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Gentle wind and warm sun
2023-04-15 10:46:19
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. I hope you come to me because you miss me, not because no one is with you.

2. I have passed your heart, not that I don't want to stay, but that you don't want to take it in.

3. A person's secret love, a person's forever. A person's imagination lasts forever.

4. You amaze the time and go, I spend time waiting, you are a meteor, I am a lonely star.

5. I don't have gorgeous words. I hope to meet you again.

6. The ending, which is different from what you think, is called life, and what you think is called fairy tale.

7. Whether thin people say they are fat or thin, fat people will feel that thin people are showing off.

8. I have been an unswerving materialist all my life. Only you, I hope to have an afterlife.

9. We smiled and said that we stayed in the same place of time, in fact, we had already been swept away silently by the torrent.

10. It's sad to be ignored by someone who cares about you, but what's more sad is that you have to pretend that you don't care.

11. There are no two identical leaves in the world, but you are very similar to me, and both like a person who cannot get them.

12. If you like me, please come and tell me. In your whole life, you must experience the feeling of being rejected by beautiful women.

13. No matter how painful you experience, you will gradually forget in the end. Because nothing can rival time.

14. Don't stop giving because you don't have the best reward, and don't stop starting because you don't have perfect results.

15. There are two helpless things in life: when I was young, I didn't meet people with deep feelings, and when I was old, there were too many people with thin feelings around me.

16. God wants you to meet a person at the wrong time. It's wrong, so change it and let her leave you at the right time.

17. There is no wasted effort, no chance of success, as long as you take life seriously, one day, your every effort will shine.

18. Persistence is a burden, and letting go is a relief. People are not perfect, happiness is not 100 percent, can not have so much, why demand so much.

19. Don't let bad things ruin your day. Be optimistic and happy. Life is so short. Don't waste time on nothing.

20. If we are destined to miss each other in this life, I deeply wish you happiness forever. Then put away all the little affection and look forward to meeting you in the next life.

21. In fact, you both know and understand that you are just pretending not to understand, and I don't want to expose it. I will naturally leave after I have saved enough disappointment, and I will never look back.

22. Someone asked me how to describe the feeling of losing a loved one. Maybe I feel lonely when I am in the sea of people, and I cry when I watch a comedy.

23. Love is also cruel, but it is cruel to the extreme, so we also think that love is always beautiful in the end.

24. To like a person, you start with the appearance, get trapped in talent, be loyal to the character, be obsessed with the body, be obsessed with the voice, be drunk with deep feelings, and finally turn to the material and lose to the reality.

25. Maybe sometimes I love you very much, and sometimes I want to shoot you. Most of the time, I am on the way to buy a gun. When I see the sweet soymilk you like, I forget that I am here to kill you.

26. One day, your pride and all your frivolity will be smashed inch by inch, and then put on the plate with a pleasing appearance. The reality is probably the hammer.

27. I agree that the strength is: I have suffered from the misfortune of life, but still expect happiness; Have been betrayed by others, but still brave to love; I have seen the ugliness of the world, but I still pay good intentions.

28. Do you always change your bottom line for someone? Keep making excuses for someone, keep trying to forgive. But, silly boy, in fact, he doesn't like you so much.

29. You need sincerity when you love, communication when you argue, calmness when you are angry, sharing when you are happy, understanding when you blame, and tolerance when you love.

30. How many strokes can there be in life? After a fight, the bike becomes a motorcycle. If the fight fails, the big deal is the 11th Route, barefoot. There is nothing to be afraid of. Be bold, go for a fight in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and win a life without regrets.

31. I have never been cowardly in order to love, and I am not afraid of wasting time, but I finally lost to your indifference. The outline of memories highlights our joys and sorrows along the way. Pale promises laugh at my persistence, your escape, and whose sins, but I am right in tears.

32. If one day you can't contact me, it doesn't mean I don't have you in my heart! People who have loved deeply, even if there is no contact, still have traces of love. How can we say that we can forget, and say that our hearts will not hurt? If you let it go, it is not deep love.

33. When we just got together, everyone thought that you could not stay together for a long time, and there were still people waiting to see when you would break up. Later, you experienced so many things that everyone felt that nothing could separate you, but you really separated.

34. The gentleness of the heart and the understanding of Acacia is the only truth, the deep love, the cold wind blowing away, the only encouragement, the incomprehension of the heart, the wish of this life, the breakup of a person, the dream of a person, the doubt of life, and the vow of declaration.