everyone proposes innovation, and the cost is naturally reduced.

27、 Create a comfortable environment and improve work efficiency.

28、 Strive to do a good job at one time and strive for maximum benefits.

29、 Reasonable handling and turnover, and cherish the fruits of labor.

30、 Quality is the most important, and every link should be achieved.

31、 Enhance quality awareness and improve the quality of all staff.

32、 To establish a quality system, it is important to seek practical results.

33、 Winners find ways, losers find excuses.

34、 It is difficult to control production if it is well organized.

35、 All staff must participate in the effective implementation of quality control.

36、 Accumulate little by little improvement to improve quality.

37、 If you want good products, your personal quality should be improved.

38、 One measure is better than ten slogans.

39、 It's time to talk about it, do what you say, and be effective.

40、 Change the position without changing the mechanism, and change the person without changing the concept.

41、 Concentrated work is the first priority, and quality and safety are all taken into consideration.

42、 The quality of our products is of great concern to us.

43、 If everyone does a good job in quality control, customers will complain less.

44、 Reputation comes from quality, and quality does not come from quality.

45、 To create a famous brand and strive for high quality, all employees of the factory work hard together.

46、 Make concerted efforts to achieve good results, and participate with dedication and joy.

47、 Process quality control point, product quality lifeline.

48、 Provide first-class service to make customers completely satisfied.

49、 Tidy up every day, and clean up every time.

50、 The arrangement is thorough and orderly.

51. Inspection records must be reliable, and analysis and improvement can be effective.

52. Keep the normal ones and correct the abnormal ones.

53. Each operation requires quality, and the product quality is guaranteed.

54. Clean the oil supply standard and take quality and safety into consideration.

55. Old problems and small problems are often caused by quality.

56. Product quality is the most important factor for good sales.

57. To keep the enterprise from aging, it is necessary to establish the system as early as possible.

58. Reasonably designed quality is the first step of quality assurance.

59. The entry and exit of the warehouse shall be recorded clearly, and the quantity account shall be clear.

60. The quality of the product will be stable if the incoming material is checked according to the standard.

61. Prevent quality, and inspection cannot produce quality.

62. If you are careless, the defective products will flow out of your hands.

63. The spirit of homework: do it right the first time, and do it right the second time.

Sixty-four, do not act on small evils, and do not act on small good.

Sixty-five, the eye, the hand, the heart, bad nature can not run away.

66. Everyone has the ability to improve, and there is room for improvement in everything.

LXVII. Do a good job in product packaging to ensure the final quality of products.

68. The working standard is zero defect, not almost.

69. Provide first-class service and establish first-class quality awareness.

70. Always seek efficiency progress and pay attention to methods and technology in everything.

71. Waiting is the source of failure, and action is the beginning of success.

72. Quality is the foundation of an enterprise's survival, and everyone needs to support it.

73. Quality is produced, not inspected.

74. Production is busy, safety is vital, and safety comes first.

75. Everyone has the ability to improve, and there is room for improvement in everything.

76. Sweat more, exercise more, and create a batch of high-quality products.

Seventy seven. The market is like water, the enterprise is like a boat, the quality is like a rudder, and people are the helmsman.

78. The market competition is different from the weak. No innovation and breakthrough, only exit.

79. Success is simply doing things repeatedly, and doing things repeatedly and seriously.

80. To produce products without quality is to produce useless garbage.

81. Prevention first, prepare for a rainy day, check the process and avoid wrong inspection.

82. Be prepared for danger in times of peace, improve the sense of responsibility, and persevere in product quality.

83. Quality is in my heart, standard is in my mind, and process is in my hands.

84. Reject nonconforming products, manufacture nonconforming products, and deliver nonconforming products.

85. Everyone has a full-time job, procedures for work, standards for inspection, and evidence retention.

86. Efficiency depends on quality, quality depends on technology, technology depends on talents, and talents depend on education.