A circle of friends who often use warm good night words
Colorful Cloud Flying
2023-05-12 06:41:08
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Climb mountains all the time and win my life. good night!

2. If you believe that you are the best, then you are the smartest. good night!

3. Young seedlings can't grow into big trees without wind and rain, and people can't grow into trees without difficulties. good night!

4. Love is so serious, more serious than anyone, but I was alone in the end. good night!

5. In the face of difficulties, pessimistic people often only see the negative side of things. good night!

6. If you decide, go ahead. No effort, who will know the result! good night!

7. If you have her, please remember all the promises you made to her. Since you have said so, don't betray her. good night!

8. People are not bad, just habits. Everyone has habits, but the depth is different. good night!

9. If you love someone, either tell him bravely or accept that he is loved by others bravely. good night!

10. Once the water is deep, it will not make a sound. Once a person's feelings are deep, they will also appear weak. good night!

11. Cherish those who come and let go. Life is a journey, not everyone will go to the same place. good night

12. As long as there is sunshine in the heart, it is bright everywhere. If there is cold in the heart, it is not warm anywhere. good night!

13. Don't rely too much on anyone in this world, because when you struggle in the dark, even your shadow will leave you. Good night~

14. Try my best to do what I can. Smile at everyone, smile at life. The sunshine is just right, and we have just started. good night!

15. A man can not marry if he can not marry. It shows that it is not so urgent to marry if he can not marry. Any hesitation must not be good enough to make him turn back. good night!

16. Sometimes, maybe it's just a bright look and a light smile, as long as we know each other, it's enough to cherish the fate of meeting and knowing each other. good night!

17. Cats like fish best, but they can't swim. Fish like to eat earthworms, but they can't go ashore. God has given you many temptations, but he won't let you get them easily. Good night~

18. Life without love is like a desert. Give roses to others with lingering fragrance. Learn to love others is actually to love yourself. Let love warm everyone's heart like the afternoon sun. good night!

19. Life is like a long ladder, and no one can walk in the opposite direction. They can only turn their heads occasionally in the rush and busy process and look back at their stumbling footprints. good night!

20. Maybe the process of growing up is to keep losing things that belong to you, and the person you finally become may not be able to imagine now, but only go on without a party. good night!

21. What you always say will make you easy to become a person. Smart people will never talk about indifferent words. They know what they really want, so they will not waste their time. good night!

22. If we can bravely love and forgive, generously express our comfort for the happiness of others, and rationally cherish the love that surrounds us, we can live a full life, and then we can achieve the perfection that other lives have never achieved. good night.

23. Life is like the weather, predictable, but often unexpected. Sometimes when you think the sky is going to fall, you are actually standing awry. Give yourself a hope every day, try not to worry about tomorrow, not to sigh about yesterday, but to make today better. The road is as long as life is long. The road is as wide as the depth of life. good night!

24. Because we didn't want to get hurt, we put on masks and armed ourselves, trying to hide our vulnerable side. However, the more we hide, the more exposed we are when we are found. The more we dare not face the pain, the more painful the wound will be when we are stabbed. The person who is least vulnerable to injury is not the strongest person, but the person who is bravest to face himself frankly. good night!