83 sports slogans for the ninth grade's 100 day oath
Cloud Roll Cloud Shu
2023-04-13 09:26:02
A complete set of slogans

1. A man is always successful, and a traveler always comes.

2. Change your destiny with sweat.

3. Sprint through the college entrance examination to win the future.

4. After a hundred days, we are proud and smiling.

5. Work hard, everything is possible.

6. Perseverance, never give up.

7. Be bold, careful, and steady.

8. God rewards hard work, and man conquers nature.

9. A hundred days of accumulation, a hundred days of brilliance.

10. The drums and gongs resonate and a hundred flowers blossom.

11. There is no end to learning, and you will win only if you love to fight.

12. Don't give up easily, try bravely.

13. Race against the clock to win the final victory.

14. Strengthen the standardization, and the exam will be invincible.

15. It is better to suffer for a hundred days than to regret for life.

16. Cut through the thorns, and step through the rough mountains of books.

17. Fight for a year of spring and autumn, and fight for life without regret.

18. I am ready to take the high school entrance exam.

19. He who laughs last laughs best.

20. Don't panic in case of death, but be more careful in case of change.

21. The eagle strikes the sky and the wind is strong, and the roc flies in the spring.

22. Only with quantitative accumulation can there be a qualitative leap.

23. Whoever seizes the opportunity will succeed.

24. If you work hard today, who will win.

25. One question will determine one's fate.

26. Strive to build strength, and attitude determines height.

27. Fly towards the ideal and sprint towards the high school entrance examination.

28. Struggle changes destiny. Dream lies in action.

29. Without purpose, life will be gloomy.

30. Why sleep long when you are alive? You will sleep long after you die.

31. The sweat before the exam is priceless, and the tears after the exam are useless.

32. Don't ask for harvest, but ask for cultivation. God rewards diligence.

33. People must have self-confidence, which is the secret of success.

34. Spiritual adults, knowledge and attitude.

35. One cavity hot blood preparation for the middle school entrance exam, full of wisdom and wisdom.

36. Three years of cold window sharpens a sword, just waiting for him to win the championship.

37. No plum blossom can smell sweet without some cold.

38. The horn of the senior high school entrance exam sounded loud.

39. You can fight several times in your life. If you don't fight today, when will you fight.

40. If you don't study hard today, try to find a job tomorrow.

41. If you are brave enough to climb the Dragon and Tiger List today, you will surely build a beam in the future.

42. Turn sweat into pearls and dreams into reality.

43. As long as the dream can last, it can become a reality.

44. Failure in simulation is not a bad thing. It allows you to find problems.

45. Bleed and sweat without tears, and compete for time and position.

46. One hundred day sprint for the midterm exam, striving to create brilliance.

47. Prepare for the high school entrance exam, and win the whole exam.

48. To succeed, go crazy first, and make up your mind to move forward.

49. Qingxiao must arrive at the end of the journey, and the winner will return later.

50. It is rare to fight back in life. If you don't fight at this time, when will you fight.

51. Don't let go of every omission and give up every hope.

52. Life is like a dream. Everything is possible if you can think about it.

53. Strive hard to sharpen the will, unite and stick to the end.

54. Own knowledge to change destiny, and ideal to change attitude.

55. Through hardships and hardships, you will succeed. In the sprint, you will be tested who you are.

56. The distant will no longer be distant, and the ordinary will no longer be ordinary.

57. Calm down, build my strength, and show my style.

58. Do not hesitate in the face of choice, and do not fear in the face of decisive battle.

59. The sun is new every day. Are you working hard every day.

60. Teachers and students should not wait and work together to create new brilliance.

61. No pain, no tiredness, no taste in the high school entrance exam, no struggle, no struggle, it is worth living in vain.

62. Strive against the clock, fight for 100 days, and sprint for 100 days. Success is in sight.

63. Strive for another hundred days, and success is in sight. Believe in yourself, and make steel through tempering.

64. Be strong no matter how hard it is, just for those expectant eyes.

65. After ten years of hard work, I am determined to fight today. I will succeed if I study hard and practice hard.

66. Young people are not afraid of being looked down upon by others, but they are afraid of not winning.

67. Cherish time, create miracles, and see no rainbow without wind and rain.

68. The grand pass is full of roads. Who can compete with me for bravery? I will take the lead in the fierce fire.

69. People should not live like animals, but should pursue knowledge and virtue.

70. It is not necessary to study every minute, but to learn every minute.

71. Focusing on the foundation is the foundation of success, and perseverance is the guarantee of success.

72. Victory will not come to us. I must go to victory by myself.

73. Accumulation, reflection, organization and intensive training are the magic weapons for successful learning.

74. Smiles bloom after sweat. Maybe I am ordinary, but I accept challenges.

75. Three years of hard work and courage, and one hundred days of hard work.

76. Don't be inferior. You are not more stupid than others. Don't be complacent. Others are not as stupid as you.

77. We will live up to the wisdom given by heaven, the expectations of our parents and the great expectations of our teachers.

78. Keep calm, create a good environment, raise a smiling face, and easily welcome the high school entrance exam.

79. No more in the third day of the junior year. I encourage you to cherish it. One year's experience is a lifelong treasure.

80. Write fast, rewrite the chapter of life, read at night, and create golden brilliance.

81. Self confidence is the condensation of endless wisdom. Plain is the post station on the road to success.

82. No one can really help you except yourself. Be your own life director.

83. There is no limit to learning, and we can make a boat. When we reach the boundless sea, we can make a shore. When we climb the mountain, we can become the peak.