13 Metaphorical Sentences of Love
Dream predestination
2023-03-06 01:14:29

1. Love is like an alarm clock. It stops when you press it.

2. Love is just like negotiation. It's the process rather than the result.

3. Love is like a life buoy, like an instinct in distress.

4. Love is like God. Many people believe in it, but no one has ever seen it.

5. Love is like a high fever. Its coming and going are not controlled by the will.

6. Love is a splendid building, which cannot be separated from the foundation of loyalty.

7. Love is a gorgeous flower, which can not be separated from the fertile soil of trust cultivation.

8. Love is like perfume, which is pungent when rubbed more, but can be covered by sweat when rubbed less.

9. Love is like aspirin. It can only relieve temporary pain without curing the symptoms.

10. Love is like a well in the desert. In order to find her, she would bear the pain.

11. Love is like a handful of sand in your hand. The more you want to hold on to it, the faster it will drain away.

12. Love is like a maze. All people get lost, but beautiful women always have a group of guides.

13. Love is like the moon. It is bright and beautiful from a distance; Close up, there are large and small, deep and shallow holes.