Classic archaic sentence
Demon dispelling heaven and earth
2023-03-18 16:11:49
Complete Poems

1. Read a book a hundred times, and you will see its meaning—— Chen Shou

2. I don't know the main point of reading, but I work in vain—— Zhang Zhidong

3. Reading aimlessly is walking rather than studying—— Hu Shi

4. Wisdom lies in diligence, genius lies in accumulation—— Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician

5. The poor need to read more, the rich and noble do not forget farming—— Wang Yongbin

6. Books are seldom hated when they are in use—— Lu You

7. Endeavour to learn all the characters in the world and aspire to read all the books in the world—— Su Shi

8. I never tire of reading old books hundreds of times, and I know when I read them carefully—— Su Shi

9. Many drops of water make a sea, and many books make a knowledge—— nameless

10. Work with people with courage, and read from the place without words—— Zhou Enlai

11. To establish oneself is to establish learning first, and to establish learning is to study first—— Ouyang Xiu

12. You want to be refined rather than rich, and you want to be professional rather than miscellaneous—— Huang Tingjian

13. A bird flapping its wings before flying high, a man reading before making progress—— Li Kuchan

14. The method of reading is to read in order and gradually, read carefully and think carefully—— Zhu Xi

15. Reading is to wisdom what gymnastics is to body—— Proverbs

16. Light gives us experience, and reading gives us knowledge—— Nikolai Ostrovsky

17. Good reading, without understanding. They gladly forget to eat whenever they understand—— Tao Yuanming

18. There is no cheaper entertainment and more lasting satisfaction than reading—— Mengtaiju

19. I can recite even if I can't write poems after reading 300 Tang poems—— Sun Zhu's Preface to Three Hundred Tang Poems

20. Every man must have his own teacher. Choose the good and follow it, and change the bad—— Confucius

21. To like reading is to change the lonely time in life into a time of great enjoyment—— Maupassant

22. It is better to hand in a villain who has read more than ten thousand volumes than to hand in an end person who does not know a word—— Motto Couple

23. Reading is the best way to learn. Following the thoughts of great people is the most interesting science—— Pushkin

24. Reading is my only 'entertainment'. I don't waste time on hotels, gambling or any kind of bad games—— Franklin

25. Reading, an ordinary process we are accustomed to, is actually a process of combining people's minds with the great wisdom of all nations from ancient to modern times—— Golgi

26. At any time, I will not be satisfied. The more I read, the more deeply I feel dissatisfied, and the more I feel my knowledge is poor. Science is profound—— Marx

27. Read, start to read, unknown and doubtful; Secondly, there are doubts gradually; In the middle, there is doubt. After this time, the doubts were gradually released, and even the students were well versed. They had no doubts and had just started to learn—— Zhu Xi

28. When a great idea comes to the world as a gospel, it will be an affront to the public who are bound by stereotypes, but it is a stupid thing for those who have read a lot but not learned much—— Goethe