78 Seasonal Blessings
Allure Homme
2023-05-28 10:25:41
SMS Collection

1、 The autumn wind rises suddenly, the autumn rain comes again, and the autumn comes again in the twinkling of an eye; Autumn chrysanthemum fragrance, autumn geese in pairs, the blessing is still sent to the heart; The weather turns cool, take care of your health, and wish you happiness as usual.

2、 Long time no see. How are you? I hope this occasional greeting can bring you lasting happiness, let the sunshine of blessing fill your heart, and may the beautiful weather beautiful your mood.

3、 As time goes by, it's early autumn again; Friendship is like wine. Greetings are thick, and I miss you forever. In autumn, add more clothes, strengthen nutrition and take care of your health.

4、 When spring comes, I ask the swallow to send greetings; The earth is green, I let the grass pass hope; The message came, and I let the radio wave carry warmth. With a gentle press, happiness permeates between you and me.

5、 If happiness can be accessed from different places, I would like to deposit happiness into your account; If happiness can be packaged and mailed, I would like to send happiness to you; If health can be sold at a price, I would like to buy lifelong health for you!

6、 Long time no see, I hope you are as happy as before. Although I don't often contact you, I still miss you in my heart. Sincerely wish you happy every day, good luck every day, happy every day.

7、 In the late autumn, I hope you shake hands with health, hold hands with love, wave with happiness, throw away troubles, diseases, and depression. I hope you can do something extraordinary every day.

8、 Autumn has come without summer heat, autumn wind brings luck, autumn fruits bring happiness, autumn chrysanthemums bring happiness, and autumn moon shines with beauty. My blessing brings you wealth, and I wish you happy every day!

9、 In the twinkling of an eye, the late autumn has arrived, and short sleeves, shorts and vests are about to be discharged from the military with honor; Long sleeves, autumn trousers and woolen sweaters are ready to go. It is reliable to protect the body. The task is hard. SMS is mainly about blessing.

10、 Winter begins and autumn ends. Blessings are given. Friendship lasts forever. It's cold and clothes are added. Cold should be prevented. Proper supplements should be taken. You should be healthy and happy. You should always smile, be energetic, and be happy!

11、 The weather is changing fast. Autumn is coming in a hurry and winter is coming. The cold air is also coming. More clothes should be worn to prevent cold. Deep greetings should be sent to send care. SMS messages should be sent to convey feelings, and cold days should be sent to send blessings. Life is always happy!

12、 In spring, flowers are fragrant, hearts are fragrant, dreams are fragrant; Fragrant wind, fragrant rain, fragrant purple swallow flying; Fragrant heaven, fragrant earth, fragrant world poetic. Wish you happiness and fragrance!

13、 Autumn is coming, winter is coming, and it's cold. SMS is telling you to add clothes and quilts, keep warm, send greetings, and pass blessings. I hope you are in good spirit, happy, healthy, and smiling every day!

14、 In late autumn, the climate is dry and the lung qi should be strong. You should eat less spicy food to avoid excessive lung qi and eat more sour food to nourish the liver qi. Send this message to friends, wishing you a healthy body and mind in late autumn, and a happy mood.

15、 Autumn has come, bringing cool and beautiful, but also bringing? Greetings, my missing is like a leaf falling in the wind. May autumn leaves bring you a blessing and help you to be healthy and happy.

16、 Our friendship heats up in the sun, fades on the beach, washes in the shower, and wakes up in the summer night. Just for the yearning of my heart, I send a thick blessing to you, wishing you a cool summer!

17、 Summer is a song, frogs and insects are variations; Summer is a poem, rain hits plantain is hearty; Summer is a picture, moonlight lotus pond is artistic conception. Harvest every kind of happiness in summer, and wish your friends a wonderful summer!

18、 Less oil, less salt, no MSG, healthy diet can not stop; Take a walk to do exercises, climb a mountain to raise your brain, and the germs run after sweat; No worries, no worries, may you be happy in the golden autumn! Wish you always smile!

19、 Spring is warm, hearts are interlinked, and friends are missed. Spring is beautiful, happy is certain, friends are used to bless. SMS is a kind of messenger, and your happiness is necessary.

20、 Spring has gone, I put spring in memory; Summer has come, I see summer in my eyes; Miss you, I miss you in my heart; The mobile phone rings, and all the blessings are in the message to you.

21、 A green leaf in spring is full of friendship for roots; A short message condenses my wishes for you. The vernal equinox indicates another good start for you. I wish you success and happiness forever!

22、 The autumn wind is bleak, the weather turns cool, the vegetation is withered and yellow, and the white dew is frost. Remind friends that they should wear more clothes, go to bed early and get up early, exercise, drink more water, and keep fruits in mind. May you feel fresh in autumn.

23、 The spring equinox is coming, everything is reviving, the grass is green, the birds are chirping, the clothes are less, and the mood is relaxed. But the weather is changeable in spring. Take care of yourself and don't forget. I wish you happiness in spring!

24、 Spring is coming again. How beautiful the birds are singing. I pick the smiles of flowers and gentle grass, I pick the beauty of spring scenery and the happiness of spring breeze. Send a spring greeting, wish all the friends well.

25、 The autumn wind and rain are getting cooler in autumn, the autumn flowers and trees are yellow in autumn leaves, the autumn water and autumn days are full of autumn spirit, the autumn cultivation and autumn harvest are abundant, the autumn feeling and autumn words are begonia, and the autumn scenery and autumn waves are long in thought. Blessings drive your heart to autumn. May happiness never be a worry.

26、 A pool of lotus pond is full of moonlight and rain, and the fireflies are rippling all over the sky. The lotus leaf fields are like jade, and the sparkling clear waves hide the koi. When the wind blows and the lotus mist rises, the lotus sways in a beautiful way. Frog sound symphony, happiness belongs to you!

27、 A gust of autumn wind sent my missing for you, a trace of autumn rain, full of my sincerity for you, a piece of autumn fruits, full of my blessing for you! I wish you a happy autumn, a successful career and a happy family!

28、 The wild geese flying to the south sent away the sadness of autumn, and the falling leaves took away the desolation of autumn. The innocent smile ushered in the sunshine of winter. I carefully sent you the winter wish: peace and happiness!

29、 When summer comes and the temperature is high, friends will give you three treasures. First of all, I will wave a fan for you, wishing you cool and cool; Then pour cold beer for you, which will increase your appetite greatly; Finally, I gave you a tickle and laughed happily through the summer.

30、 When summer is hot, health care is very important; It is not suitable to use electric fan for a long time, and pay more attention to the cold air of air conditioner; In hot summer, people have low appetite, and eat more light and less greasy; Good mood adjustment, happy and carefree in hot summer.

31、 In the hot summer, you are irritable, and you should remember that when you get on and off the bus, you should line up well, hold firmly after getting on the bus, and don't shout in the carriage. The elderly and children should take care of them, be civilized and polite, and run with you happily and easily.

32、 Quietly, autumn is coming, and the leaves are falling; Slowly, the temperature is low, rolling up bursts of cold; Quietly, the message arrived, bringing warmth; Warm, moved, don't runny nose.

33、 Sauna day, scorching sun, high temperature in front of us. More water, light food, outdoor activities should be sharply reduced. Be calm in mind, healthy in body, and happy every day. Send care, send wishes, and subdue the high temperature.

34、 When autumn comes, there are many thoughts. Looking out of the window, cicadas stop chirping, spring trees are green, and autumn leaves fall. There is a lot of pain and joy in lovesickness. No matter when there are people behind you who care about it, pay attention to your body when it is cold!

35、 The autumn wind is cool, the autumn rain is gentle, the autumn moon is warm and the night is hanging, and the autumn blessing warms the heart. The thick blessing spreads lovesickness, the sentiment worries several to stay together, and gathers happily, may you be happier in the golden autumn.

36、 This text message to you has escaped the scorching sun, mosquito bites, and the heat, and finally arrived at your mobile phone smoothly. I just want to say to you gently: "Sauna day, pay attention to heatstroke prevention.".

37、 It's autumn, haven't autumn tigers been willing to leave? I give you Wu Song's boldness in fighting against tigers, Li Kui's murderous spirit in fighting against tigers, and Li Zhong's shrewdness in fighting against tigers. Please be a good wife again and eliminate evils for the people. I wish you a cool autumn.

38、 Summer is coming and friendship is warming up. May care bring you a sense of coolness; Love is full of heat. May sweetness bring you tenderness and tenderness; The business is going to be hot. May success bring you happiness! Wish you a happy summer!

39、 Tips for preventing heat and cold in summer: avoid catching cold, reduce consumption, blow less air conditioners on sleeping covers, exercise properly, and never take a bath with cold water. Warm blessing at the weekend: may you stay away from hot colds and enjoy a healthy summer!

40、 I picked up the brush to describe the autumn scenery; I picked up the camera to take pictures of life; I pick up the rope and weave colorful dreams; I picked up my mobile phone and sent my sincere blessing: I wish you happiness and remember to miss me.

41、 When autumn comes, the rain falls gently, which makes you feel good after cleaning up the heat. When autumn comes, the flowers are gorgeous. Love is sweeter than honey. Autumn is coming, autumn fruit is fragrant, and hard work has made a prosperous year. Autumn is coming. I wish you happiness and health!

42、 Summer is coming, I know you have more social intercourse. You are allowed to get drunk, but you must return to the team at night. If you dare to hurt my heart and lungs, I will cripple your third leg and let your birds sleep forever.

43、 The autumn wind continuously sends cool, and the autumn rain never stops! Autumn leaves dancing autumn wind, autumn chrysanthemums golden chaos eyes! Another beautiful autumn, bless friends such as late autumn leaves, life is getting better and better!

44、 A greeting, warm, let you every trouble are turned into smoke; A word of care, true, let every dream come true. In late autumn, the weather turns cold, and friends send messages to warm you. I wish you happiness forever!

45、 The house is not as wide as the heart; Peace of mind is better than peace of body. Cultivate a healthy body with a carefree mind; Cultivate the god of joy with a healthy body. The so-called joy is not more wealth but less desire. May you calm down and enjoy a cool summer.

46、 Missing is the cloud on the horizon will not disperse; Care is that the water in the sea is not shallow; Greetings are the autumn leaves will not change; Blessing is for you to stay in your heart forever. It is always the weather that changes. Clothes should be added more. I wish you all the best!

47、 The hot summer comes quietly, and the cool greetings are delivered. I will discard my troubles quickly. I will follow you happily for a long time. I will leave you with endless thoughts. I wish you a cool summer!

48、 An autumn rain, two yellow leaves, three autumn colors, four seasons in a hurry, the arrival of five blessings, six animals thriving, colorful clouds, eight faces of scenery, long time no see, very worried about, a thousand turns, all happiness! Bless your friend Qiushi Mancang!

49、 In the last few days of autumn, I will send you a piece of autumn cloud, and wish you good luck; Send you a wisp of autumn wind, wish you success in everything; Send you a drop of autumn rain, wish you safe and smooth; Send you a autumn moon season, wish you happy every day!

50、 Summer is coming, summer is coming, a group of summer homes are coming to the riverbank, dogs are gasping, monkeys are fanning, fish are swimming, frogs are singing. Piglet, why didn't you attend? There is too much fat to stay at home.

51. There are skills in drinking water in summer, and scientific drinking is indispensable: big mouthfuls of cattle are not necessary, and small mouthfuls of slow drinking are the most important; Fruit juice contains preservatives, and white water at room temperature helps health; Pay attention to bottled drinking water, and drink it as soon as possible to prevent poisoning. I wish you good health!

52. It is necessary to relieve the heat in summer. Don't forget the taboos: it is not appropriate to eat cold drinks before and after meals, and it is not appropriate to have the indoor air conditioner too cold; When going out, sunglasses should not be too dark, and gray green is the best; Drinking beer in summer will not relieve the heat, but will lower people's thinking.

53. Eat light food in summer, and keep green vegetables safe; A handful of vegetables, a handful of beans, an egg and a little meat; Drink less drinks and more water, fry, smoke and burn the spleen and stomach; Warm back, warm belly, warm feet, cool head, heart and lungs. May you be healthy!

54. It is spring. Hope has quietly sprouted green shoots. The happy brook has begun to melt. The spring breeze is gently blowing beauty. Love is blooming with flowers all over the tree. Health has been sown. Success has sprouted in the willows. Hongyan flies back. Are you all right?

55. The hot summer comes every year. Holding a fan, I asked the sky why the high temperature is so high this summer? Prevent heatstroke, take more leisure, and keep your heart still. People have joys and sorrows, and the weather has four seasons of cold and hot, which is difficult to complete in ancient times. I hope good friends, happy years are sweet!

56. Look at the blooming flowers with love, laugh at the worldly affairs with quiet heart, look at the world with ease, treat helplessness with integrity, cultivate a mind of leisure, treat friends with sincerity, and welcome summer with pure heart. There is no need to meditate on Bodhi. The mind is satisfied and the God is at peace. Happy summer!

57. It was a beautiful summer when I was a child. I skipped school and climbed over the wall to catch cicadas. I ran in the river with bare arms, whistled to tease the wild cats in the grass, and fought all night. Happy memories will not grow old, encourage you and me to be happy today!

58. Time flies, autumn passes in the twinkling of an eye, and winter comes quietly; Time flies, how much do you know about the past? Read in the heart of friends; When the weather gets cold, care will send warmth, remember to add clothes frequently; Although there are few meetings, there are many blessings. I wish you a happy winter!

59. Pay attention to summer rest. Please go to bed late and get up early. The ventilation of the room should be at the bottom of the heart, and the clothes exposed to the sun should be moisture proof. It is most suitable to have a light diet. Never be thirsty for water. The antipyretic drugs follow the body. It is necessary to take precautions. I wish you a happy summer!

60. In summer, dampness and evil are heavy. Do not relax to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness; In summer, the temperature is high, so it is better to clear away heat; The five elements find the law, nourishing the lungs and kidneys is the law; In summer, Yang Qi is strong, and winter diseases can be cured in summer; Sheng Xia is irritable. Self regulation is very important!

61. The summer breeze is cool and refreshing; The green leaves in summer are full of yearning; Summer yearning, deep in my heart; Summer greetings, all blessings are true feelings. Slightly cool brings you a fresh and good mood!

62. Tips in summer: less air conditioning, natural ventilation; Clothing points, cool and loose; Eat more watermelon fruits and vegetables; Food hygiene, disinfection do not loose; Fan, perfume and insect repellent; Don't worry when you are in trouble. Smile more and relax in the summer!

63. Summer Meditation Classic: Aromatherapy can relieve nerves, and high-temperature yoga can burn fat and detoxify. Green tea is preferred for moisturizing and refreshing, and fresh music guides the mood. In addition, calligraphy, handicrafts and reading are also good choices. Go and try it!

64. In summer, toilet water is a treasure with many wonderful uses: mosquito bites, apply it to dispel prickly heat and relieve itching quickly; Clean the waste heat, sterilize well, and make the family happy and warm; Add water, wipe the pillow, cool and comfortable for a long time. May the summer be free!

65. Prevent heatstroke and dampness in summer, and frequently dry the bedding. Go to bed on time and get up early. Stay up late and sleep lazily. After noon, spend less time outdoors. Early treatment and disease free prevention. Never lose your temper, but worry sweeps away. Open minded, cool in summer.

66. In midsummer, there is an upsurge. SMS launches a cool storm, blowing away the bright sun, driving away the impetuosity. Cool wind surrounds you, heavy rain washes away troubles, heatstroke prevention and cooling should be done well, it is important to take care of yourself, and happy summer!

Sixty seven. Blessings, which radiate bright colors, come against the breeze; Blessings, full of cool, accompanied by sweet rush to the heart; When the information opens, please feel my endless love. I wish you to go away in hot summer and stay happy!

68. The sun is infatuated with the earth, greeting from the outside to the inside; The rain connects the clouds at one end, and the earth at the other end; The fragrance of the flower overflows everywhere, and the branches help it. In the hot summer, I miss you, and wish you a pure heart!

69. Spring is romantic when flowers dress up in spring; Green shade embellishes summer, and summer is more brilliant; Autumn harvest hand in hand, autumn is more charming; Snow trusts winter, and winter is more pure; Friendship hand in hand with you and me, make the journey full of joy!

70. Listen to the cicadas on the branches, watch the stars in summer, watch the lakes and mountains, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and blow the blessing wind all over the mountains and rivers, all over the horizon, directly to your heart. A fresh mood will accompany you forever. May you have a happy summer and move forward happily.

Seventy one, the air is dry in spring. I remind you to drink more and less, and be careful about hurting your stomach; Sleep more, work less, and be careful; Cover more, less freezing, and be careful of colds; Yang in spring and summer, Yin in autumn and winter, may you become more and more energetic.

Seventy two, autumn comes, autumn comes. Say goodbye to watermelon and welcome purple grapes. The golden autumn brings cool wind, and the sky is high and the wild geese are calling. Send a message to your best friend. Don't be tired when you are busy. I wish my dear friends to live like maple leaves in the romantic autumn.

Seventy three. The autumn wind rises, the autumn leaves fall, and autumn has arrived. My blessing should also be delivered in time. I hope you will have the eyes full of autumn water, the charm of autumn leaves and spring breeze, the career full of vigor in autumn, and the mood crisp in autumn! I wish you happiness every day!

Seventy four, autumn! A harvest season for farmers, a season for mosquitoes to die in the west, a season for oranges to sell crazily, a season for nourishing yin and lungs, a season for skin to replenish water! It's autumn! Wish you a happy season!

Seventy five or three ambushes have arrived. I will lead the western "cool" army to sneak attack on you: cool in the east, cool in the west, cool in the south, cool in the north. You have lost touch with the heat and are trapped in a cool array. Be careful to catch cold!

Seventy six, if you paint a bright picture, you will smile; Crazy a kiss, you hot summer; The golden chrysanthemum fragrance makes you golden and shiny; Flying snow, you are silent in winter. The four seasons with you are beautiful, and the time with you is warm and joyful. It's good to have you. I wish you happiness until you grow old.

Seventy seven, the word "autumn" is nine strokes. When autumn comes, nine numbers are for you; One mind, two functions, everything goes well. Three friends and four friends help you. Gather money together, praise you with all kinds of words, and be happy! I wish you a happy autumn!

Seventy eight, the summer lotus is exhausted, and the rice ears are golden. The cicadas are hiding, and the wild geese are ready to fly south. One sentence, "cool autumn, need more clothes!" cannot express my sincere love for you. But I still want to send my beautiful and simple wish to you. I wish you all the best!