Popular Love Sentences
Ginseng and vinegar don't meet
2023-04-02 01:13:01
Complete sentences

1. I never regret loving her like this.

2. I hope you are not alone in the days when you are alone.

3. The sandglass remembers the time we forgot.

4. When love is so bad, it will be dull.

5. In a dream, everyone knows who will appear, and the depression will follow.

6. You fall in love with yourself, or no one will let you.

7. Love is just the so-called temporary loneliness.

8. You are the kindest and humorous girl I have ever met.

9. Is it possible to be with you only in dreams.

10. Don't take feelings as feelings, don't care about it.

11. Love, you come so suddenly, but so true.

12. From the green silk to the grey sideburns.

13. It turned out that I was always alone at the departure station.

14. In the world of love, what is important is to move rather than move.

15. You can not love me, but it must be when I do not love you.

16. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

17. Fireworks, for a moment of beauty, sacrificed all of their own.

18. Love has two yards, one is heaven, the other is mortal.

19. You can never see the tears in my eyes. It is because of your absence that I will cry.

20. As long as we are full of hope, I believe that God will give us a chance to be happy.

21. Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but believing that he/she will not hurt you.

22. Is there such a person who will hurt when put in his heart and suffocate when taken out. I admit, I have.

23. In my opinion, the deepest love is to live like you after parting.

24. I have always been an orphan in the beautiful world, lonely, lonely and persistent. Once you meet with the warmth, you are doomed to be defeated.

25. I decided to pick you up again. I was very calm when I saw you. I didn't feel tired after reading all afternoon. I almost forgot to cook dinner for my family.

26. You may not believe that I often imagine how beautiful and lovely you are, but when I meet you, you are more beautiful and lovely than I imagined.

27. We can't live without you. The wind sweeps the flowers. For whom do we disdain the sky and fall in love with each other? For whom do we leave the sentimental sadness? The end of the song is empty and sad. The flowing years are always the most beautiful scene in my heart.

28. A person is always subconsciously close to someone similar to himself. I remember someone said that. So I know that the blood flowing in my body is so lonely. Ice blue blood is the loneliest.

29. After being confused for so long, I found that there has always been true love in this world. It has always been in our hearts. Only few people have the courage to take it out. Fortunately, we did it and bravely took it out.

30. Days are always like fine sand passing through your fingers, slipping down inadvertently. Those old sorrows and sorrows have passed away gently with the waves under the wash of time passing by, and the happiness and dimples left behind are fresh in the deep memory.

31. Our life is like a balance. There must always be two sides on it, one is giving, the other is receiving; One end is to give, the other end is to get; One end is cultivation, the other end is harvest; One end is oneself, the other end is others; One end is success, the other end is failure.

32. Don't say forever to me. Forever is too expensive. I can't hold it or see it. Finally, it disappears with the waves. Don't say forever, forever, never is the tomorrow I want. It's enough for you to love me. Even if the love has run aground in the end, just keep me in your heart.

33. In the afternoon when the breeze is blowing, time has been staying. I can step on you with my lovesickness brush to imprison my mind. The Zen meaning floating between the lines is not an optional 'infatuation, stripping and the road you have traveled. The original intention is no longer pure. I am still for you in my own country of words.

34. I am not allowed to forget my own enjoyment and belittle the happiness of love. Everyone has free choice and free life. But don't forget the people who helped you, and don't forget to give your parents a gift. Don't forget the past, don't sprout everywhere, destroy the innocence of love, and don't let emotions overflow.

35. When the sun rises and the sun sets, the moon is full and the moon is short, and Irene is on the water side with the thoughts of dim lights. Lonely travelers, walking through time, are hallucinating in this lonely world. They want to be a branch of cold plum by the stream in front of your door. Maybe it is light, maybe tasteless, but they are waiting for it with their heart, and the last touch of cold fragrance remains in their hands.

36. Short love is often compared to fireworks, which indicates that although it is short, it is beautiful. I always feel that the beauty of fireworks owes something to the shortcomings, and can not comfort the soul of the heart. In fact, it is Manzhu Sha Hua in full bloom on the other side of the river - beautiful, fragrant, far away and never meet again. A missing in each other's hearts, never forget not to mention.