Classic Love Sentences
Gentle and considerate
2023-04-15 11:11:52
Complete sentences

1. Love is too short to forget.

2. Others are waiting for an umbrella, while you are waiting for the rain to stop.

3. What happened? He hid his face and said nothing.

4. What I'm not good at is detaining, but you have to leave one by one.

5. Pursue love, it will fly; Escape love, it will chase.

6. Respect others, others always respect it; Love is love.

7. I chose to forget, I just want to live better.

8. If you don't love me, you will always have ten thousand reasons to leave me.

9. Love is the flame of life. Without it, everything becomes night.

10. I slowly learned that caring too much about others will often hurt myself.

11. No amount of beautiful scenery in the world is as good as you looking back at me.

12. Those unseen sorrows have always hidden within reach.

13. People in love always doubt everything or doubt everything.

14. Time makes deep feelings deeper and shallow feelings shallower.

15. Don't live too tired, life is not perfect, can not make everyone like.

16. After ten years of separation, I met again and found that you are really my favorite person.

17. Sorry, I shouldn't touch your wound. I know I can never replace her.

18. Please promise me that you will be happy, so that I can hate you, and hate righteously.

19. Men rule the world, the world is an arena; Women rule families, and families are safe havens.

20. I always prefer soft to hard. A gentle tone will keep me quiet for a long time.

21. Jealousy is the most obvious confession, waiting is the stupidest confession, and companionship is the longest confession.

22. I want to prove that those who do good deeds and noble deeds will be able to withstand hardships. Beethoven

23. I would like to be a tree standing on your way. I would like to be a cloud to withstand the scorching sun for you.

24. Don't be too kind to me. Don't give me all the good things at once. Please give them to me slowly and long.

25. Everything has been said... I want to go hand in hand with you. I don't know if I can have this opportunity again.

26. When we are young and ignorant, we are brave. Because we are ignorant, we are useless.

27. The old enemy's gratitude and resentment, tears, previous marriages, let you down again and again, because of the sea and mulberry fields.

28. In the abundant time of roses, love is wine; When the petals wither, love is the food of hunger.

29. If a wise person does not cooperate, he will say that he has no conscience. If a headstrong person is a bit clever, he will be constantly praised.

30. Love is precious. Many people don't know how to cherish it. Only by losing can we see, in fact, the most familiar is the most precious.

31. The lily has 6 petals, each of which has some red beans, which are red and white, from light to dark.

32. You used to love someone very much, but when all the disappointments accumulated to a critical point, even love can no longer be mentioned.

33. The worst feeling is when you meet a special person and find that you will never be together. You will give up sooner or later.

34. I don't have many words, but I have one sentence to tell you: when I am with you, you are everything; Without you, everything is you.

35. If we are all children, we can stay in the same place in time, sit together and listen to the stories of never aging while slowly brightening our heads.

36. If there is a house, people can get drunk, bury their heads and cry, and put down all shame and secrets. It is your home.

37. It's really hard for people nowadays to be willing to change themselves for love. It's not interesting, so I simply choose not to believe in love anymore!

38. Although the road ahead is too sad, please bless me with a smile. Although facing the wind and raining, I am thinking of you in the wind.

39. Do you know how difficult it is for two people to be together? How could I easily give up such a miracle when I almost missed you.

40. With you, I have a new friendship; I have more happiness; I have an extra concern; I have more feelings; Because I love you!

41. I told myself again and again that I was not alone. My ministers and concubines always cheat themselves. Just like when I cheated myself that I didn't love you anymore.

42. I love you. I loved a complete past, from ignorance to maturity, from impulse to silence. Thank you for giving me a false happiness.

43. I used to love deeply, or I might not understand love. I was hurt for unknown reasons, sad for unknown reasons, and afraid of losing after I owned it. It's always like this.

44. When you read this message, you owe me a hug; Delete the message and owe me a kiss; If you reply, you owe me everything; If you don't reply, you are mine.

45. It's hard to love you without desire or desire! Love you, but want to sneak, so tired! Love you, but let my heart break, so sad! But it's so silly to be willing!

46. The more indifferent you are, the more I want to be close to you. The more rational you are, the more I want to love you. No matter where you are, my love will always be with you, every day, every day, every minute, every month, every year.

47. There is nothing wrong with childish people and childish people together. There is nothing wrong with mature people and mature people together. There are more problems with mature people and childish people together.

48. There is nothing to forget. I will always forget you in the future. I will forget your appearance first, then your voice, and what you said, not now, but in the future.

49. Some people say that it is one-sided to find someone who likes you in love and someone who likes you in marriage. What do lovers dislike about themselves? How can my wife live a lifetime if she doesn't like it?

50. Walk in parallel in the black and white past, cross meet in the color reality, life is a movie, and we are the eternal love protagonists in the changing light and shadow. Love is the only movie on Valentine's Day!

51. You look crazy, sleep like you want, chase you silly, love you drunk. Love makes people crazy, and madness makes people more intoxicated with love. I love you! I love you all my life.

52. If there are people, there will be enmity. If there is enmity, there will be Jianghu. People are the Jianghu. How can you quit? Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt. Cruel people choose to hurt others, good people choose to hurt themselves.

53. Love is not a vanity. It should be shown off in front of everyone; Love is not a beautiful dress. It should be worn outside for everyone to enjoy; Love is not a task. You should tell your friends and relatives.

54. I never thought that you, who would eat and drink with me every day when you were a child, would spoil me and love me like you do today. After five years of unknowingly, your only wish is to have more five years with you.

55. Some people should forget it. They don't care about you. Why should they wronged themselves? Your so-called obsession, in their own eyes, this is love; In the eyes of the other party, this is annoying; In the eyes of others, this is cheap.

56. You need to be an adult who doesn't know how to speak or look. Do not be emotional, do not secretly miss, do not look back. Live another life of your own. Be obedient, not all fish will live in the same sea.

57. Everyone's youth will not escape a love. What we care about is not what people do, but what people do. It's sad to be ignored by someone who cares about you, but what's more sad is that you have to pretend that you don't care.

58. Falling in love with a person does not need to rely on hard work, but only on opportunities. It is God's arrangement. But continuing to love a person requires hard work. Although there are many people in the world, there is actually only one who accompanies you home in the rainy night.

59. You can only live once, but love is eternal; Meeting you is my blessing; It is my destiny to know you; Love you is my eternal pursuit; Honey, will you marry me? Let me be your servant and take care of you all your life!

60. Read a magazine, listen to an old song, sit in a rocking chair, water a flower lotus, keep a pet, make a cup of jasmine, swim in the pool once, wash a shampoo, send a message, catch up with the hot weather, send a cool gift, and there is one me.

61. The love given to you does not need to add preservatives, but it can keep fresh for thousands of years. It can send you love without adding food glue, but it can also be as sticky as glue. The green Valentine's Day is coming, and I want to make a promise of natural pollution-free for you. I am willing to accompany you to the white head, and the green Valentine's Day is happy!

62. What is romance? Are you sending flowers? Walking in the rain? Will you stand in front of the building? If two people fall in love with each other and do nothing, they will feel romantic when they are quietly opposite each other. Otherwise, even if two people sit on the moon to date, they will not feel romantic.

63. Your enthusiasm turns maple leaves red and beautifies the world; Your tolerance carries countless happiness and sweetens my heart; There is no more beautiful words, only sincere actions. I will use my life to protect you. Orange Valentine's Day, may your world always be sunny.

64. Tonight, the west wind is blowing frequently, the falling flowers are withering all over the ground, and a soft mood is intertwined. Your breath is everywhere. It is intertwined in the moonlight all night long, forming a sad and beautiful Acacia bean. Any lingering red thoughts that have been cut continuously and sorted out in disorder will make the city sad.

65. The strongest feeling in the world is not "I love you", but "I am used to having you". So, don't be afraid of time. If you love deeply enough, time will make it deeper. Time flies for many years, but I still love you, so I understand that mutual dependence is the deepest love

66. The wind is merciless, the rain is merciless, and the wind and rain are loveless; Time will stop, time will stop, friendship with you will not stop; Short is also OK, long is also OK, how far away miss to follow; Singing, drinking, happiness, happiness and peace. The weekend is coming, and we invite you in advance on Friday. Remember to contact and get together with our old friends.

67. As soon as I look back on you, I will think about you in the morning and evening, walk along the lonely coast, and plant a bouquet of fragrance in the wind. I would like to take a light wind to comfort your soul, take a hint of flower fragrance, and drive away your hesitation, because you are the most beautiful encounter in my life. I hope that if you are well, I will be sunny.

68. Never complain about others or the environment. Think you are always right. If we can't change others, we can change ourselves. We can't change our origin, but we can change our outlook on life; We can't change our living environment, but we can change our attitude to adapt to the environment and our way of life.

69. I can't imagine loving someone like that before love begins. Before the end of love, never thought that love would disappear. Before love was forgotten, I never thought that such unforgettable love would only leave a faint trace. Before love starts again, it is hard to imagine that we can find that kind of love again.

70. Spring silkworms spin silk and wrap their hearts tightly. I wrap myself in a transparent cocoon. Seeing everything in the world, I can't find your shadow. I want to give up, but I can't forget you. From the very beginning, I just paid, and your response just made it belong. Perhaps one day, even this ownership is not needed. I am still me, you are still you. But we are no longer us.