School teaching slogan School campus slogan (85 selected sentences)
Stepping on flowers and touring the lake
2023-02-14 00:41:15
Complete set of slogans

1. Be a qualified citizen and a qualified teacher.

2. Teachers are not only the imparters of knowledge, but also the shapers of students' minds.

3. Erudition, patience and tolerance are the most basic qualities of teachers.

4. Empty cup mentality can accommodate more.

5. Sow hope in ordinary posts and show excellence in ordinary life.

6. I would like to be a gardener who watered frequently and would like to burn the candle.

7. Learn from morality, and love is the source of heart.

8. Let teachers' love shine in education, and let students grow in love.

9. Teachers are the seeds of knowledge and messengers of civilization torch.

10. Without virtue, there can be no learning; without learning, there can be no broadening of morality.

11. The task of being a teacher is to win the truth and act righteously.

12. Put up with hardships, work hard and selflessly.

13. I hope that every time I recall, I will not feel guilty about life.

14. It is my lifelong pursuit to be a teacher that students like.

15. Every student is our brother and sister.

16. Only true love can make children blossom as soon as possible.

17. In the face of children, only with love can we have a sense of responsibility, and only with a sense of responsibility can we always pay love.

18. Teachers' rules only concern children's eyes, but teachers' love affects children's life.

19. Who loves children, children love her; Only those who love children can educate them.

20. It is human nature to love children, and it is teachers' responsibility to love students.

21. Always be grateful and honest.

22. Don't worry about the inferiority of your position, but be afraid of moral integrity.

23. Caring for students, starting from every bit.

24. Look down at the students with love, respect and praise.

25. Use a pair of warm hands to comfort those careless souls.

26. The new leaves of the forest hasten the old leaves, and the front waves of the flowing water give way to the back waves.

27. Shape personality with personality and nurture love with love.

28. Gentle wind bathes peach and plum, and true feelings write about spring and autumn.

29. Sow love in students' hearts and be a teacher worthy of their love and respect.

30. Poor students should show more teachers' love.

31. Teachers should be people-oriented, people should put quality first, and quality first.

32. Deepen teaching reform, improve teaching quality and cultivate qualified talents.

33. See the spirit for details. Habit is destiny.

34. In an equal and harmonious environment, care for children's childlike innocence with love, and let every "flower of the motherland" open brightly.

35. All human misfortunes come from not loving learning.

36. Be enthusiastic, careful, patient and sincere towards students.

37. I experience together with students, and students grow up with me.

38. It is easy to teach one lesson well, but difficult to teach each lesson well. What we seek is to teach each lesson well.

39. Reasonable and legal, reasonable and reasonable.

40. The teacher is upright in body and mind.

41. In a collective of mutual respect and love between teachers and students, you can't find a poor student.

42. Enjoy the humanistic classroom, the dynamic classroom and the intelligent classroom.