Bitter short sentences of emotional discourse Aesthetic short sentences of emotional discourse (65 selected sentences)
Lonely Butterfly Shadow
2023-05-03 14:39:33
Complete sentences

1. Whether you feel that the more you get used to a person, the more greedy he becomes.

2. If you like a person, you will always study his situation and response in a scientific way.

3. One should try not to be too good because the more memories, the less satisfaction.

4. At the moment when the pupa turns into a butterfly, it is the pain of tearing off a layer of skin, penetrating the heart and lungs. Many butterfly dishes are dead of pain at the moment of turning into a butterfly.

5. You must be very diligent, because there will be a group of people waiting to watch you laugh.

6. Why has it been only at the last minute to find out that our love has already disappeared.

7. Why should you forget someone so painfully? Time will surely make you forget. If time can't make you forget the people you shouldn't remember, what's the practical significance of the lost years?

8. If waiting can be a pleasant surprise, I would rather wait down, even for a year, or a lifetime!

9. I like walking on a very quiet and long path alone, so I can immerse myself in my imagination and miss it openly.

10. I have been gazing at the sadness of these days and months.

11. It's not easy to get tired of two people who can think in terms of each other.

12. Everyone seems to be a needle on the surface, rotating constantly, while seeing the time leaving in a hurry, they are helpless.

13. It's better to say that if I don't love, than to find excuses everywhere.

14. Some people forget, but do you still remember the computer input method.

15. Moved, hated, cried, tired, also should end.

16. Don't go for the perfect surface, it will deceive people. There is no need to pursue perfect capital, it will fade away. The pursuit of perfection is a person who can make people smile often. Because a smile will make you suddenly realize that the world is dim and the sun shines brightly!

17. This night, because I miss you, I feel more and more calm and depressed.

18. With you, I don't want anything. No matter how wild my heart is, I also know how to refuse.

19. When it rains, I can feel lost. When I get drunk, I feel lonely and depressed.

20. On the road of circulation, no matter how to forget the past life, it is also in the vague brain of people who still remember a shadow? And I can't make sure that the person returned you, can I? But what I judge is that in the lost feelings, there is my missing for you.

21. Why bother giving up your self-esteem to save someone who doesn't care about you.

22. Love, after unconsciousness, is cooler than death. Memory, after years of Mosuo, is more lonely than cold.

23. Don't forget what used to be ours. Cherish what you can't get. Belongs to oneself, must not give up. Those that have long been lost are reserved for remembrance.

24. At that moment, I seemed to hear the sound of the global rush.

25. There are very few women that men feel suitable for themselves before marriage, and many women who feel suitable for themselves after marriage.

26. My tears have been left and watered the birds in the sky. You are more lonely than me, or I am more sad than you. You accompany me for the rest of the years. How about that? If you are not lonely, I will not be sad easily

27. My sunset like sadness is like the lonely birds, and the melancholy birds fly into my sunset like sadness.

28. Sometimes reason asks everyone to do something appropriate to wake up, but emotion will go against the path.

29. I don't want to think about whether I can achieve success. I just choose the distance and try to stay together through thick and thin; I don't want to think about whether there will be cold wind behind me, that is, the overall goal is to reach the dawn, and only the figure will be handed over to the world.

30. We are so committed to our own wounds that we forget to hold others' hands.

31. Maybe some people are hateful and some people are despicable. But when I set it as his imagination, I realized that he is more clever than me. So please forgive all the people you have met, good or evil.

32. Dream what you want to dream, and do what you want to do. Because there is only one life, it is not easy to go again!

33. The sound effect of the violin is like a river. The left bank is the memory I can't forget. The left bank is the brilliant years I deserve to hold tightly. What flows in the middle is my sadness from year to year!