It is used to dredge one's own words, language and psychology (55 selected sentences)
Red Warbler and Green Willow
2023-02-14 00:40:56
Complete sentences

1. It's normal that the person suddenly doesn't contact you; It's normal that the person suddenly contacted you again, which doesn't mean anything

2. Suddenly I found that Newton was good at giving force, pulling force, buoyancy, pushing force, friction force, gravity, pressure, resistance and support force.

3. People who can't control their temper are easy to be hurt by others' glances, and people who can't hide their glances are easy to be hit by others' temper. The process of learning to have no temper and not put on a bad face is actually a process of growing skills—— seventeen

4. When thinking about him, just think about his good, his smile. I remember once loving a person, never mind who started betraying, just be happy

5. When others compliment you, it's OK to be happy secretly, but you can't take it seriously, because in nine cases out of ten, you are fooled; When someone criticizes you, it's OK to be a little unhappy, but don't be angry, because it's probably true.

6. Sometimes, I don't want to explain, but I don't think it is necessary.

7. Friends, don't be sad, because everything can be done again, but we should pay attention to cherish. Try hard! Friend, I will cheer for you! Don't be sad, your prospects are more brilliant. Finally, I will send you a poem to show my love for you.

8. Learn to be grateful for everything you have, and eventually you will get more. If you always hold grudges about those things you can't get, you will never be satisfied, and presumably will not be happy.

9. Thank God for what I have, and thank God for what I do not have

10. What a beautiful marathon "spirit! It means firm will, down-to-earth, continuous progress, and never stop until you reach your goal. Let's all carry forward the spirit of marathon"!

11. If he can let everything go, he will be a free man in the world

12. Although there are only two short words forever, no one can say it completely in words. How far is forever? It will not disappear with the end of life. The real thing is always hidden in the heart. Although the sky will change and people will grow old, the heart will not change.

13. What has a beginning is what will end one day

14. The best state of life for a person is to live up to his heart when he loves, to the roadside scenery when he plays, to the warm bed when he sleeps, and to himself when he is alone.

15. Don't talk about people in the same circle with a person, no matter how reliable you think he is.

16. Love your work. Don't start your day with resentment. Love your work. You will feel very successful if you finish your work step by step!

17. I can afford to lose because I can afford to play.

18. Life without love is incomplete, and love without pain is not profound. Love enriches life and pain sublimates love

19. I would rather be disgusted by being myself than disguise myself to cater to others. Those who understand you will stay. Those who do not understand you cannot pray. If happiness is lost because of others, it is better to live more freely for yourself.

20. Today's persistence will lead to tomorrow's regret.

21. Gathering is predestined while scattering is predestined; Scattered will have a better fate and share, scattered will have a better reunion; Don't be sad. Lift your head and look ahead. There is a more beautiful dawn ahead.

22. You are a sweet potato, a flaming prawn; I would like to gently greet you... Look at my message from the lovely fool bless you: happy every day!

23. Because you are too enthusiastic, you always feel that others are too indifferent to you; Because you love someone so much, you feel that you don't love you when others neglect you. Put more energy on yourself, you will reduce a lot of affectation.

24. Be yourself when you break up. A person's world also has its ups and downs. There are also beautiful moments, and you can regard him as a memory

25. The pursuit of life is a kind of integrity. No matter what you experience is beautiful or painful, the past is a kind of life experience. There is no need to take it as a burden, just consider it as another valuable lesson in your life!

26. When you are happy, you should think that this happiness is not eternal. When you are suffering, you should think that the pain is not eternal.

27. Don't take out all your words from the bottom of your heart. These are only your wealth

28. A person wants to find someone to accompany him. A person has lost himself. I wonder if there is any hope of pursuing him