Some very happy sentences 93
Thousands of miles in autumn
2023-03-27 04:01:03
Complete sentences

1. I also believe that love can lift all difficulties; However, after all difficulties, there will be all difficulties. That's what I believe more.

2. We dare not miss places where we have had good memories or good experiences, not because we can't let them go, but because we can't let them go.

3. What is a happy life? It is the first touch of green in spring, and you can feel the warm breeze blowing through your hair.

4. What is a happy life? It is autumn when you see red leaves flying all over the sky and walk in the sunset with long shadows.

5. When you pursue happiness, happiness often escapes you; But when you escape from happiness, happiness often follows you.

6. Many people miss a person because of loneliness, but more people miss a person because of loneliness.

7. Those things that once thought we could never forget are forgotten by us in the process of our obsession.

8. If I am happy, it is because I love you and am loved by you; If I'm not happy, it's because I don't know how to love myself.

9. Happiness is not innate, but can only be owned by oneself; Loneliness is not that no one loves you, but that you love no one.

10. Breaking up is not love. Those high sounding reasons are not to make the other party feel better, but to make yourself feel better!

11. The happiness of serious people does not lie in the frivolous companion of romantic, entertainment and laughter, but in perseverance and fortitude.

12. What is a happy life: It is winter when you see snow everywhere, running in a world full of snow.

13. In some cases, it is for love that we hide quietly. What we can't avoid is the silent feelings.

14. Strong love is often mobile, love you will love others. So the important thing is not to love you, but only love you.

15. A life can't carry too many bags, and we are doomed to abandon a lot when we walk on the road of life with exhausted bodies.

16. It really takes us a long time to understand what kind of people and things we really miss.

17. When one door of happiness closes, another opens. We often stare at the closed door, but turn a blind eye to the open door.

18. Smile is a kind of magic power, which can give people beautiful enjoyment; Smile is a continuous spring, which can give you unlimited power.

19. I use my infatuation to exchange your sincerity; I give my love to my sweetheart; Don't be careless with me, and tie the knot with me forever.

20. Some of the people who appear in our lives give us lessons, some let us recover, some are used for sharing, and some are used for true love.

21. I found out that all yesterday is an indispensable arrangement, just for the sake of this moment, let me gently embrace you.

22. Happiness is a mother's warm embrace, a lover's affectionate embrace, a friend's selfless care, and the world's friendly praise.

23. No matter how luxurious a wedding is, it does not represent a happy marriage. Whether two people get along harmoniously all their lives has nothing to do with the number of banquet seats and jewelry.

24. You can look up at the blue sky, breathe fresh air and enjoy the gentle moonlight every day. It's not deserved. You should learn to be grateful.

25. The happiness you are looking for is actually the road under your feet. Don't think about other things, don't hesitate, go well with it, you will catch up with your happiness one day!

26. Even the stupidest person will be wise when blaming others; Even the most intelligent people will look confused when they forgive themselves.

27. The love that can't stay together for a lifetime is just a transfer station that people come and go in a hurry on a long journey. No matter how long they stay, they will always leave for another flight.

28. In fact, happiness is very simple, although ordinary, it has a faint fragrance; It is also like a touch of sunshine, although rare, it has colorful beauty.

29. Happiness is the smile lines on the old man's eyebrows, happiness is the full mark on the children's report card, happiness is the golden military medal, and happiness is the red big red flower.

30. Love is always a matter of thousands of turns. How can you love someone without being abandoned or hurt? Love is a kind of experience. I hope it will last forever.

31. A person has only one heart, but two atria. One lives happily; One lives in sorrow. Don't laugh too loudly, or you will wake up the sadness beside you.

32. Wealth, wisdom, freedom and love, God only gives three kinds. I want the last three kinds, two kinds, the last two kinds, one kind, dear, I want the last one.

33. Happiness is a cup of jasmine scented tea. After boiling, return to calm, and after floating, return to silence; The rich fragrance is no longer publicized, and the gorgeous turns to wash the lead.

34. Over the years, I have been looking for an ideal love, but no one has touched me as deeply as you at the first moment.

35. Meeting you is fate; Like you, is doomed; I have to fall in love with you; I have to miss you. I will love you with my heart, I love you!

36. Everyone's fate is different, and the time of love will vary. Only by doing my best, I can do that: I will let my love accompany you to grow old slowly.

37. Love has not yet come, and the day is carefree; The most painful things are just tests and exams. At that time, I felt a lot of pressure. Later, I looked back, but it was so small.

38. The white cloud never promises its stay to the sky, nor does the scenery tell its eternity to the eyes. I don't have much promise and sweet words, just because true love doesn't need too much words!

39. Sometimes it is also a kind of happiness, because there are expectations, it will be disappointed. Because there is love, there will be expectations, so even if disappointed, it is also a kind of happiness, although this kind of happiness is a little painful.

40. Honey, the first thing I do when I get up every day is to miss you! The second thing is: look at your photos! The third thing is: pray for you! My dear must be happy!

41. Some things may be in the past, but there are some words and messages that people can't help collecting, because it is collecting a kind of happiness, a kind of happiness that has been owned and enjoyed.

42. In my opinion, if a person can do what he or she likes to do, support himself or herself by it, stay with the people he or she likes, and make them happy, he or she can be called happy.

43. I thought that the bird could not fly over the sea because it had no courage to fly over the sea. Ten years later, I found that it was not the bird that could not fly over the sea, but the end of the sea had no waiting.

44. Love begins with mutual appreciation, falls in love with each other because of the excitement, and gets married because they cannot leave each other. But more importantly, tolerance, understanding, habits and adaptation are needed to join hands for life.

45. Happiness is a primitive garden, without tickets or fences. Sincere smile is its source, and simple environment is full of space. Happiness is not far away from you. You can indulge in it without impetuosity.

46. The greatest act of secret love is accomplishment. You don't love me, but I help you. The real secret love is a lifelong career, not to give up because he is far away from you. Without this sentiment, don't talk about secret love.

47. No matter you continue to love or decide to break up, the love you often think you have suffered is definitely a double loss - not only the part you see, but also the part you will miss.

48. The petals of yearning spin in the wind and fall on the lake of memories. The ripples of time diffuse, and your face is still clear. Don't ask for every day, no thousand words, love you still as before, life will not change.

49. The romance of the sea of flowers, the beauty of the myth, the so-called beautiful encounter, may be just a fairy tale telling the world far away, will eventually be a dream, obliterated in the sorrow, perhaps, just a passer-by in each other's lives.

50. In fact, every kind of love can be very healthy. It is the misunderstanding between people that makes the relationship between them unhealthy. Fortunately, we have "understanding" as the best antidote to keep everyone healthy.

51. The seed of happiness is always sown carelessly. When it blooms and bears fruit, the taste of happiness will go with you! It feels like the sunshine in winter, more like sweet and delicious candy, warm! Sweet!

52. Happiness is when you miss her and receive her phone call; Happiness is when you have dinner with your classmates and talk about everything; Happiness is a thing worth thinking about; A thing worth doing.

53. Cherish all the people around you, cherish the people who love you, cherish the people who have always accompanied you, cherish every fate, and cherish every encounter on the road of life. As long as the heart to experience, life will have more gains.

54. I have unconditionally surrendered to you. Valentine's Day is coming, so you can sign a love contract! Otherwise nobody wants me! I am ready to halve my rights and double my obligations, and love you 100% for a lifetime!

55. There is no pain in liking someone. Love a person, there may be a long pain, but he gave me happiness, but also the world's greatest happiness. The flowers that open to the sun are beautiful, and the ideal love is sweet.

56. At the moment when the cocoon was broken, it was beautiful but painful. It was a fork in the road that can be met from time to time in life. Warmth and ferocity intertwined, intoxication and sobriety confronted each other. Whose growth was not bumpy all the way? Who doesn't learn to be strong while being hurt.

57. The word happiness sounds so simple. People often deliberately pursue happiness and try to find it. Some people still struggle for it all their lives, but in the end they find themselves on the road of happiness, but never enjoy it.

58. Happiness is that when I am hungry and see someone holding a meat bun, he is happier than me; When I was cold and saw someone wearing a thick padded jacket, he was happier than me; I think of the hut, just a pit. If you squat there, you will be happier than me.

59. My dear, I went to several cities again. I listened to the river by the river and the waves by the sea. My face was full of tears. I always thought why I looked up when I should speak in front of you, making you feel that I didn't care about you so much.

60. Only when I fell in love with you did I appreciate the taste of missing, the sorrow of separation, the suffering of jealousy, and the endless desire for possession. Why does your every move make my heart rise and fall? Why am I always afraid that time flies and I can't stay with you forever?

61. Childhood happiness is a small candy, the happiness after growing up is a life of ordinary life, and the happiness after getting old is a warm quilt. The so-called happy life is just a candy and a bed. So happiness is so simple.

62. Forgetting is our unalterable destiny. Everything is like a drawing without alignment. Everything in the past can not go back to the past, so slowly extend, bit by bit wrong. Maybe we should forget the wrong things.

63. In sickness, health is happiness; In darkness, light is happiness; In the cold, warmth is happiness; When separated, reunion is happiness; When you are sad, having a reliable shoulder to make you cry is happiness; When frustrated, it is happiness to hold your hand tightly.

64. Although we try our best to stay away from death, try every means to prevent the god of death from getting close to our life, and even curse it with the most vicious words, the god of death still frequently passes by our life, and even extends his magic claw to my fellow travelers again and again.

65. Cloud like thoughts floated over and over again, and finally fell on my palm. Gorgeous as neon clouds, sad as morning mist. I can see you clearly, and you can see me clearly. We are on the same horizon, having different dreams. My dreams are as white as flowers, and your dreams are as red as sunset clouds.

66. What is happiness? When it comes to this issue, many people will say that happiness is that parents are obedient to themselves; Some people will say that happiness means having food and clothing; Others would say that happiness is to wear beautiful new clothes for the New Year. I used to think that happiness is everything goes well.

67. The most splendid goal is fireworks. To set off fireworks is happiness. No matter boys or girls will like it, especially at the moment of release, it is too cool and dazzling. Seeing brilliant fireworks is happiness. Happiness is so simple. We can watch fireworks and set off fireworks with you.

68. Life itself is the source of happiness and the holy land of happiness. Happiness comes from the understanding and making of life. Life is originally a kaleidoscope of happiness savings. In this colorful kaleidoscope, people who pursue happiness and work hard are even more indispensable.

69. Happiness is sweating happily, loneliness in the dead of night, not being awakened by nightmares, laughing heartily in happiness, wailing and crying in sadness, feeling the surprise brought by the changing spring, summer, autumn and winter, and helping the helpless.

70. In one's life, there is a lot of happiness around you, just to see if you know how to cherish it. Cherish, will be happy life, missed, may never find it back. If you want to be happy, you must first know how to cherish. Only when you cherish, you are the happiest person in the world.

71. Family love is rain, which takes away boredom and leaves light and cool; Kinship is the wind, which blows away sadness and leaves behind happiness; Kinship is the sun, taking away darkness and leaving light. Family love is the greatest. No matter you are happy, depressed, painful, or hesitating, it will always walk gently on your way and accompany you quietly throughout your life.

72. If there is only material but no spirit, getting along will become a torture. But if there is only spirit but no material, life will become painful. The perfect man does not give you the most material or spiritual things, but just meets your needs. The perfect man is ordinary. Ordinary men are the most suitable husbands.

73. A simple love starts at sunrise and ends at sunset. Enjoy the sunshine, breeze, rain and dew every morning and dusk together. Such a wish is not greed. I think love is to live a life of mutual help. Acceptance and running in make love stand the fleeting years. The hand in hand and happiness in the ordinary light are more precious.

74. Putting into action is a kind of happiness, a joy originating from the soul. When the sky generously sprinkles cool drizzle, when the big trees happily spit out fresh oxygen, when the bees work hard to make sweet honey, their hearts must be full of joy and pride. Their lives are therefore more glorious and magnificent.

75. In life, people constantly leave or enter. So what we see is invisible; Remember, forget. In life, there are gains and losses. So, the invisible, see; Forgotten, remember. But does the invisible mean that it doesn't exist? Remember, will it never disappear?

76. Those who are content are always happy, and those who are always happy are happy. In life, we have a lot of things that we can't own, and there are also many realities that we can't change. Although we can't change our life, we can change our life values to enjoy the warm side of life.

77. Happiness is someone listening to you when you are sad; It means that when you are lonely, someone will play with you; The teacher encourages you when you feel that you have failed in learning; It's the help your parents give you when you do your homework at home; Cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, and Altman fights small monsters.

78. There is no standard answer to happiness, and happiness has more than one way. At the end of the bustling place, find a deserted valley, build a wooden hut, pave a bluestone path, and feel at ease with you in the morning and evening. The dusty heart will become gray and confused. We have to experience a lot of things every day, happy and unhappy, all settled down in the heart.

79. Obedient men don't need to be cared about, disobedient men can't be cared about, good men can't be cared about, bad men can't be cared about, men who love you can't be cared about, those who don't love you can't be cared about by you, women will be lucky as long as they have a man in charge of themselves - in fact, happiness is so simple.

80. It is said that the leaves of four leaf clover respectively represent true love, health, reputation and wealth. Having a four leaf clover means happiness. I would like to pay all my money to find this four leaf clover, and then give it to you. May you have happiness! Happiness is so simple. Do you know that legends are so easy to find? If you can't find it, you will be unhappy! Your happiness is not simple!

81. Everything you have now is happiness! Happiness is simple; Simple, no one will believe that the present is happiness. Happiness is also very complex; Complicated people do not understand when is the real happiness. In fact, as long as you cherish, your every moment is happiness. That happiness will naturally be retained. Maybe happiness is eternal!

82. The unremitting pursuit is also happiness. Leave a portion of childishness for childhood and a portion of innocence for teenagers. With maturity and confidence, I have embarked on the path of pursuit. Feeling happiness - let the youth vivid; Let the frustrated mind be firm; Let the pursuit of faith to write full heart; Let happiness always be sincere.

83. Cherish happiness, fortune, things and words. Every heart is a heart. That heart will know what scenery can be given up. The "heart" is in everyone's space. The small side changes thousands of times, whether it is good or bad. It depends on how you live. You can accept it as you plant it. Smart you should tell yourself how much space to choose for your own tolerance and dreams.

84. True happiness is not the danger of carrying lifelong regrets and deliberately removing the slightest flaw in ourselves; Instead, we should grasp the real pearls in our own hands and learn to tolerate and cherish them, so that we can feel real happiness from each other's hearts! Happiness will not come to you by itself, it will stand near you.

85. A life can't carry too many bags. We are doomed to abandon a lot when we drag our tired bodies on the road of life. Decisive giving up is a sober choice to face life. Only by learning to give up those things that should be given up, life will go all the way with light clothes; Only by learning to give up and get rid of troubles, can life be more beautiful and full of vitality.

86. Happiness should be a subtle feeling in the heart, a true feeling of a person. When you are depressed and helpless, a smile and a greeting from a passer-by will bring you happiness; Happiness is a handful of sweet spring water when you are thirsty; Happiness is a soft bed when you are exhausted; Happiness is a distant plain note when you are lonely; Happiness is a kind smiling face after your nightmare.

87. If the water is clear, there will be no fish; if people are observant, there will be no disciples. Therefore, it is the highest level to be confused. Remember what should be remembered and forget what should be forgotten. Change what can be changed and accept what cannot be changed. Time can wash everything except tears; Complaint is the greatest offering of human beings, and the price of the most sincere part of human wisdom in prayer is contradiction. This is a joke of life on the outlook on life.

88. When suffering from diseases, we always feel that if we can have a healthy body, it is a kind of happiness; When we spend a long time in the noisy stream of people, we always feel that if we can have a quiet self, it is a kind of happiness; When your appetite is full of greasy food, you always feel how happy it is to have a simple meal occasionally.

89. Happiness is that when you set a goal, you will feel happy when you strive, and you will also feel happy when you achieve the goal. Our biggest fear is not that we can't do it. Our fear comes from the fear of our own potential, because it is far beyond our imagination. The ideological premise of obtaining happiness. The most important thing is that you should be sure that you will get happiness, and you can grasp it well in the face of happiness.

90. There has never been a unified standard for happiness, which has little to do with the rich and the poor, nor with the status. People who eat in Royal Guards are not necessarily happy; People who live a simple life do not necessarily have happiness. A flower or a drop of water in the world may become the source of people's happiness. Human happiness lies in the happiness of the heart; Happiness is in your heart, feeling happy is the greatest happiness!

91. Three things that make people happy: someone loves, something to do, and something to look forward to. Being loved not only means being loved, but also having the ability to love others and the world actively; There is something to do to enrich every day. There is no big or small thing, only you love it or not; There is hope in life when there is expectation. People are not afraid of being humble, they are afraid of losing hope. They look forward to tomorrow, look forward to the sun, and people will stand up from humble to embrace the blue sky.

92. Happiness is the moon in the water, a flower in the mirror. - Use the shadow to realize your own "can't be asked". The eagle flies in the sky, but also swims in the sea, telling the happiness of flying in the sea with the deepest and solid shadow; the fish swims in the water, but also shuttles in the clouds, passing the happiness of playing in the clouds with the lightest and gentlest floating.

93. Perhaps, happiness is the concern of "being close to each other before leaving, and being afraid of returning late"; Perhaps, happiness is the reunion of "I hope people will live for a long time and share the joys and sorrows"; Perhaps happiness is the pleasure of "raising a glass to invite the moon and making three people"; Perhaps happiness is the joy of "looking back suddenly, but the person is in the dim light".