Feelings after Reading Red Sorghum
Kindness is my nature
2023-11-11 08:22:35
Junior two
reaction to a book or an article

Reading "Red Sorghum", I saw a trance figure in the dense atmosphere, and then I saw the dazzling brightness. There are no heroic words about saving the nation from subjugation and recovering China in the whole book, but they praise the people of the hometown of Red Sorghum in the most authentic and even local language. They are unyielding, loyal, stronger after humiliation, and create hope in the dark. The author takes "the famous battle of killing the devil major general" as the main line, and narrates the process of the war from the perspective of his father who was still a teenager at that time, which is mixed with some sad memories.
This kind of hybrid technique explains the causes and consequences of the war and the different lives of the main characters. "Father" is a clue, connecting the past and the future, and witnessing the process of history. But the main characters are "Grandma" and "Grandpa",

There are also those "heroes wandering in the boundless red sorghum fields". After reading the life and death stories of these heroes, we can't help but cover our faces and think deeply

There is a kind of solemn and stirring that makes people revere, a kind of helplessness that breaks the heart, and a kind of death that makes people cry.
In the era of aggression, those who were nurtured by red sorghum showed no fear of life and death and showed great personality. Even like Yu Daya, he knows that he will die if he commits a serious crime, but he smiles at death, sings with emotion, and shows his due heroism. As the text says, "People will be awed at the moment before they die." Uncle Liu Luohan was captured by the Japanese army to work as a civilian and build Jiaodong Road. He could have escaped, but because he was worried about two mules, he risked himself. In anger, he shocked the Japanese army and was tortured after being arrested.
Faced with the torture of being skinned alive on the square, he did not kneel down to beg for mercy, but just shouted abuse. In the silent onlookers, the heart rending tragedy left a mark on everyone's head and buried hatred in their hearts. Sooner or later, all the grief, all the hatred, and all the wounds will turn into the power of revenge. The wind and lightning will flash, and the flag will fly. The hateful invaders will collapse and retreat in the roar, holding their heads together. We will laugh, but the laughter will bring desolation. Those who died will return to the blue sky, leaving only the vast spirit of heaven and earth, but will never survive, Take another look at the world.
The soil and water on one side nourishes the people on the other side, the hometown of red sorghum. People here have a clear sense of love and hate, and people's hearts are high and strong. "Grandma" is the representative. She dares to break through the feudal ethics tradition, dares to love and hate, is beautiful, intelligent, sincere and enthusiastic. In her hometown, her short life was regarded as a legend. When she was young and ignorant, her father made the decision and married Shan Bianlang, the son of the rich man. When she saw the twisted face, she knew that she was being cheated. She was going to marry a leper. Those beautiful fantasies have been shattered, and she fell into the abyss of reality.
Yu Zhan'ao ("grandpa" in the text, killed the enemy's major general in the war, was arrested and then exiled to the wild mountains of Hokkaido, and returned to China in 1976).