Christmas greetings 2023 QQ greetings
Fengfeng Maple
2023-05-23 18:41:55
Blessing words

1. Wish you a wide and smooth life and a merry Christmas!

2. Every snowflake falls, every firework is lit, every second of time flows, every miss transmission, Christmas greetings, warm greetings in the snow. All represent every wish I want to give you: Merry Christmas!

3. Because of roses, there is beautiful love, because of blue sky, there is human dream, because of you, I waste a dime of information fee! Happy Christmas to kindergarten children!

4. Colorful snow falls from the gray sky, the cold forgets the yearning of looking at the moonlight, the verdant pines and cypresses are wrapped in silver clothes, and the breeze sways and blows down the little yearning, so that the calm night brings my deep blessing: safe and happy Christmas!

5. Blessings will be sent to you when the festival comes. Winter Solstice dumplings warm the heart, and read peace on Christmas Eve; Christmas greetings, New Year's Day to miss is still; The snowflake flutters to make a wish, may you smile happily!

6. Snowflakes are the greeting cards I send you, and the bell is my concern for you. Put happiness into a small box, bundle good luck into a bundle, and let happiness tie the socks tightly. What are you waiting for when Santa Claus enters your home? Quickly stand under the Christmas tree and receive my SMS!

7. Because of Christmas, snowflakes are more romantic; Because with a wish, life is more brilliant; Because of the miss, happiness climbed onto the smiling face. However, there is no red envelope to talk about Merry Christmas.

8. Here is a basket of fruits for you: You are safe and prosperous, your oranges are beautiful, your pears want to come true, your apricots are happy, your persimmons are smooth, your family is happy, your berries have troubles, they are as sweet as sugar cane, and your luck is like grapes! Merry Christmas!

9. Santa Claus will go out a week in advance to give gifts to everyone. Please open the chimney, get your socks ready and change your mobile phone. Hope to tell each other, Merry Christmas!

10. The fourth day of April in the lunar calendar is Manjusri Bodhisattva's Christmas. Manjusri Bodhisattva, who is lucky and intelligent and has the best debating ability, said in his dream: Anyone who forwards this message will become famous in 360 lines!

11. What is red is smiling face, what is hot is blessing, what is laughing is happiness, what is hot is happiness, what is jubilant is Christmas, and what is silly is people reading messages. I wish you a happy Christmas!

12. Slovenly, haven't you received a gift yet? I just met Santa Claus and your smelly socks scared him. But he asked me to send a message to you: wash your socks and give you gifts next year. Merry Christmas.

13. Christmas has not yet arrived, the message of blessing has arrived; Let's say hello to the information first. May your mood be the most beautiful; How many blessings are there in the beautiful candlelight, and the greeting message has been circling in the air; Wish you a good Christmas, happy mood and always smile!

14. Love is snow, love is flowers, become snowflakes floating in your home; The bell rings and the deer runs, bringing my heart to you; Christmas, carnival night, you and I are wonderful! Merry Christmas!

15. The Christmas sun shines for you, the Christmas snowflakes are romantic because of you, my thoughts are hung on the Christmas tree, the Christmas fireworks reflect your smiling face, the Christmas bell conveys good wishes, and the Christmas card wishes you happiness and safety! Merry Christmas!

16. According to the latest notice from the Happiness Railway Bureau, the Christmas Express Line was officially opened on Christmas Eve, December 24 today. At that time, it will take a group of passengers to the Happiness Terminal and pass through healthy, smooth, good luck, joy, luck and other stations. Please keep this electronic ticket properly and wish you a Merry Christmas!

17. There is no romance with snowflakes, no delicious roast chicken, no surprise gifts, even that is meaningless. My blessing gives you romance, my care makes you sweet, and my greetings make you happy. Merry Christmas to you!

18. Friendship deepens in the exchange of space, friendship seeks truth in the passage of time, mind is frank in the exchange of space, distance is close in mutual greetings, and wishes are verified in each other's blessings. Merry Christmas!

19. The green hair on the temples has gradually turned white, and the body on the platform is not so tall and straight; Looking at your hard work, we would like to call you Mom; We must study hard and repay you with our achievements; Merry Christmas!

20. In order to thank my friends who have cared about me for many years and helped me encourage me to greet me and bless me, I would like to offer my most grateful words at Christmas: May everyone be Santa Claus and give me more gifts, thank you!

21. When Christmas comes, send blessings. Love birds will always be with you. Happy birds will turn round and round. All of them will stop at your home and stay forever. Merry Christmas!

22. Merry Christmas, good friends, our friendship is more profound; Our hearts are more closely related. Merry Christmas!

23. The language is plain, but the blessings are not plain; Care for the ordinary but really extraordinary; Christmas year after year, the constant concern is forever. WeChat message is sincere in my heart. May friends have a happy Christmas and good luck!